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Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance: Key to Independent Living as illustrated by the Swedish Personal Assistance Act.
United Nations Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner, Europe Regional Office convened a meeting in Brussels on May 7 2012 "CRPD and EU Structural Funds: The way ahead for Independent Living" to raise awareness about the violation of CRPD Article 19 "Living independently and being included in the community" by using EU Structural Funds for the construction and maintenance of residential institutions. The paper shows how demand-driven direct payments for Personal Assistance services, not only achieve far superior quality of services than residential institutions resulting in higher quality of life for service users at lower costs but also affect a country's economy more favorably. Thus, violating Article 19 of the CRPD is not only illegal but also wasteful in terms of human and monetary capital.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal assistance policy features for Independent Living:.
What are the important features of a national policy on personal assistance that is to promote "living independently and being included in the community" "with choices equal to others" and to enable persons with disabilities to fulfill their duties and to enjoy their rights as citizens? The presentation identifies the elements of the Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994 that have contributed most to the outcome of this widely acclaimed legislation.
Microsoft Office document icon 2012_01_Wien_PPP_Word.doc (47 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Projektansökan Assistanstips. PDF icon Ansokan_Assistanstips_ursprungliga_bilaga.pdf (313.64 KB)
Berg, Susanne.  2012.  Transkription och översättning av seminarium med Bizchut. Seminarim i Lagen som Verktyg 2012-01-25.
Tillander, Erik.  2012.  Working and parenting with personal assistance.
Independent Living Institute.  2012.  Working hours for personal assistants in Sweden.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2013.  "Back to Our Roots" Adolf Ratzka Plenary Presentation ENIL Strasbourg Freedom Drive September 6 2013.
Miles, M.  2013.  Buddhism and responses to disability, mental disorders and deafness in Asia - A bibliography of historical and modern texts with introduction and partial annotation, and some echoes in western countries. PDF icon buddhism-disability-bibliography-m-miles201311.pdf (855.91 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2013.  Independent Living for people with disabilities: from patient to citizen to customer.
Independent Living Institute.  2013.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2011. PDF icon Annual Report 2011.pdf (413.91 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2013.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2012. PDF icon Annual Report 2012.pdf (491.76 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2013.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2011. PDF icon Årsberattelse 2011.pdf (404.37 KB)PDF icon Annual Report 2011.pdf (413.91 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2013.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2012. PDF icon Arsberattelse 2012.pdf (403.62 KB)
Westerberg, Bengt.  2013.  Personal Assistance - a revolution for people with disabilities - Keynote.
In this presentation Mr Bengt Westerberg, former Swedish Minister of Social Affairs 1991-1994 and leader of the Liberal Party (Folkpartiet), describes the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS), puts it in context with other Swedish legislation, and reflects on its societal costs and benefits. The reform utilizes direct payments for freedom of choice, self-determination and personal responsibility and, in this way, differs from traditional Swedish welfare politics where state agencies typically combine the functions of needs assessment, financing, quality control and service provision. Mr Westerberg, who credits the Swedish Independent Living movement for introducing the concept of direct payments for personal assistance to Sweden, succeeded in getting the legislation approved by Parliament during the country's deep economic crisis at the beginning of the 1990's. In Sweden, his personal pride in the legislation he authored is well-known. 
Anderson-Pope, Peter.  2013.  "Personligt om assistans" intervju med Adolf Ratzka av Peter Anderson-Pope för Rekryteringsgruppens tidskrift Kick höst 2013.
Berg, Susanne.  2013.  Rapport från förstudien - Lagen som Verktyg. PDF icon Rapport-forstudie-AA-LSVerktyg.pdf (69.19 KB)
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2013.  Selbstbestimmung und Atemhilfen Adolf Ratzka Münchner ausserklinischer Intensiv Kongress 8-9 November 2013.
Ansorge, Josef T.  2014.  Global Disability: Reality, Theory, Practice.
The author, a Juris Doctorate student at Yale Law School seeks to show that Global disability needs to be considered in a global justice framework. Medicalizing the issue of disability may occlude the social and political aspects of disability. While the history of political thought and social contract theories are embarrassing in their neglect and treatment of disability, the history of the U.S. Civil Rights struggle offers some interesting parallels.
PDF icon Ansorge_Global_Disability.pdf (575.98 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2013. PDF icon AnnualReport2013.pdf (438.49 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2013. PDF icon Arsberattelse2013.pdf (343.32 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2014.  Med lagen som verktyg - Projektansökan av Independent Living Institute (ILI). PDF icon Bilaga II. Om Rättighetsnätverket (981.56 KB)PDF icon Bilaga III. Presentation av de experter som stöder projektet (126.26 KB)PDF icon Bilaga IV. Presentation av de experter som ingår i den rådgivande gruppen (267.96 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2014.  Nej till åldersbegränsningen av mänskliga rättigheter! Ja till personlig assistans efter behov inte ålder!. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. 21(3-4):7.
Människor som förvärvar sitt funktionshinder efter 65 år missgynnas i jämförelse med de som får en funktionsnedsättning i yngre år: enligt den nuvarande lagen om assistansersättning (LSS) kan de inte få assistansersättning som skulle förbättra deras livskvaliet enligt Adolf Ratzka, verksamhetsledare för Independent Living Institute. Personlig assistans är så mycket billigare per timme än kommunal hemtjänst och andra kommunala insatser och samtidigt så mycket effektivare, hävdar debattartikelns författare, att man borde räkna på de samhällsekonomiska effekterna av att utöka rätten till assistansersättning till alla människor med assistansbehov oavsett ålder eller personkrets.Artikeln publicerades först i Social Vetenskaplig Tidskrift Årgång 21, Nummer 3-4, 2014
PDF icon Nej till åldersbegränsningen av mänskliga rättigheter (124.24 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Personal assistance in Belgium, overview and external links.
Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Personal assistance in Finland, overview and external links.
Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Personal assistance in Germany, overview and external links.
Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Personal assistance in Ireland, overview and external links.
Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Personal assistance in Norway, overview and external links.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2014.  Remissvar på betänkandet Förändrad assistansersättning – en översyn av ersättningssystemet (SOU 2014:9). PDF icon Remissvar på betänkandet Förändrad assistansersättning – en översyn av ersättningssystemet (SOU 2014:9)  (20.62 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2015.  Accessible cities consist of barrier-free housing.
In this presentation Dr. Adolf Ratzka emphasizes that city and housing planners still do not pay sufficient attention to barrier-free housing for people with disabilities and proposes the goal of general accessibility in the housing stock, in both new construction an renovation. Drawing on Swedish experience he claims that general residential accessibility would also imply savings to society in the form of lower costs due to fewer residential accidents particularly in the older population.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2015.  Die Voraussetzungen zur De-institutionalisierung von Menschen mit Behinderungen.
Persönliche Assistenz ist eine hochqualitative und kostengünstige Alternative zu Wohneinrichtungen und ambulanten Diensten, laut Adolf Ratzka - eine Behauptung, die er mit den über 20-jährigen schwedischen Erfahrungen mit persönlicher Assistenz belegt. Den Hauptwiderstand gegen persönliche Assistenz in Deutschland sieht er in den Eigeninteressen der Wohlfahrtsverbände und dem noch weitverbreiteten medizinischen Bild von Behinderung.
Independent Living Institute.  2015.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2014. PDF icon Annual Report 2014 (419.49 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2015.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2014. PDF icon Verksamhetsberättelse 2014 (361.24 KB)
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2015.  "Låt hjälpmedelsanvändare själva avgöra sitt eget bästa".
Sjukvård. Många köper sina hjälpmedel själva utanför landstingens system. Har man råd får man större utbud, bättre kvalitet och bemötande. Genom att skapa en ny modell för detta, hämtad från assistansersättningen skulle hjälpmedelsanvändarna få större självbestämmande och högre livskvalitet, oavsett storlek på plånboken.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2015.  Self-determination through Direct Payments and Personal Assistance cooperatives.
In his keynote address Adolf Ratzka delineates the origins of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living owned and mainly run by Personal Assistance user themselves providing services to its members. Personal Assistance is here depicted as an example of demand-driven as opposed to supply-driven services which, according to the text's analysis, would explain the differences between these services in terms of quality and cost efficiency.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2015.  What role can Independent Living play in a country in economic crisis?
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2017.  Adolf Ratzka awarded ULOBAs 2017 Pride Award.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2017.  Ansökan om stöd ur Allmänna arvsfonden till projektet Disabled Refugees Welcome.
 Ansökan till Arvsfonden, inskickad juli 2016. Det finns mindre revideringar och kompletteringar som gjordes senare. Vi har inte översatt denna till engelska än (There is currently no english translation). 
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2017.  Application for funding granted by the Swedish Inheritance Fund for the project Disabled Refugees Welcome.
This is a translated version of the application submitted in July 2016. There were minor revisions and additions made later missing from this document.
Linder, Ola.  2017.  CASE LAW: Swedish municipality liable for disability discrimination through deficient accessibility in elementary school.
Paul Lappalainen, Erdtman, Emil.  2017.  CONFERENCE VIDEOS 24-25 NOV 2016: Strategic litigation and human rights enforcement.
Independent Living Institute.  2017.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2016. PDF icon Annual Report ILI 2016.pdf (537.81 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2017.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2016. PDF icon Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2015 (375.59 KB)
Westerberg, Bengt.  2017.  Personlig Assistans – en kritisk granskning av regeringens direktiv till LSS-utredningen 2016. PDF icon Personlig-assistans-rapport-2017.pdf (911.06 KB)
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2017.  Self-determination for Persons with Extensive Disabilities through Direct Payments for Personal Assistance.
Originally written in English, translated into French and published as " L’autodétermination des personnes très dépendantes grâce au choix politique d’attribuer les financements de l’assistance personnelle directement aux personnes concernées" in Vie Sociale 2017/1 (n° 17) Vivre chez soi soutenu par des aides humaines See the French article here: 
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2018.  Access to Justice.
Open mic event on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ”Human Rights: a reality for all persons with disabilities?” European United Left/Nordic Green Left European Parliamentary Group European Parliament, Brussels October 17, 2018
Miles, M.  2018.  DISABILITY IN AFRICA: RELIGIOUS, ETHICAL & HEALING RESPONSES, to and by People with Disabilities, Deafness, or Mental Debility: a bibliography through four millennia, with introduction and partial annotation.. PDF icon pdf format (2.52 MB)File epub format (808.68 KB)File mobi format (1.04 MB)
Independent Living Institute.  2018.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2017. PDF icon English_version_Arsberattelse_ILI_2017.pdf (574.98 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2018.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2017. PDF icon Arsberattelse_ILI_2017.pdf (491.57 KB)
Erdtman, Emil.  2018.  International Conference: Using the Law as a Tool for Social Change, the 30th of May 2018, Stockholm. PDF icon Invitation to conference and connected events May 2018  (1.68 MB)PDF icon Overview equality and non-discrimination and disability in the Nordic countries (926.67 KB)PDF icon Gerard Quinn Presentation (560.77 KB)PDF icon Discrimination Legislation and Civil Society (541.27 KB)PDF icon Conference Report (1.57 MB)PDF icon Notes from Network Meeting 180531 (612.04 KB)PDF icon Notes from Match ILI - IIDL 180528and29 (666.62 KB)
Griesser, Selina.  2018.  Personal Assistance for Disabled People in Germany and Sweden in the Context of the Independent Living Philosophy and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. PDF icon MasterThesis_SelinaGriesser.pdf (1.39 MB)
Bolling, Jamie.  2021.  Book review - Vying for a choice: Gordana Rajkov - A Life Story.
Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2020. PDF icon AnnualReport2020-Independent-Living-Institute.pdf (871.27 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2020. PDF icon Arsberattelse2020IndependentLivingInstitute.pdf (847.52 KB)
Komanická, Daniela.  2021.  Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm.
Giraldo, Mabel.  2021.  Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm, 2021, Mabel Giraldo.
Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Narrative Report ‘Disability Rights Defenders’/ ‘IL Nordic Network’ September 2020 – June 2021. PDF icon DRD-Narrative-Report-2020-2021.pdf (138.52 KB)
Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2021.  Remissvar över betänkandet SOU 2021:37 Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans. PDF icon Independent-Living-Institute-remissvar-SOU-2021_37-Starkt-rett-till-personlig-assistans.pdf (100.2 KB)
Erdtman, Emil.  2021.  The Self-determination Circle - a study circle guide for article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. PDF icon Studiematerial-Artikel-19-english.pdf (2.78 MB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2021.  Stiletten Samlingen 1986 – 2010.
Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Våra remissvar och yttrande, Independent Living Institute. PDF icon ILI remiss SOU 2018 70 Arvsfonden.pdf (238.43 KB)PDF icon Fi2020_05036 Independent Living Institute (ILI).pdf (201.62 KB)PDF icon ILI remiss MFDs översättning Allmän kommentar nr 5 .pdf (175.43 KB)PDF icon Remissyttrande över promemorian ”Utbetalning av ersättning för personlig assistans endast vid tillstånd” (204.6 KB)PDF icon Yttrande över En gemensam angelägenhet (SOU 2020:46) (25.27 KB)PDF icon Remissyttrande över En långsiktigt hållbar migrationspolitik (SOU 2020:54) (183 KB)PDF icon Remissyttrande över betänkandet SOU 2021:36 Gode män och förvaltare – en översyn (112 KB)PDF icon STIL_ILI-Remissyttrande-Gode-man-forvaltare-SOU-2021_36.pdf (340.24 KB)PDF icon Remissyttrande över betänkandet (SOU 2021:44) Tillgänglighetsdirektivet (30.38 KB)PDF icon Remissvar över Socialstyrelsens förslag till ändring i allmänna råd (SOSFS 2014:2) (46.3 KB)PDF icon Remissvar - SOU 2023:9 Ett statligt huvudmannaskap för personlig assistans (Diarienummer S2023/00990) (144.57 KB)PDF icon Remissyttrande - promemorian Ett höjt försörjningskrav för arbetskraftsinvandrare - Ju2023/00106 (54.13 KB)PDF icon Remissyttrande - om betänkandet Kunskaps krav för permanent uppehållstillstånd, SOU 2023:25 (67.14 KB)
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Ayuda para vivir antes que para morir.
Mladenov, Teodor, Elder-Woodward Jim, Siilsalu Mari, Cojocariu Ines Bulic, Hadad Nadia, Angelova-Mladenova Lilia.  2022.  Comparison between personal assistance and home care work.
Karlsson, Riitta-Leena, Bolling Jamie.  2022.  Freedom to choose with whom, where and how you want to live – Deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Sweden. PDF icon English-Freedom-to-choose-Deinstitutionalisation-Sweden.pdf (2.15 MB)
Karlsson, Riitta-Leena, Bolling Jamie.  2022.  Friheten att bestämma med vem, var och hur en vill bo – Avinstitutionalisering/Deinstitutionalization (DI) i Sverige. :88.PDF icon AvinstitutionaliseringSverige.pdf (1.28 MB)
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Help to live before help to die!.
Bolling, Jamie.  2022.  Independent Living – för ett liv med självbestämmande.
Independent Living Institute.  2022.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2021. PDF icon AnnualReport2020-Independent-Living-Institute.pdf (815.1 KB)
Indpendent Living Institute.  2022.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2021. PDF icon Arsberattelse-ILI-2021.pdf (690.96 KB)
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp.
Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2022.  TRIPS - Working Group Stockholm.
Bolling, Jamie.  2022.  UNHCR/ILI cooperation fall 2021. PDF icon Five workshops report, UNHCR/ILI cooperation fall 2021 (645.63 KB)
Grafström, Herman.  2023.  Avskaffade institutioner på agendan.
Farrugia, Mauro.  2023.  The Development of Personal Assistance in Malta: Moving closer to independent living through a practical and phased approach.
Elder-Woodward, Jim.  2023.  Disability Defenders Network’s Newsletter - The development of personal assistance in Scotland.
Skogseth, Egil Gullestad.  2023.  Establishing a Nordic Competence Centre on Personal Assistance.
Nikolov, Mitko.  2023.  The history of the adoption of the Personal Assistance Law in Bulgaria and its subsequent controversial effect - 2009-2023.
Siilsalu, Mari, McGrath Monica Klasén.  2023.  Implementation of the state party obligations under ICERD for migrants with disabilities in Sweden.
Independent Living Institute.  2023.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2022. PDF icon Annual report 2022 (247.09 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2023.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2022. PDF icon Årsberättelse 2022 (205.31 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2023.  Judy Heumann har lämnat oss.
Adolf, Dr. Ratzka.  2023.  Judy Heumann has left us.
Aslanifard, Marjan.  2023.  Pathways to the Labour Market for Persons with Disabilities and Forced Migration Experience in Sweden and Germany. Institutionen för kultur och samhälle, Linköpings University. Master's Programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies:83.PDF icon LIU-IKOSEMS-A-2314-SE-Marjan-Aslanifard.pdf (1.38 MB)
Grotta, Alessandra, Goungor Kamil.  2023.  Peer support and independent living.
Smaaland, Jessica.  2023.  Personal assistance in Sweden.
