Adolf Ratzka, a great leader of the Independent Living movement has unfortunately passed away.

On Sunday July 21 2024 Adolf had an accident that led to the stopping of his heart. Adolf is loved by many, respected by even more. He with others brought the Independent Living philosophy to Europe and he introduced it to Sweden from the United States in the 70s. Adolf lifted the concept of personal assistance with his endeavors changing disability policy in Sweden and in many other countries. People with disability grew stronger realizing they had the right to equal rights and self -determination. Adolf founded the Independent Living Institute, ILI in 1993. Before this he mobilized people and founded the STIL project in the 80s with others who also needed personal assistance. The STIL model for personal assistance was incorporated into the Swedish legislation concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments in 1993. This reform changed the life of many people who now were entitled to personal assistance that enabled them to leave the institutions where they had lived. They could lead lives with self-determination and full participation in society.

Adolf in the park summer 2024

Adolf had a strong commitment to better the lives for disabled people with the vision of people accessing Independent Living or as he defined it – having the same range of options and the same degree of self-determination that people without a disability take for granted. This meant he saw the need for accessibility, access to education and employment. This commitment led to the start of the European Network on Independent Living, other Centers for IL and many successful projects promoting opportunities for persons with disabilities for more personal and political power, self-determination, full participation and equality through information, education, lobby and project activities.

At the Independent Living Institute Adolf initiated many projects: the European Center for Excellence on Personal Assistance, Assistanskoll, Taxi for all, Personal Assistance Tips, a register and reporting service for discrimination complaints, Radio Independent Living, Disabled Refugees Welcome and the Law as a tool. He created the ILI library with many useful articles on Independent Living. He also travelled a lot internationally to talk about and to promote personal assistance and Independent Living.  His many publications are in the library. Some that describe his life and work are:


ILI summer party 2023 at the home of Adolf and Doro

Adolf Ratzka has regularly written articles for Assistanskoll and in the interview Thirty years of personal assistance in Sweden, he looks back on how personal assistance was introduced, his own work and that in recent years he has seen a decline in the right to personal assistance. 

Jamie Bolling, Director of the Independent Living Institute wrote the following words of remembrance on ILI's Facebook page.

A shock. Adolf Ratzka who has been struggling with his health for over a year has now left us due to an accident. On Sunday, July 21, on a walk with Doro, his wife, Adolf lost control of his wheelchair and went over an edge in the forest. He fell nearly 4 meters and lay on the lake shore. A shock that may have led to his cardiac arrest and death in the ambulance. The Independent Living Institute is in mourning. Our thoughts and wishes of love and peace go out to Adolf's wife Doro Riedel, daughter Katharina Ratzka and partner and all other family members in Germany and other countries. To all of us in the movement around the world who were close to Adolf, who saw Adolf as a mentor, who respected him for all he has achieved, we unfortunately have to say goodbye to Adolf, one of our very strongest leaders. There is so much to tell about Adolf as a person and all that he has achieved. It cannot be done here and now. Only love and sadness right now.

Adolf, with your vision, your passion and your strength, we will miss you, as a friend and colleague. Rest in power Adolf.