
John Evans, a pioneer for Independent Living, Passes Away

The Independent Living movement lost a great leader this week with the passing of John Evans, a founding member and longtime president of ENIL. John passed away peacefully in hospital on Monday, January 13th, after a long battle with cancer.John Evans

John was a tireless advocate for personal assistance and a source of inspiration to many. He served as a role model for countless individuals within the movement and his dedication and efforts have improved the lives of many.

Webbinarium - Hur arbetade Adolf Ratzka med lagen som verktyg?

Hur arbetade Adolf Ratzka med lagen som verktyg?
Webbinarium måndag 14 oktober kl. 18.00.

 Zoom-länk för att delta..

För att belysa Adolfs insats och tankar på detta område genomför föreningen DRDS den 14 oktober kl. 18.00 – 19.00 ett webbinarium.

Diskrimineringsjuristen Paul Lappalainen inleder med en betraktelse över juridikens möjligheter och fallgropar.
DRDS ordförande Jonas Franksson är med.

News update on Adolf Ratzka and the funeral

A week has gone since Adolf, one of the world’s Independent Living’s strongest leaders, died in a tragic accident.
Adolf’s wife Doro and Katharina his daughter have planned the funeral. Some plans are not completely confirmed but we now publish the information that is confirmed with the dates so people can make arrangements to attend if they can. All are welcome to attend Adolf’s funeral ceremony and memorial service, but you do need to register on the funeral home’s webpage listed below.

Commemorating Philip Mason, MBE

Philip Mason has left us at the age of 81.

Philip had an important role in the British and European Independent Living Movement. He served on the ILI Board from ILI’s beginnings until he resigned in 2005 to be able to concentrate more on local issues.

Decision adopted by the UN CRPD Committee against Finland under article 5 of the Optional Protocol, concerning CRPD art 5, 14 and 19

The UN CRPD Committee found that the fact that the relevant domestic authorities in Finland rejected the author’s application for personal assistance on the basis of resource criteria is indirect discrimination against persons with intellectual disabilities as it had the effect of impairing or nullifying the author’s enjoyment and exercise of the right of living independently and being included in the community on an equal basis with others, in violation of his rights under article 5 (1) and (2) read alone and in conjunction with article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Di

Fokus funktionshinder – digital minikonferens


Onsdag 16 mars 2022
Kl. 13:30–15:00

Möt aktörer i Stockholms län som på olika sätt arbetar med att stödja utveckling av stöd, vård och omsorg till personer med funktionsnedsättning.

ENIL Job Opportunity: Policy Coordinator

The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) is looking for a full time Policy Coordinator for its Brussels office, with a starting date as soon as possible. The Policy Coordinator will be responsible for planning and implementing ENIL’s advocacy strategy at the European and international level.  Apply by 6 February 2022

Meeting of the Disability Rights Defenders Nordic network on February 2, 2022

Come to the Meeting of the Disability Rights Defenders Nordic network on February 2, 2022 – Time: 13:00 – 16:00 CET

This meeting is a follow up from the Nordic network meeting in November 2020. Representation is confirmed from Estonia, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

On the agenda:

  • our work with the CRPD,
  • our work with personal assistance, obstacles and cooperation going forward.

Please confirm attendance to me by January 22, 2022 – . Welcome!

ILI congratulates ULOBA on their 30th anniversary.

The sad news of the loss of one of our important fellow activists Kapka Panayotova

The Independent Living Institute is sorry to share the sad news of the loss of one of our important fellow activists in our movement – that of Kapka Panayotova from Sofia, Bulgaria. She is like my sister, having shared projects and the fight for Independent Living since 1998. We shared our commitment, our frustrations and fun moments allowing us to continue the battle for equality together. It is sad and a cruel reality how life and death go hand in hand, happiness and sorrow, says Jamie Bolling. I will miss Kapka and her power, giving us all strength and support in the work that we do.

Joint ILI and UNHCR initiative to empower refugees with disability in Sweden


ili logo      UNHCR logo

Prof. Gerard Quinn’s Appointment as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

We at the Independent Living Institute (ILI) are very pleased to share the news about Prof. Gerard Quinn’s Appointment as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The press release from the European Network on Independent Living - ENIL is well worth reading.

Webinar - Disabled Refugees and Liberty

3 smiling people demonstrating
Register here
5 May 2020 ⋅ 14:00 – 16:00 CET - European Independent Living Day

Organised by Disabled Refugees Welcome/Independent Living Institute and the European Network on Independent Living.

New Project: "Article 19 as a tool" starting April 1, 2019

The Swedish Inheritance Fund has granted just under SEK 6.8 million to the Independent Living Institute in collaboration with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute to implement the three-year project “Article 19 as a Tool”. “Article 19” refers to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Article 19 – Living independently and being included in the community.

Kalle Könkkölä has left us

Kalle died on September 11, 2018 at the age of 68. 

Communication to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Swedish Association of the Deaf, Swedish Youth Association of the Deaf and the non-profit association The law as a tool has submitted a communication to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, requesting the Committee to recognise that Sweden has violated the rights of Richa

Comments on Draft to General Comment nr 6

Comments from Independent Living Institute (and The Swedish Disability Rights Federation) on the Draft General Comment nr 6 on article 5 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Equality and non-discrimination.

Adolf Ratzka – ”Generation change at the Independent Living Institute”

I'm almost 74 years old and have been ILI's director since the organization's start in 1993. Contrary to what you might suspect, my role models have not been Robert Mugabe, Fidel Castro or similar hard-to-remove older gentlemen. For a long time, I have been looking for somebody willing and capable to succeed me as ILI's  director, a position where you are expected to raise money for your own salary. Now, finally, I found the right one: Jamie Bolling.

Adolf Ratzka wins ULOBA's 2017 Pride Award

The project Disabled Refugees Welcome has been granted funding by The Swedish Inheritance Fund

6 April 2017.  The Swedish Inheritance Fund yesterday approved funding of 8.4 million SEK to the Independent Living Institute  project Disabled Refugees Welcome.

The project Disabled Refugees Welcome will improve the reception of refugees who have disabillities and the coordination of services provided to refugees .

Project funding granted "Using the law" (Med lagen som verktyg)

The Swedish Inheritance Fund approved funding for the three year project  "Using the law"  (Med lagen som verktyg) at it's October 2015 board meeting. Co-applicants are Handikappförbunden HSOApply Human RightsDHRSTIL, och Personskadeförbundet RTP.

Conference March 13 in Athens - Presentation Adolf

March 13 in Athens at a conference of the ruling party SYRIZA Adolf Ratzka recommended Independent Living and Personal Assistance as the guiding philosophy for countries in deep social and economic crisis.

Download the Zero Project Report 2015 (PDF)

The Zero Project researches the status quo of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), this year with a focus on independent living and political participation. Data on 150 countries was collected, together with 50 Innovative Practices and Policies that can be considered as worldwide role models in their field.

Download the Zero Project Report 2015 (PDF)

Interview with Adolf Ratzka by Christa Hofmann in "Leben ohne Barrieren"

Interview with Adolf Ratzka by Christa Hofmann talking about personal assistance in Sweden. Part of the program "Leben ohne Barrieren" shown on 2014-12-02. Austrian TV. 

The interview is in german and there are no subtitles.

Förbudet mot diskriminering i form av bristande tillgänglighet gäller från och med den 1 januari 2015.

Efter många år av diskussioner presenterade idag regeringen en lagrådsremiss som innehåller förslag till ändringar i diskrimineringslagen som innebär att bristande tillgänglighet för personer med funktionsnedsättning införs som en ny form av diskriminering i diskrimineringslagen (2008:568).

Zero Project 2015: Call for nominations of Innovative Practices and Policie

The Zero Project team would like to invite leading experts and organizations to nominate outstanding practices and policies concerning this year’s topic:

Independent Living and Political Participation

The Innovative Policies and Practices selected by internationally renowned experts in a multistep process will be:

ILI's director Adolf Ratzka turned 70

This achievement was noticed particularly in Germany. See for example Ottmar Miles-Paul i Kobinet-Nachrichten,  newsagency for the German-speaking Independent Living movement.

ILI Board Member Bente Skansgård has left us

Bente Skansgård, Oslo, my long-time close personal friend and associate in the Independent Living and Disability Rights Movement, passed away on November 14, 2013 after a long illness.  Bente, known as “ULOBA’s (the Norwegian personal assistance user cooperative) mother”, had a decisive role in Norway’s disability politics by introducing Independent Living and personal assistance to the country and by starting the foundation "Stopp diskrimineringen" to promote and defend the civil rights of persons with disabilities.  Bente served as chairperson for

Stimulating Entrepreneurship in the Provision of social Services

ILI deltog i utbildning i Galati, Rumänien, från tisdagen den 19 oktober till fredagen den 22 oktober 2010.

Conferences and workshops on social policy and Independent Living, personal assistance and peer support

November 28  -  December 12   Independent Living Institute deepens its contacts with Israel and the West Bank. On his second trip to the region ILI’s Adolf Ratzka participated in conferences and workshops on social policy and Independent Living, personal assistance and peer support as well as in meetings where the establishment of a regional network on Independent Living and joint regional projects were discussed. See text on the Swedish Embassy’s homepage.

Stars of Hope 2010

The 10 most important accomplishments of Stars of Hope 2010

Stimulating Entrepreneurship in the Provision of social Services

ILI participated in training session in Galati, Romania from Tuesday October, 19th until Friday October 22nd 2010.

Disability Studies Conference at Lancaster University, UK

ILI’s Adolf Ratzka presented a keynote address at the Disability Studies Conference at Lancaster University, UK  September 7-9  2010.

The foundation in memory of Rolf Bergfors

The foundation in memory of Rolf Bergfors allocates grants for 100.000 SEK in total for projects promoting the efforts of the IndependentLiving movement. More information about the grants

Judith E Heumann i amerikanska utrikesdepartementet

European Citizen Award 2009 till Adolf Ratzka

European Anti-Discrimination Council ger sin årliga utmärkelse European Citizen Award till Adolf Ratzka, Independent Living Institute för sitt långa arbete mot diskriminerng.

HSO gör kraftfullt uttalande med sitt val av Ingrid Burman som ny ordförande

HSO, Handikappförbunden, valde den 13 maj den före detta riksdagskvinnan Ingrid Burman som ordförande. Organisationen består av 43 medlemsförbund som sammanlagt representerar en halv milljon medlemmar. Eftersom Ingrid Burman inte har ett funktionshinder kan man tolka HSO:s val att ingen bland HSO:s medlemmar med funktionshinder anses kapabel att vara HSO:s ordförande, att egen erfarenhet av funktionshinder räknas inte som merit. Återigen får vi stå ut med att andra för vår talan, att allmänheten får intrycket att personer med funktionshinder inte kan tala för sig själva.