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Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2019. PDF icon Arsberattelse-ILI-2019.pdf (674.33 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2020. PDF icon Arsberattelse2020IndependentLivingInstitute.pdf (847.52 KB)
Indpendent Living Institute.  2022.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2021. PDF icon Arsberattelse-ILI-2021.pdf (690.96 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2023.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2022. PDF icon Årsberättelse 2022 (205.31 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2024.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2023. PDF icon Arsberattelse_2023_Independent_Living_Institute.pdf (212.73 KB)
Frieden, Lex.  1980.  Independent Living Models.
In: Rehabilitation Literature, Special Article, July-August, 1980, Vol 41, No. 7-8, pp. 169-173. A-289. Internet publication URL:
Evans, John.  2003.  The Independent Living Movement in the UK.
John Evans was one of the founders of Project 81 that marked the beginning of the Independent Living Movement in the UK. Since 1996 he has been the chair of the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL). In this document he gives an overview of the origin of the Independent Living Movement in the UK, it's development and evolution, as well as the current situation.
Heumann, Judith E.  1984.  Independent Living Movement: organizing for an active, disabled old age.
Judith E. Heumann explains what the Independent Living Movement is and what Independent Living Centres and how large numbers of other elderly disabled people could benefit greatly from services delivered by Independent Living centers. The World Institute on Disability's objectives in this regard are to work with appropriate organizations to raise awareness about aging and disability and to recommend policies which support elderly persons with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  The Independent Living movement paved the way: Origins of personal assistance in Sweden. Perspectives on personal assistance.
Independent Living Institute.  2008.  Independent Living movement’s 25 years of existence in Sweden 2008 - Documentation.
Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1999.  Independent Living movement spreads in Asia.
Yukiko Nakanishi reports on Independent Living seminars, workshops and exchanges that are helping to spread the philosophy across Asia. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1993.  Independent Living och dagens socialpolitik.
I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokumentation av STIL-hearing Stockholm 1993." Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1994.  Independent Living och familjen: ur Costa Ricanskt och Svenskt perspektiv." .
För begreppet familjen innebär konceptet om Independent Living deltagande i ett av de viktigaste områdena i livet; nämnligen kärleksrelationen, sexuallivet och föräldraskapet. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Independent Living, Politics and Implications.
Published in the English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.") Internet publication URL: (In Spanish, PDF, 1.46 MB). Parts of the book available in English. Colin Barnes is Professor of Disability Studies and Director of the Centre for Disability Studies in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds, England. In this chapter of the book he gives a concise explanation of orthodox thinking on disability and an a different perspective developed by disabled people themselves. He then examines the concept of independent living and its impact on policy development.
Independent Living Institute.  1999.  Independent Living World Summit.
The first global meeting on Independent Living was convened in Washington, D.C., September 21-25, 1999. Over 100 leaders evaluated the movement's 30 year old history and set the agenda for the future. This publication provides links to conference reports and reflections from participants in their respective languages. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Independent Living-rörelsen banade vägen.
Rajkov, Gordana.  2003.  Inependent Living and Yugoslav Experience.
The report presented on behalf Centre for Independent Living of Serbia, at the Europena Network on Independent Living (ENIL) Conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Gordana R. is a founding member of CIL in Serbia, and in the report she is explaining the current situation of disabled people in Serbia in the light of economic, social and political context, and CIL’s efforts to promote the idea of Independent Living Phylosophy in Serbia, particularly the PA Service, through pilot projects and research. Internet publication URL:
Bollard, Joe.  2003.  Inget om oss utan oss!.
Bollard, Joe. 2003-09. "ENIL:s Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2003". Lyssna-MP3-engelska (30:28 minuter, 28,6 MB), lyssna-RealAudio-engelska, download-RealAudio-engelska (4.6 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,, och I september 2003 samlades nittio assistansbrukare från ENIL, det europeiska nätverket för Independent Living, i Strasbourg och marscherade till Europaparlamentets byggnad för att presentera sina viktigaste krav (se för att personer som behöver personlig assistans ska kunna delta på lika villkor i samhället. Producent är den synskadade Joe Bollard från Dublin. Original titel "Nothing about us without us!" Översättning av Eva Linderoth.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Inledning på Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter, Stockholm, Sweden, 24 augusti 1998.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency.  2000.  Innovative Disabled Entrepreneur Award Scheme (IDEAS) - Calling All Entrepreneurs With Disabilities.
Promoting entrepreneurship of persons with disabilities through competition and awards: an example from South Africa. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1999.  Institutional Madness: Speaking out against institutionalism.
Dr. Steven E. Brown speaks out on institutionalism: "No one I know who has lived in a nursing home wanted to stay there. Institutions by their very nature constrict freedom; suppress life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Institutioner eller Personlig Assistans: Ett exempel från Costa Rica.
Är institutioner verkligen bästa platsen för äldre att tillbringa sina sista år? Är det verkligen den bästa uppväxten för barn? Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Office on the Status of Disabled Persons, South Africa.  1997.  Integrated National Disability Strategy- White Paper.
White Paper from the Office of the President, South Africa. Disabled people should not be seen as objects of pity but as capable individuals who are contributing immensely to the development of society. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.  1993.  Integration of People with Disabilities: Accessibility - Universal Design.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States and is currently preparing revolutionary accessibility guidelines: a specific recommendation to incorporate the principles of Universal Design (design that responds equally to the needs of everyone), including accessibility, into the curricula of all vocations that work on the built environment. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.  1999.  Integration of People with Disabilities: Discrimination.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States. With the knowledge that governments follow different approaches to achieve equal opportunity policies, the Council of Europe established a Working Group in November 1996 to elaborate a collection and comparative analysis of legislation against discrimination of persons with disabilities in member States. The final report will be published in autumn 1999. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.  1996.  Integration of People with Disabilities: Employment of persons with disabilities.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States and this report outlines past and current work and relevant publications in the area of employment of persons with disabilities. Their activities in the field of employment aim at completing or enlarging the provisions of Recommendation No. R (92) 6 on a coherent policy for people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Erdtman, Emil.  2018.  International Conference: Using the Law as a Tool for Social Change, the 30th of May 2018, Stockholm. PDF icon Invitation to conference and connected events May 2018  (1.68 MB)PDF icon Overview equality and non-discrimination and disability in the Nordic countries (926.67 KB)PDF icon Gerard Quinn Presentation (560.77 KB)PDF icon Discrimination Legislation and Civil Society (541.27 KB)PDF icon Conference Report (1.57 MB)PDF icon Notes from Network Meeting 180531 (612.04 KB)PDF icon Notes from Match ILI - IIDL 180528and29 (666.62 KB)
Seifu, Michael.  2004.  International cooperation - but how?
The author, a trained economist with a disability living and working in Ethiopia, describes the experience of disability in the context of a developing country. Internet publication URL:
Rosenthal, Eric.  2000.  International human rights protections for institutionalised persons with disabilities: an agenda for international action.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 4. Internet publication URLs:,,
Miles, M.  2007.  International Strategies for Disability-related Work in Developing Countries: historical, modern and critical reflections.
Revised version of a paper first published in the Zeitschrift Behinderung und Dritte Welt, 3/2003, pp. 96-106, and here reproduced with permission. International strategies concerned with disability in developing and transitional countries (DTC) are scrutinised critically, with an historical focus on beneficial traditions and practices in Asia and Africa, attesting the variety and complexity of social responses to disability. Internet publication URLs: and (112 KB).
PDF icon miles200701.pdf (111.63 KB)
Rosen, Fred.  1999.  Is International Travel Accessible for Persons with a Disability?
Fred Rosen outlines travel accessibility policies in 5 countries, including problems and recommendations for improved standards. Includes a list of publications on accessibility in the U.S.A., Canada, Britain, and Australia. Internet publication URL:
Komanická, Daniela.  2021.  Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm.
Giraldo, Mabel.  2021.  Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm, 2021, Mabel Giraldo.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Interview with Arthur Klimchenko, 22 years, Kaliningrad - "Personal assistance would certainly be good, but I would be afraid of being dominated".
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2009.  Interview with Kalle Könkkölä November 2008.
Internet publication URL:
PDF icon kalle_konkkola200811.pdf (31.76 KB)
Bhandari, Avinash.  1992.  Introducing access legislation for architects and planners in Mauritius.
Avinash Bhandari, of the Ministry of Works in Mauritius, describes features to be included in the construction of buildings in order to ensure accessibility and safety for as broad a segment of the population as possible. He outlines the current state of accessibility in Mauritius and how it could be improved. Internet publication URL:
The National Federation of the Blind of North Carolina.  1999.  Introducing Newsline: Access Technology to Newspapers for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Internet publication URL:  
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  Introduction to direct payments for personal assistance.
For persons with extensive disabilities there are two key requirements: personal assistance and accessibility in the built environment including accessible housing. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  Introduction to direct payments for personal assistance.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  Introduktion till direktutbetalningar för personlig assistans.
För personer med omfattande funktionshinder finns två principiella förutsättningar: personlig assistans och tillgänglighet i den omgivande bebyggelsen, i vilket ingår tillgänglighet i bostaden. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Ishikawa, Jun, Nagase Osamu(eds.).  1998.  "Invitation to Disability Studies" New book on disability studies in Japanese.
A collection of texts and resources by persons with disabilities for disabled people. (in Japanese.) Internet publication URL:
Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Ireland – ideological shift under way - interview with David Egan.
Clarke, Dr. Angus.  1998.  Issues Arising from Genetics - Genetics and Disability.
In his presentation Dr. Angus Clarke, of the Institute of Medical Genetics at the University of Wales College of Medicine, discusses issues raised by genetics in disability, outlines the uses of genetic testing and his concerns about how it is developing, as well as the different uses for genetics in general and with regard to reproductive screening, and the problems surrounding this issue. Internet publication URL:
Cunningham-Burley, Dr. Sarah.  1998.  Issues Arising from Quality of Life. Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people.
In her presentation, Dr. Sarah Cunningham-Burley, from the Department of Public Health, University of Edinburgh, looked at the way in which quality of life issues are affecting medical decisions, including decisions about genetic testing, and related this to a study of how the general public views these issues. Internet publication URL: In: Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). 1998. "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people." Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2002.  IT and disabled people's employment: opportunities and limits, The example of the Independent Living Institute.
Ratzka, Director, Independent Living Institute, describes some of the features of the Institute's Website and shows some of the possibilities offered by the internet to individuals with disabilities and their organizations. Pointing out the qualifications that working in this environment requires he concludes that IT cannot materially improve disabled people's employment situation as long as they do not have equal access to education, housing and transportation services. Internet publication URL:
Bracking, Stuart, Cowan Ross.  1998.  It's MY life - An introduction to Independent Living.
Stuart Bracking and Ross Cowan (Gateshead Council on Disability) offer definitions and examples of the concepts independent living, personal assistance, and disability, comparing the medical and social models. Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne, Neveling Sybille.  2004.  "Jag var väldigt röd och aktiv på den tiden" - ett radioprogram om det vänsterradikala sextiotalet och gruppen Anti-Handikapp.
Under det röda sextiotalet ifrågasattes samhällets uppbyggnad, orättvisor diskuterades i vänsterbelysning och en våg av aktiviteter intog det offentliga rummet. Personer med funktionshinder blev också radikala. I Lund bildades aktionsgruppen Anti-Handikapp. Påverkan skedde ofta genom musik, teater, debatter. Musiken i det här programmet har vi fått från Teuta Sederstedt. Den kommer från en Demo-kassett med Rullbandet. Lyssna-MP3 (32:22 minuter, 30,4 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (15,5 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Teuta Sederstedt, Ulla Brandén, Vilhelm Ekensteen och Adolf Ratzka. Intervjuer och research: Sybille Neveling och Susanne Berg. Musiken spelades av Rullbandet. Internet publication URLs:,, och
Campos, Art.  1993.  John Hessler, Pioneer in Independence for Disabled People, Dies.
John Hessler revolutionized the US's attitudes toward disabled people - first by entering the University of California, Berkeley, and later by helping create the Center for Independent Living. Internet publication URL:
Stone, Karen.  2000.  The Journey from Disability Shame to Disability Pride.
Enns, Henry.  1998.  Journey to the Middle East.
This account describes the organizational efforts of disabled people encountered by Henry Enns, Executive Director of Disabled Peoples’ International and Marion Stroud, a member of the International Committee on the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), during their visit to five countries in the Middle East. Their mission was to explore ways that MCC could support the grassroots development of disabled people in these countries. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2023.  Judy Heumann har lämnat oss.
Adolf, Dr. Ratzka.  2023.  Judy Heumann has left us.
Stone, Karen, Dart Jr. Justin.  2001.  Justin Dart, Jr. - A Peek of Insight.
Disability Awareness in Action (Kampanjen för medvetenhet om funktionshinder).  1996.  Kampanjen om funktionshinder.
Internet publication URL:
Charen, Mona.  1999.  Kevorkian's death crusade finally stopped.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2003.  Kolli eller kund? Välkommen till Taxi för alla-seminariet i Stockholm den 19 mars 2003
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
Vegerfors, Måns.  1993.  Kommunerna saknar meningsfulla ekonomisystem." Debattartikel från Dagens Industri, torsdag 22 april 1993, sidan 4. I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokume.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Kompromissförslag för rullstolstaxi, Till Stockholms läns landstingsfullmäktige.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).  
Handikappombudsmannen, Independent Living Sverige.  1998.  Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter, 24 augusti 1998, Stockholm.
This introduction to the conference on Legislation for Human Rights held in Stockholm on August 24, 1998, presents links to reports by experts from several countries with anti-discrimination legislation in connection with disability about how the legislation has functioned in their countries and their reflections on the situation of disabled people in their respective countries. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Enns, Henry.  1998.  Konflikter och personer med funktionsnedsättning.
Internet publication URL:
Ji-young, Kwon.  2005.  Korea: Disabled Hope for Infrastructure for Support.
The second article in a two-part series examining the problems of disabled people in Korea and possible solutions. Internet publication URL:
Gill, Carol J.  1999.  Korrekta fakta om funktionshinder och 'livskvalitet'.
If only Kevorkian and others would read the research literature before deciding it is reasonable to want to die when you have an extensive disability! Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Anderberg, Peter.  2007.  Kort om assistansberedningens delbetänkande med Stefan Pelc, egen arbetsgivare för sina assistenter.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1993.  Kort presentation av Independent Living-rörelsen.
I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokumentation av STIL-hearing Stockholm 1993." Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.) 
Erdtman, Emil.  2016.  Kungliga slottet i Gamla stan i Stockholm.
Jaillet, C.  2009.  La place des aidants familiaux dans le système d'assistance personnelle suédoise.
Sveriges Riksdag.  1993.  Lag om införande av LSS, lagen (1993:387) om stöd och service).
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Independent Living Institute.  2012.  Lagen som verktyg Ansökan för förstudien. PDF icon LagenSomVerktyg_2011_07_21.pdf (174.5 KB)
Sjögren, Johan.  1999.  Lagstiftning mot Diskriminering - Rapport från seminarium den 29 april 1999 arrangerat av riksdagens nätverk för handikappfrågor.
Mot bakgrund av IL-Sveriges arbete och bemötandeutredningens förslag om grundlagstillägg etc verkar det att vi skall ha lagstiftning mot diskriminering - frågan är bara hur den skall se ut? (In Swedish.) Internet publication URL:
Badach, Frédérique.  2010.  L'assistance personnelle en Suède.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2015.  "Låt hjälpmedelsanvändare själva avgöra sitt eget bästa".
Sjukvård. Många köper sina hjälpmedel själva utanför landstingens system. Har man råd får man större utbud, bättre kvalitet och bemötande. Genom att skapa en ny modell för detta, hämtad från assistansersättningen skulle hjälpmedelsanvändarna få större självbestämmande och högre livskvalitet, oavsett storlek på plånboken.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Latvia: “The view of people with disabilities has improved”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Latvia: “We want help to start a personal assistance project”.
Hurst, Rachel.  1998.  Leading Disabled Activist, Awarded Highest U.S. Honour.
In February 1998, disability activist Justin Dart was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom - the highest civilian honour in the USA. Internet publication URL:
Rennerstedt, Kristina.  1998.  Legala aspekter av diskrimineringslagstiftning i Sverige.
Kristina Rennerstedt, av Justitiedepartementet tala om möjligheter och svårigheter i Sverige med diskrimineringslagstiftning som metod för att ge människor med funktionshinder samma möjligheter som andra. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Rajah, Zorah.  1992.  Legislation of mobility facilities for disabled persons as backup to existing goodwill.
Internet publication URL:  
Montero, Federico.  1998.  Legislation on Disability: The Costa Rican Experience.
Despite the country's relative good respect for human rights and our democratic system, disabled people still do not enjoy equal rights and participation in all aspects of society. Among the factors that prevent disabled people from full citizenship are negative attitudes against disability. Internet publication URL:
Treffers, Bastian.  1991.  Legislation: Strategy or final solution?
Internet publication URL:
Jaillet, C.  2009.  Les politiques d'insertion pour les personnes en situation de handicap : des coûts compensés par une dynamique économique - modèle suédois et système français.
Internet publication URL:
Rioux, Marcia.  2001.  Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000.
Internet publication URLs:,,
Microsoft Office document icon rioux00.doc (572 KB)PDF icon rioux00.pdf (341.38 KB)
Abadia, Regine, Sallem Ryadh.  2005.  L'interview Marcel Nuss.
MP3-français (29:30 minuter, 27,7 MB). Lyssna-MP3-svensk (28:21 minuter, 26,6 MB). Transcript: på svenska, in English, en français). Internet publication URLs:,,,, och
Driedger, Diane, D'Aubin April.  1991.  Literacy for Whom: Women with Disabilities Marginalized.
Disabled people, particularly disabled women, must be given specific consideration within the learner population. Literacy is both a gender issue and a disability issue. Internet publication URL:
Jürgens, Andreas.  1995.  Long-term Care Insurance' and Its Impact on the Population.
For many people with disabilities, the term "Long-Term Care Insurance" suggests that self-determination is in jeopardy. Experience justifies these anxieties, and reality is much worse. Internet publication URL:
Öhlén, Bo, Rejhed Bengt.  1995.  ”Madame Schledermann” (en suédois, sous- titres francaises) - Un film sur le droit à une vie indépendante grâce à l’assistance personnelle.
Rickert, Tom.  2003.  Making Access Happen – A guide for advocates and planners – HOW TO PROMOTE AND PLAN ACCESS for DISABLED PERSONS and ELDERS to BUSES, TRAINS, TAXIS and OTHER MODES OF TRANSPORT.
The purpose of this guide is to assist people and agencies around the world to work together to design public transport which is usable by passengers with disabilities. Internet publication URLs: and
Carleton, Gwen.  1999.  Making Technology Accessible To All.
Universal design in Information Technology is slowly becoming standard in the industry. Internet publication URL:
Shields, Craig V.  1988.  Mäkleri - en kort historik.
Service brokerage has a commitment to a set of values emphasizing the worth and dignity of individuals with disabilites and their right to live in the community. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Manifiesto de Tenerife - Promovamos la Vida Independiente - Acabemos con la discriminación hacia las personas con discapacidad.
From the1st European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL: (In Spanish.)
Driedger, Diane(ed.).  1991.  Människor med funktionsnedsättning och internationell utveckling.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Hotchkiss, Ralf.  1992.  Manufacturing assistive devices in developing countries.
Independence through Mobility by Ralf Hotchkiss is a book about the nuts and bolts of starting a shop and producing the Hotchkiss manual wheelchair with a minimum of equipment, materials, skills and capital in Third World countries. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2005.  Martin Luther and Childhood Disability in 16th Century Germany: What did he write? What did he say?
Revised and extended version of a paper that was first published with copyright by The Haworth Press, Inc., Binghampton, NY 13904-1580, in the Journal of Religion, Disability & Health (2001), vol. 5 (4) pp. 5-36, and is here reproduced with permission. Martin Luther’s ideas and theological writings on deaf or disabled children and adults, and his personal and practical experiences in this field are shown. Textual evidence gives a different picture from what is commonly believed, and is interesting both for Luther’s own times and the modern world. Internet publication URL:
Erdtman, Emil.  2011.  Mats Winberg granskar tillgängligheten i Barcelona - reseberättelse.
King, Audrey.  2006.  A Matter of Perception.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2014.  Med lagen som verktyg - Projektansökan av Independent Living Institute (ILI). PDF icon Bilaga II. Om Rättighetsnätverket (981.56 KB)PDF icon Bilaga III. Presentation av de experter som stöder projektet (126.26 KB)PDF icon Bilaga IV. Presentation av de experter som ingår i den rådgivande gruppen (267.96 KB)
Bayha, Betsy.  1999.  Media's crippling coverage misses real story of disability experience.
Why do the media continually use the same ill-fitting and inaccurate phrases such as "wheelchair-bound," "afflicted" and "special needs," that the disability community rejected long ago? Internet publication URL:
Hellman, Finn.  2006.  "Mediebilden av funktionshinder" – ett program om fördomar, förebilder och allt vad det nu är.
Lyssna-RealAudio (32:37 minuter, 30,6 MB). Vissa får inte namnskyltar som andra, vissa får inte några direkta frågor. Hör Cecilia Blanck och Kerstin Selin berätta om hur Sveriges Television särbehandlar intellektuellt funktionshindrade. Och lyssna till Anna Bergholtz, blind journalist som öppnar ögon - i det här programmet i form av en lista på tips till icke-funktionshindrade kollegor. Missa inte heller när Elisabet Höglund bemöter kritik som riktats mot ett av hennes reportage.Reporter och producent: Finn Hellman. Medverkande: Kerstin Sellin, Cecilia Blanck. Elisabeth Höglund, Anna Bergholtz. Teknik: Wei Wei Jin. (In Swedish.)
Hawkins, Candace.  2000.  Memo to the World.
Are public funds to be used for nursing homes or for paying personal assistants in one's own home? Missouri opened the way to freedom. Internet publication URL:
Bergström, Hans.  2004.  "Mentalsjukhusen ska förpassas till historiens skräpkammare" - ett radioprogram om Riksförbundet för Social och Mental Hälsa och avvecklingen av de psykiatriska institutionerna.
Under sextiotalet organiserar sig psykiatrins patienter i det som ska bli RSMH. Samtidigt pågick processen med att stänga de stora psykiska institutionerna i Sverige. I det här programmet möter vi tre överlevare med erfarenhet av psykiatrin och kamratstödet i föreningen. Lyssna-MP3 (29:38 minuter, 27,8 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (13,9 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Hans Bergström, Jan-Olof Forsén och Ola Persson. Intervjuer och research gjordes av Hans Bergström. Samtalspartner var Wenche Willumsen.
