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Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Independent Living, Politics and Implications.
Published in the English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.") Internet publication URL: (In Spanish, PDF, 1.46 MB). Parts of the book available in English. Colin Barnes is Professor of Disability Studies and Director of the Centre for Disability Studies in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds, England. In this chapter of the book he gives a concise explanation of orthodox thinking on disability and an a different perspective developed by disabled people themselves. He then examines the concept of independent living and its impact on policy development.
Rajkov, Gordana.  2003.  Inependent Living and Yugoslav Experience.
The report presented on behalf Centre for Independent Living of Serbia, at the Europena Network on Independent Living (ENIL) Conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Gordana R. is a founding member of CIL in Serbia, and in the report she is explaining the current situation of disabled people in Serbia in the light of economic, social and political context, and CIL’s efforts to promote the idea of Independent Living Phylosophy in Serbia, particularly the PA Service, through pilot projects and research. Internet publication URL:
Bollard, Joe.  2003.  Inget om oss utan oss!.
Bollard, Joe. 2003-09. "ENIL:s Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2003". Lyssna-MP3-engelska (30:28 minuter, 28,6 MB), lyssna-RealAudio-engelska, download-RealAudio-engelska (4.6 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,, och I september 2003 samlades nittio assistansbrukare från ENIL, det europeiska nätverket för Independent Living, i Strasbourg och marscherade till Europaparlamentets byggnad för att presentera sina viktigaste krav (se för att personer som behöver personlig assistans ska kunna delta på lika villkor i samhället. Producent är den synskadade Joe Bollard från Dublin. Original titel "Nothing about us without us!" Översättning av Eva Linderoth.
Independent Living Institute.  2003.  Kolli eller kund? Välkommen till Taxi för alla-seminariet i Stockholm den 19 mars 2003
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Kompromissförslag för rullstolstaxi, Till Stockholms läns landstingsfullmäktige.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).  
Rickert, Tom.  2003.  Making Access Happen – A guide for advocates and planners – HOW TO PROMOTE AND PLAN ACCESS for DISABLED PERSONS and ELDERS to BUSES, TRAINS, TAXIS and OTHER MODES OF TRANSPORT.
The purpose of this guide is to assist people and agencies around the world to work together to design public transport which is usable by passengers with disabilities. Internet publication URLs: and
1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Manifiesto de Tenerife - Promovamos la Vida Independiente - Acabemos con la discriminación hacia las personas con discapacidad.
From the1st European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL: (In Spanish.)
Macfarlane, Ann.  2003.  Older People and Direct Payments.
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. "Older People and Direct Payments." Includes: Older People & Legislation on Assessment & Direct Payments, Summary of the legal provisions, by Ann Macfarlane MBE, March 2003. Internet publication URL:
Rydberg(fp), Birgitta, Bexelius(fp) Birgitta, Wallhager(fp) Maria.  2003.  Överklagande av Stockholms läns landstings beslut 2003-10-07 ang avgiftshöjningar för rullstolstaxi.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).
Berg, Susanne.  2003.  Personal Assistance in Sweden.
From the perspective of a personal assistance user, the author describes the background and development of the legislation in Sweden dealing with personal assistance through direct payment. The power issues surrounding establishment of the Stockholm Independent Living Cooperative (STIL) are also addressed. Plenary presentation at: Personal Assistance in Practice - A Conference Organised by the Swiss Association for Social Policy (Persönliche Assistenz in der Praxis - Eine Informationstagung der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Sozialpolitik), Hotel Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2003-05-20. Internet publication URL:
Hasler, Frances.  2003.  Philosophy of Independent Living.
The author summarises the philosophy of independent living by quoting Philip Mason, John Evans, Adolf Ratzka, Martin McNaughton, and others. Included is a summary of the seven “basic needs” of independent living identified by Derbyshire CIL. Internet publication URL:
Nyhetsbyrån ikapp.  2003.  Populärt byta färdtjänstbuss mot taxi.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish).  
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  The prerequisites for de-institutionalization.
Paper presented at the European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL:
Persson, Ann.  2003.  Protester mot höjd avgift för rullstolstaxi.
Dagens Nyhter. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).  
Stockholms läns landstings Landstingsfullmäktige.  2003.  Protokoll § 281, Handlingsplan med förslag till åtgärder för att få färdtjänstbudgeten i balans (förslag 68).
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)  
O'brien, John, O'brien Connie Lyle.  2003.  Publications by John O'brien and Connie Lyle O'brien.
Internet publication URL:  
Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Rehabilitation for Disabled People: a ‘sick’ joke?
Professor Barnes, from the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England argues that the relationship between disability and rehabilitation is best explained in terms of three distinct but related definitions of disability: the orthodox ‘individualistic’ medical definition, the more liberal ‘inter-relational’ account, and the ‘radical‘ socio/political interpretation commonly referred to as the ‘social model of disability’. He concludes with a brief focus on alternative strategies generated by disabled people and their organisations. Internet publication URL:
King, Audrey.  2003.  Remarkable Teachers – Mr. Winter.
This is an account by Audrey King, M.A., an internationally known writer, speaker, and advocate on disability issues, about Mr. Winter, a high school teacher who made a difference by making sure that Ms. King, in a wheelchair because of polio, was included in the school community in every way. Internet publication URL:
Martinez, Kathy, Duncan Barbara.  2003.  The Road to Independent Living in the USA: an historical perspective and contemporary challenges.
The authors (Kathleen Martinez, US National Council on Disability member and Deputy Director, World Institute on Disability, and Barbara Duncan, former Rehabilitation International information officer, DisabilityWorld co-editor) highlight the events and leaders that made the birth of the independent living movement possible. Also included are some basic philosophical tenets and assumptions that have guided the U.S. IL movement, as well as some observations regarding emerging issues and trends. Reprinted form "Disability World, A bimonthly web-zine of international disability news and views," Issue no. 20 September-October 2003. Internet publication URLs: and
de Vylder, Stefan.  2003.  Rullstolstaxi – bättre och billigare.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish).
Miles, M.  2003.  Segregated We Stand? The Mutilated Greeks' Debate at Persepolis, 330 BC
Probably the world's earliest recorded policy debate among a large group ofdisabled people. Also the first time a ruler changed his mind in response towhat they actually asked for. First published in Disability & Society 18 (7):865-79. Reproduced with permission of Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis,and with some revision. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Selbstbestimmte Mobilität für Menschen mit Behinderung in Schweden?"
Rollstuhlgerechter öffentlicher Fern- und Nahverkehr und Taxidienste statt Sonderlösungen und Sonderfahrdienste sind für die Selbstbestimmung vieler Körperbehinderten im Alltag unumgänglich. Leider sind diese Voraussetzungen in Schweden nicht erfüllt. Ein kürzlich erfolgreich durchgeführtes Versuchsprojekt mit barrierenfreien Taxidroschken im regulären Taxiverkehr konnte wegen des Widerstands der Sonderfahrdienste und der politischen Majorität im Landkreis nicht weitergeführt werden. Internet publication URL: (In German.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Spänningen stiger - vem har rätt angående priset för en rättvis taxiordning.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Stil, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige.  2003.  STIL skapar kaos i Stockholm city!.
I "Pastillen" nr. 3 juni 2003. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).  
Hasler, Frances.  2003.  A summary of the Department of Health (DoH) Figures for Direct Payments Users in the UK in 2002.
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Internet publication URL:
de Vylder, Stefan.  2003.  Taxi för alla-projektets utvärdering - ekonomisk sammanfattning.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish).
PDF icon vylder200212.pdf (258.41 KB)Microsoft Office document icon vylder200212.doc (126 KB)
Ingelstam, Anders.  2003.  Taxi för alla-projektets utvärdering - kvalitativ sammanfattning.
Internet publikation URL:
RTP LIV.  2003.  Taxi för kunder - inte för kollin.
RTP LIV. April 2003, s. 14-16. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).
Independent Living Institute.  2003.  Taxiprojekt gav livskvalitet.
Svensk Handikapptidskrift 3/03, s. 13. Internet publikation URL:
1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Tenerife Declaration - Promote Independent Living - End Discrimination against Disabled People.
The Tenerife Declaration, signed in Tenerife in April 2003, is a policy document agreed upon by four hundred participants from many European countries and calls for the European Union to implement the policies outlined in the Declaration. The Declaration calls for full and equal participation of disabled people in society through recognizing Independent Living as a fundamental right of all disabled people and implementing policies to facilitate Independent Living. From the1st European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL:
ULOBA–Cooperative on Personal Assistance.  2003.  Uloba - Independent Living Norway Cooperative for Consumer controlled Personal Assistance.
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Internet publication URL:
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2003.  Vad är Independent Living - en personlig definition.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2003.  What is Independent Living - A Personal Definition.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Bosnia-Herzegovina,.  2002.  Activist Handbook.
Internet publication URLs: and (526 KB).
PDF icon crs-activist-handbook.pdf (525.99 KB)
Miles, M.  2002.  Community and Individual Responses to Disablement in South Asian Histories: Old Traditions, New Myths?
Documented histories of South Asian societies provide evidence that disabled people played various roles in their families and communities, sometimes with a good deal of independence. The commonest responses have been top-down, charitable or restrictive; yet some evidence challenges the stereotypes and suggests that disablement historically evoked a wider range of responses and initiative. Internet publication URL:
Nakanishi, Yukiko.  2002.  Development and Self-Help Movement of Women with Disabilities.
This article focuses on development assistance models and philosophies for women with disabilities who struggle to achieve independence in Asia, first from the viewpoint of a development program organizer and then from the viewpoint of a witness of empowered self-help movements. Internet publication URL:
International Convention for Disabled High School Students.  2002.  Essay Contest: Disabled High School Students Can Win an All Expences Paid Trip to Japan.
Swedish disabled high school student Yasmin Jungestedt won an essay competition and a trip to Japan to take part in the10th annual camp for high school students organized by the Japanese Independent Living Movement. Links to her prize-winning essay and her account of the time she spent in Japan meeting other high school students with disabilities from Japan and around the world as well as information about the essay contest and the 10th International Convention for Disabled High School Students are presented. Internet Publication URL:
Bonnie, Selina.  2002.  Facilitated Sexual Expression in the Independent Living Movement in Ireland.
In her paper submitted for the Degree of Masters of Arts in Disability Studies at The University of Leeds, Bonnie Selina explores facilitated sexual expression in the Irish Independent Living Movement including how widespread facilitated sexual expression is in the Irish Independent Living movement and the legal and ethical implications of this form of assistance, particularly in the Irish social context. Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne.  2002.  I think I finally made the grade, I've become world's worst on empathy, by Susnnne Berg, June 2002.
Independent Living Institute.  2002.  Independent Living Institute (ILI) Annual Report 2001.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2002.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2001.
Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2002.  IT and disabled people's employment: opportunities and limits, The example of the Independent Living Institute.
Ratzka, Director, Independent Living Institute, describes some of the features of the Institute's Website and shows some of the possibilities offered by the internet to individuals with disabilities and their organizations. Pointing out the qualifications that working in this environment requires he concludes that IT cannot materially improve disabled people's employment situation as long as they do not have equal access to education, housing and transportation services. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2002.  Projektet ‘Taxi för Alla’ (PDF, 60 KB).
Nollåtta. DHR Stockholmavdelning. No. 6, dec. 2002, s. 14. Internet publikation URL: (PDF, 60 KB).
Campbell, Jane.  2002.  Think Piece - 'Sticks and Stones' But words are hurting!.
Dr. Jane Campbell, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence in England, discusses the importance of language and particular words. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2002.  User control over services as a precondition for self-determination.
Plenary presentation at Danish EU Presidency Seminar on "Quality of Life and Quality in Services for People with Disabilities," Copenhagen, October 31-November 1, 2002. Internet publication URL:
McLaughlin, Dara.  2001.  Culture and Identity.
Saavedra, Andrea Avaria.  2001.  Discapacidad: Exclusión / Inclusión.
The author, instructor at the Department of Anthropology at Universidad de Chile, proposes a different perspective for analyzing disability issues using the concept of exclusion / inclusion for a multi-dimensional and dynamic understanding of social exclusion. First publisher: Revista Mad. No.5. Septiembre 2001. Ediciones Mad, Universidad de Chile. Inernet publication URL: Inernet publication URL:
Bush, George.  2001.  Executive Order: Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities.
On June 18, 2001 US President Bush issued an Executive Order to swiftly implement the Supreme Court decision and help individuals with disabilities move into the community. Internet publication URL:
Walker, Pamela.  2001.  A Generic Orientation to Doing Attendant Work.
This manual provides a general introduction to the work of personal assistants, and is especially helpful to new assistants. It covers a wide range of topics, and explains the purpose of personal assistance and the nature of the work, to the extent that generalisations are possible. Revised online publication. First published by Center for Independent Living Berkeley, California 1986. Internet publication URL:
PDF icon walker2001.pdf (40.92 KB)
Independent Living Institute.  2001.  Independent Living Institute (ILI) Annual Report 2000.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2001.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2000.
Internet publication URL:
Stone, Karen, Dart Jr. Justin.  2001.  Justin Dart, Jr. - A Peek of Insight.
Rioux, Marcia.  2001.  Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000.
Internet publication URLs:,,
Microsoft Office document icon rioux00.doc (572 KB)PDF icon rioux00.pdf (341.38 KB)
Miles, M.  2001.  Models of Rehabilitation and Evidence of Their Effectiveness: Production & Movements of Disability Knowledge, Skill & Design Within the Cultures and Concepts of Southern Africa.
Starting with a disabled person in Mozambique in the 1590s, and a projection of future disability services when knowledge and skills are widely disseminated and rehabilitation professionals are no longer needed, this paper looks more closely at the knowledge and skills available among disabled people and their families and communities in Southern Africa. These factors need to be pooled, refined and tested so that services become rooted in African cultures and respond more appropriately to people's self-perceived needs. Internet publication URLs: and
Finkelstein, Vic.  2001.  A Personal Journey Into Disability Politics.
Finkelstein reviews the development of radical British disability organizations and his own personal history and thought in their evolution. Finkelstein, a psychologist by training, was tutor in Disability Studies at the Open University and is now Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Disability Studies, Leeds University. Finkelstein has a disability. Internet publication URLs: and
Duyvendak, J W, Melief W B A M.  2001.  Pioneering Personal Assistance in Slovenia: An Evaluation of the YHD Pilot Project on Personal Assistance in Slovenia.
YHD-Association for Theory and Culture of Disability, an organization run by and for people with disabilities and subscribing to the Independent Living philosophy, started a pilot project in Ljubljana with personal assistance for deinstitutionalization and equal opportunities of assistance users. Internet publication URLs: and
PDF icon duve2001.pdf (150 KB)
Disability Intergroup.  2001.  Press Release: Disabled People to Finally Catch the Bus - Victory for Disabled People on Bus and Coach Directive.
All newly purchased buses throughout the European Union must be fully accessible to people with disabilities according to the Directive. This was the result of nine years of campaigning by disabled people, together with the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2001.  Pressmeddelande 2001-09-17, Taxi för alla - rärlighet åt personer med omfattande funktionshinder.
Internet publication URL: (in Swedish).
Barnes, Colin.  2001.  Rethinking Care From the Perspective of Disabled People.
Conference Report and Recommendations (Draft). World Health Organization Disability and Rehabilitation Team. In this report to the United Nations World Health Organization, Professor Barnes, from the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England, recommends that member nations adopt a holistic approach that includes the introduction of policies to eliminate poverty and secure equal access to all community based services and facilities. These include medical services, education, employment, housing, transport, public amenities etc. The responsibility of national governments for introducing and financing these developments is also addressed. Internet publication URL: (PDF, 112 KB).
PDF icon barnes200106.pdf (111.34 KB)
Samtrans.  2001.  Taxi för alla.
i SamtransNytt juni 2001. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).
Stone, Karen.  2001.  Ugly.
Campbell, Jane.  2001.  Valuing Diversity: The Disability Agenda - We've Only Just Begun.
Dr. Jane Campbell, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence in England, presented this paper at the Bristol University Centenary Celebration on 9th November 2001, as part of their series of lectures on Valuing Diversity. She concludes, amongst other things that, "Well firstly we have to acknowledge that independent living is a human rights issue. Secondly, society has to learn not to retreat from the nettle even though it causes pain. The voice of the so-called radicals that dare to tell it how it is must not be dismissed." Internet publication URL:
Tusler, Anthony.  2001.  Wheelchair Ease: The Internet, England, & My Summer Vacation.
Internet publication URL:
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, United Nations.  2000.  2000 ESCAP HRD Award, Theme: HRD for the Empowerment of People with Disabilities.
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) established the ESCAP HRD Award in 1990 which is presented annually in recognition of exemplary work in the field of human resources development (HRD). The theme of the award for the year 2000 was “Empowerment of People with Disabilities.” This brochure presents a history of the award as well as eligibility requirements and application procedures. Internet publication URL:
Corcoran, Maurice.  2000.  Accessibility for All: The Australian Experience.
Maurice Corcoran’s article is an example and encouragement for the movement for Buses For All in other countries. In it, he traces the history leading up to the milestone decision of October 12, 2000 by the Australian Federal Cabinet, requiring all intra-city buses to be of low-floor type using boarding aids for wheelchair users in the form of ramps. Internet publication URL:
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Australia.  2000.  Accessibility of electronic commerce and new service and information technologies for older Australians and people with a disability - Report of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission on a reference from the Attorney-General.
Submissions and research have confirmed and added to the Commission’s initial understanding that digital technologies offer great potential in providing more effective and economical access to government and business information and services, and improved prospects for equal opportunity in many areas of life including education, for all Australians including older people and people with a disability. Work for this report has confirmed to the Commission that physical barriers, affordability and equipment access barriers, and attitudinal and awareness barriers are preventing some Australians with a disability and some older Australians from having equally effective access to e-commerce and other services using new technologies. Internet publication URL:
Mates, Barbara T.  2000.  Adaptive Technology for the Internet: Making Electronic Resources Accessible to All - The Online Version.
American Library Association. ISBN 0-8389-0752-0. Internet publication URL:
Light, Richard.  2000.  Beijing Declaration on Disabled Persons in the New Millennium.
This editorial by Richard Light, Research & Publications Director of Disability Awareness in Action first presents the content of a resolution taken at the World NGO Summit on Disability in Beijing regarding an international convention on the rights of all disabled people. He then goes on to decry the number of expert conferences, special programmes and political initiatives that have failed to yield real progress with regard to action on discrimination against people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2000.  Blind People Handling Their Own Fate.
Accounts of earlier social responses to blind people particularly in Japan, and to some extent in China, indicate a measure of both group and individual autonomy within reserved and valued occupations, ostensibly reflecting a status model more 'normal' than blind people enjoyed in much of European history. (Excerpt From: M. Miles (2000) Disability on a Different Model: Glimpses of an Asian Heritage.) Internet publication URL:
Disability Net 2000.  2000.  Buses for All (Europe) - A Brief Presentation.
A briefing outlining the Australian government’s plans to improve transportation accessibility for disabled people. Other briefings from the year 2000 detail the progress and problems of the EU Bus and Coach Directive and a campaign by the action group, Buses for All (Europe), to make buses accessible for all people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Tilly, Jane, Wiener Joshua M, Evans Cuellar Alison.  2000.  Consumer-Directed Home and Community Services Programs in Five Countries: Policy Issues for Older People and Government.
This Urban Institute study reviews community services programs in five countries--Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the US - and shows that direct payments for personal assistance and long term care hold great promise for consumer-directed high quality services. Internet publication URL:
King, Audrey.  2000.  The Darker Ages: What's Wrong With Institutions?
Audrey King, M.A., an internationally known writer, speaker, and advocate on disability issues, shares observations about life in institutions gathered from 30 years of working as a rehabilitation professional. She describes how institutional structures pose a consistent dynamic tension between individual autonomy and system procedures, which are often resistant to change and necessarily geared to cost and procedure efficiencies.
Byrnes, Andrew.  2000.  Disability rights and human rights: plunging into the 'mainstream'?
Andrew Byrnes, of the Faculty of Law at The University of Hong Kong, writes that disability issues are for the most part treated as social issues instead of mainstream human rights issues, similar to women’s rights issues fifteen years ago. He outlines ways in which disability rights issues can be moved onto a more prominent place on the international human rights agenda. He also outlines gains which have already been made as a result of these efforts. In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." (PDF, 610 KB, Word 97, 564 KB.) Pre-paper 5. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URL: and
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  2000.  Disability Tribune, Special Issue-Disability and bioethics.
The manual contains a definition of biotechnology, its proposed uses, its regulation, a list of related sites, and a discussion of health inequality as a result of economic inequality in relation to the issue of biotechnology. Internet publication URL:
Stone, Karen.  2000.  En nyttig oenighet.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Segalman, Bob.  2000.  Expansion of Telephone Service For Many People With Speech Disabilities.
Internet publication URL:
Baker, Jordan.  2000.  Federal Report Recommends Making Technology Access Easier For People With Disabilities (Australia).
This article recommends strategies for helping the elderly and people with disabilities access new information technologies. Internet publication URL:
Cummings, Betsy.  2000.  Gaining Entry.
Betsy Cummings examines the problems facing people with disabilities in hotels, conference centers, and public buildings worldwide, by analyzing the policies of a sample of countries on different continents. Internet publication URL:
Stone, Karen.  2000.  A Healthy Dissension.
Internet publication URL:
Internet Industry Association of Australia.  2000.  IIA Warns SOGOC: Disability Web Decision Puts Businesses on Notice.
In the wake of the court decision against the Sydney Olympics organizers, Australian businesses and authorities oversee their websites' access. Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2000.  Independent Living Institute (ILI) Annual Report 1999.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2000.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 1999.
Internet publication URL:
Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency.  2000.  Innovative Disabled Entrepreneur Award Scheme (IDEAS) - Calling All Entrepreneurs With Disabilities.
Promoting entrepreneurship of persons with disabilities through competition and awards: an example from South Africa. Internet publication URL:
Rosenthal, Eric.  2000.  International human rights protections for institutionalised persons with disabilities: an agenda for international action.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 4. Internet publication URLs:,,
Stone, Karen.  2000.  The Journey from Disability Shame to Disability Pride.
Hawkins, Candace.  2000.  Memo to the World.
Are public funds to be used for nursing homes or for paying personal assistants in one's own home? Missouri opened the way to freedom. Internet publication URL:
Kawauchi, Yoshi.  2000.  New Japanese Legislation on Accessible Public Transportation.
This brief comment by Yoshi Kawauchi, architect, access specialist and advocate, Tokyo, Japan, is critical of the new Japanese legislation on access in public transportation. While appreciating the law as a first step towards improvement, he is critical because the law is not a civil rights law and has no procedure for consumers to file complaints, does not include taxicabs because of political pressure, and does not cover people with developmental disabilities or psychiatric disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Mohit, Anuradha, Rungta S K.  2000.  Preliminary ideas and procedures for ensuring systematic international collection of information.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 7. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Disabled Peoples International Europe,.  2000.  Rätten att leva och att vara annorlunda.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Light, Richard.  2000.  Recording human rights abuses against persons with disabilities: practical issues revealed by the Disability Awareness in Action Human Rights Project.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 2. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Disabled Peoples' International (DPI) Europe.  2000.  The Right to Live and be Different.
In February 2000, 130 disabled people in twenty-seven countries discussed bioethics and human rights, and it is with pride that we make the following declaration. Internet publication URL:
Vasey, Sean.  2000.  The Rough Guide to Managing Personal Assistants.
"Having PAs enabled me to find out who I am and now enables me to be who I am." If you are a disabled person and about to start receiving a Direct Payment to employ your own personal assistants (PAs), this book aims to give you a flavour of what it is like; the joys and the challenges. The book covers recruitment, managing, using PAs in social situations and at work, and dealing with problems. Put together by Sian Vasey with cartoons by David Shenton.
Miles, M.  2000.  Signing in the Seraglio: mutes, dwarfs and jestures at the Ottoman Court 1500 - 1700.
Deaf people, known as 'mutes', worked in the Turkish Ottoman court from the fifteenth to the twentieth century in various roles along with dwarfs and other entertainers. Their signing system became popular, was used regularly by hearing people including successive Sultans, and was reportedly capable of expressing ideas of whatever complexity. Internet publication URL:
Carter QC, The Hon William.  2000.  Sydney Olympics 2000 Website Accessibility Decision: Bruce Lindsay Maguire vs Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games: Reasons for Decision of the Hon. William Carter QC, Inquiry Commissioner..
Sydney Olympics organizers were taken to court for having an inaccessible Website, which is in violation of the Australian Disability Discrimination Act of 1992, and lost the case. Internet publication URL:
Maine CITE Coordinating Center.  2000.  Universal Design: Maine's Opportunity To Lead the Way To Information Access For Everyone.
In September 1997, leaders from Maine State government, business, education, and the non-profit community gathered for the Conference, Maximizing Economic Potential. The Conference looked at how government and education can lead the way in ensuring that information technologies accommodate differing needs and provide access for everyone. This report is the outcome of that effort. Internet publication URL:
TOMRIC Agency.  2000.  Why People with Disabilities in Tanzania Deserve Economic Empowerment.
Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  2000.  Zona and Ed Roberts: Twentieth Century Pioneers. Disability Studies Quarterly.
Brown, Steven E. 2000. "Zona and Ed Roberts: Twentieth Century Pioneers." In: Disability Studies Quarterly 20 (1)(Winter 2000), 26-42. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, has written a biographical description of two disability rights pioneers. Many people know the history and legacy of Ed Roberts, but far fewer realize the impact of his mother, Zona, and her own contributions apart from Ed to the disability rights movement. This is their story. Internet publication URLs: and (132 KB.)
PDF icon brown00a.pdf (131.54 KB)
Breisky, Karen.  1999.  The ABCs of hiring PCAs.
Personal care attendant work pays little, and much of the work is menial - so the search for caring, competent, reliable people is arduous. Karen Breisky refers to her own experiences in offering tips for hiring assistants. Internet publication URL:
Wehrli, Peter.  1999.  About the Center of Independent Living Zürich.
Switzerland does not yet know the concept of personal assistance and provides almost no financial means to live outside institutions. The Swiss IL movement has an uphill battle. Internet publication URL:
Kafka, Bob.  1999.  Act calls for care choice.
Bob Kafka outlines the Medicaid Community Attendant Services Act, MiCASA. The bill would allow individuals the choice to use their entitlements for community-based services (personal assistance services). Internet publication URL:
