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Brown, Steven E.  2009.  Creating a Disability Mythology.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, attempted to reframe how people think about the history of disability and current notions about disability pride. First published in International Journal Of Rehabilitation Research, Winter 1992. Internet publication URL:
Barnes, Colin.  2007.  'Direct Payments' for Personal Assistants for Disabled People: a key to independent living?
Background notes to a verbal presentation at the Centre for Independent Living, Dublin, Conference 'Independent Living 2007,' Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin 3, Tuesday, June 5th 2007. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  2007.  The Pursuit of Radical Change: Perceptions and Realities of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The author was invited to address an audience in Stockholm, Sweden, in June 2007, regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it might relate to the implementation of an anti-discrimination law in Sweden. This paper is an attempt to shed light on the ADA in that context. Discussions include 1) how American laws are made, 2) historical background relating to the development of the ADA, 3) a discussion of the Act itself, 4) enforcement mechanisms, 5) impact of the ADA, and 6) future directions. Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne.  2005.  Ensam kan jag bo". Jag kan inte det - bo ihopa - är ett radioprogram om fyra män som köpte det gamla kvarnhuset på Kaptensgatan i Råå och flyttade ut från gruppbostaden.
I början av 1993 köpte fyra män med begåvningshandikapp ett eget hem i en av Helsingborgs förorter. Huset köptes på öppna marknaden, byggdes om och inreddes gemensamt. Det var det första steget ut från ett kollektivt boende för killarna. I dag lever de som egna individer med personlig assistans. Det här är berättelsen om hur det gick till. Lyssna-MP3 (29:56 minuter, 28,1 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (14.3 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Per Claésson, Lars Lindström, Martin Linnander, Lars Hempel och assistenter, samt Kent och Patricia Ericsson. Internet publication URLs:,, och
Berg, Susanne, Jahanmahan Farhad.  2004.  ”Att göra väl eller välgörenhetsskrammel”. 2004-04, är ett radioprogram om insamlingars vara eller inte vara. Vem gagnar de egentligen?
1997 startar insamlingarna till kronprinsessan Viktorias fond. De donerade pengarna ska gå till att ge funktionshindrade en meningsfull fritid. Fonden blir droppen som får bägaren att rinna över för Förbundet Unga Rörelsehindrade och något år senare startar de själva Stackars Viktoria-fonden i ett motdrag. Välgörenhet är av ondo anser de. Men inom handikapprörelsen finns också andra åsikter. Lyssna-MP3 (27 minuter, 25,3 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Jonas Franksson, Agneta Mbyamba, Veronica Svensk. Internet publication URLs: och
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  The Austrian Long-term Care Insurance.
Document for the ECEPA Project. Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne.  2004.  "Det finns hem för sådana där" är ett radioprogram om vanföreanstalterna, skolhem för barn med rörelsehinder.
Barn och unga med funktionshinder hade inte rätt att gå i den ordinarie kommunala skolan. Särskilda skolhem, institutioner var alternativet. Genom en lagändring 1962 – 120 år efter allmän skolplikt infördes i Sverige - blev kommunerna tvungna att erbjuda skolgång på hemorten för rörelsehindrade elever. Programmet följer tre kvinnor med rörelsehinder från 30- till 60-talet. Lyssna-MP3 (30:43 minuter, 28,8 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (9,9 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Siv Eriksson, Karin Westlund och Wenche Willumsen.
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Die Österreichische Pflegevorsorge.
Dokument in Rahmen des ECEPA Projekts. Internet Veröffentlichung URL: (In German.)
Berg, Susanne.  2004.  "Ge oss makt inte medlidande" är ett radioprogram om STIL och kampen för personlig assistans.
Stockholmskooperativet för Independent Living är resultatet av ett litet antal individers kamp för personlig assistans i mitten på nittonhundraåttiotalet. Personlig assistans är, i motsats till hemtjänst eller boendeservice, en service knuten till den enskilde själv. Den som behöver assistans bestämmer själv vem som ska assisterar med vad; när det ska göras och hur. Lyssna-MP3 (28:21 minuter, 26,6 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Adolf Ratzka, Helena Karnström, Bengt Elmén.
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Guidelines to promote Personal Assistance at the workplace.
Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne, Neveling Sybille.  2004.  "Jag var väldigt röd och aktiv på den tiden" - ett radioprogram om det vänsterradikala sextiotalet och gruppen Anti-Handikapp.
Under det röda sextiotalet ifrågasattes samhällets uppbyggnad, orättvisor diskuterades i vänsterbelysning och en våg av aktiviteter intog det offentliga rummet. Personer med funktionshinder blev också radikala. I Lund bildades aktionsgruppen Anti-Handikapp. Påverkan skedde ofta genom musik, teater, debatter. Musiken i det här programmet har vi fått från Teuta Sederstedt. Den kommer från en Demo-kassett med Rullbandet. Lyssna-MP3 (32:22 minuter, 30,4 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (15,5 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Teuta Sederstedt, Ulla Brandén, Vilhelm Ekensteen och Adolf Ratzka. Intervjuer och research: Sybille Neveling och Susanne Berg. Musiken spelades av Rullbandet. Internet publication URLs:,, och
Bergström, Hans.  2004.  "Mentalsjukhusen ska förpassas till historiens skräpkammare" - ett radioprogram om Riksförbundet för Social och Mental Hälsa och avvecklingen av de psykiatriska institutionerna.
Under sextiotalet organiserar sig psykiatrins patienter i det som ska bli RSMH. Samtidigt pågick processen med att stänga de stora psykiska institutionerna i Sverige. I det här programmet möter vi tre överlevare med erfarenhet av psykiatrin och kamratstödet i föreningen. Lyssna-MP3 (29:38 minuter, 27,8 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (13,9 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Hans Bergström, Jan-Olof Forsén och Ola Persson. Intervjuer och research gjordes av Hans Bergström. Samtalspartner var Wenche Willumsen.
Berg, Susanne.  2004.  "Motstånd – en plikt"! Ett radioprogram om politiskt motstånd och civil olydnad.
Unga med funktionshinder söker sig i dag mot radikalare rörelser. Direktaktioner är det politiska verktyg de väljer och man kan konstatera att de radikala grupperingarna utanför handikappfrågornas område och de inom rörelsen följs åt till form och innehåll. Kanske kan det ses som en reaktion mot den organiserade politiken; mot dennas oförmåga att möta problemställningar och krav från olika grupper. Utomparlamentarism och civil olydnad är det som gäller. Lyssna-MP3 (26 minuter, 24,4 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Sari Nykvist, Finn Hellman, Jonas Franksson, Fredrik Larsson.
Berg, Susanne, Jahanmahan Farhad.  2004.  ”Partnerskap – det är snyggt, men svårt” är ett radioprogram om möjligheter och svårigheter i biståndsarbete.
Sverige ger mindre än en procent av bruttonationalprodukten i internationellt bistånd. En del av detta kanaliseras genom den svenska folkrörelsen. Aktiva handikapporganisationer bedriver biståndsprojekt via SHIA, Svenska Handikapporganisationers Internationella Biståndsförening. Lyssna-MP3 (28:57, 27,2 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Malin Ekman Aldén, Stefan Sundquist, Annika Åkerberg. Internet publication URLs: och
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Richtlinien zur Förderung der Persönlichen Assistenz am Arbeitsplatz.
Internet Veröffentlichung URL: (In German.)
Bergström, Hans.  2004.  "Sundby mentalsjukhus – helt slutet från samhället utanför" - ett radioprogram om hur det var att bli intagen för mentalvård på 1980-talet i Sverige.
Vård av personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar i Sverige handlar om institutionernas historia. Sinnessjuk, mentalsjuk, psykiskt störd är vad personer kallats under åren. Sinnessjukhus, mentalsjukhus, psykiatriska kliniker är namnet på institutionerna. Namnet på personerna är kopplat till namnet på byggnaden där de vårdats. Så blir invånarna avpersonifierade, objekt istället för individer med personlighet. I det här programmet får vi en inblick i vad det innebar att tas in på Sundby mentalsjukhus i början av 1980-talet. Lyssna-MP3 (29:28 minuter, 27,6 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (13,7 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Ola Persson. Research och intervju: Hans Bergström.
Berg, Susanne, Jahanmahan Farhad.  2004.  "Tillgänglighet! Nu!" - ett radioprogram om Marschen för tillgänglighet och personer med funktionshinders kamp mot diskriminering.
Den tjugoförsta augusti 2004 marscherar personer med funktionshinder för andra året i rad genom centrala Stockholm. Från Wennergren Center marscherar de genom Stockholm, fram till Mynttorget och Riksdagen. Kravet är lagstiftning som förbjuder diskriminering genom otillgänglighet. "Tillgänglighet! Nu!" - ett program om Marschen för tillgänglighet och personer med funktionshinders kamp mot diskriminering. 2004. Lyssna-MP3 (26:35 minuter, 24,9 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (8,75 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Marschdeltagare och arrangörer. Musik: Joel Granström och Synliga. Intervjuer och resesearch: Farhad Jahanmahan och Susanne Berg. Internet publication URLs:,, och
Berg, Susanne, Jahanmahan Farhad.  2004.  ”Vad sysslar du med?” är ett radioprogram om arbetsmarknaden för unga med funktionshinder och lagen om förbud mot diskriminering i arbetslivet
Vad man sysslar med, vilket arbete man har är av mycket stor betydelse i vårt samhälle. Arbetet är en stor del av den personliga identiteten; en del som inte enbart har betydelse för individens ekonomiska situation men också för hur sociala relationer inleds, formas och utvecklas. Tillgången till arbetsmarknaden är alltså en nyckelfråga för svenskarna. Vi fokuserar i det här programmet på ungdomar med funktionshinder och hur deras entré i arbetslivet ser ut. Lyssna-MP3 (26:57 minuter, 25,3 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (8,9 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare:Pontus Degsell, Fredrik Larsson, Torbjörn Andersson (Handikappombudsmannen), Christina Järnstedt (LO) och Hanna Sejlitz. Intervjuer och research: Farhad Jahanmahan och Susanne Berg.
Berg, Susanne.  2003.  The Craving of the Benevolent.
Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Disability, the organization of work, and the need for change.
Professor Barnes, from the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England points out that, "regardless of their role within the 'conventional' labour market, disabled people are both producers and consumers of a vast array of services upon which many non-disabled people depend; they are, therefore, a fundamental component within this equation." Internet publication URL:
Bollard, Joe.  2003.  "ENIL’s Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2003." Radioprogram.
Bollard, Joe. 2003-09. "ENIL’s Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2003." .Listen-MP3 (30:28 minuter, 28,6 MB), listen-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (4.6 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,, och In September 2003, ninety assistance users from ENIL, the European Independent Living Movement, converged on the European Parliament in Strasbourg to present their key demands (see for the inclusion of people, who need personal assistance, in mainstream society. Joe Bollard, the producer, is from Dublin, and is blind.
Sjölander, Johan, Börjesson Pelle, Dahl Ulla.  2003.  Hellre ofta än bekvämt.
Insändare till City, 2003-10-07, s. 21 [Sjölander (s), Börjesson (v), och Dahl (mp)]. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).
Belli, Raffaello.  2003.  Independent Living and some Italian Experiences.
Raffaello Belli presents an overview of the history of and current situation for people with disabilities in the various geographical areas in Italy with regard to the Independent Living movement and the availability of resources for Independent Living including direct payments. Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Internet publication URL:
Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Independent Living, Politics and Implications.
Published in the English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.") Internet publication URL: (In Spanish, PDF, 1.46 MB). Parts of the book available in English. Colin Barnes is Professor of Disability Studies and Director of the Centre for Disability Studies in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds, England. In this chapter of the book he gives a concise explanation of orthodox thinking on disability and an a different perspective developed by disabled people themselves. He then examines the concept of independent living and its impact on policy development.
Bollard, Joe.  2003.  Inget om oss utan oss!.
Bollard, Joe. 2003-09. "ENIL:s Strasbourg Freedom Drive 2003". Lyssna-MP3-engelska (30:28 minuter, 28,6 MB), lyssna-RealAudio-engelska, download-RealAudio-engelska (4.6 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,, och I september 2003 samlades nittio assistansbrukare från ENIL, det europeiska nätverket för Independent Living, i Strasbourg och marscherade till Europaparlamentets byggnad för att presentera sina viktigaste krav (se för att personer som behöver personlig assistans ska kunna delta på lika villkor i samhället. Producent är den synskadade Joe Bollard från Dublin. Original titel "Nothing about us without us!" Översättning av Eva Linderoth.
Rydberg(fp), Birgitta, Bexelius(fp) Birgitta, Wallhager(fp) Maria.  2003.  Överklagande av Stockholms läns landstings beslut 2003-10-07 ang avgiftshöjningar för rullstolstaxi.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).
Berg, Susanne.  2003.  Personal Assistance in Sweden.
From the perspective of a personal assistance user, the author describes the background and development of the legislation in Sweden dealing with personal assistance through direct payment. The power issues surrounding establishment of the Stockholm Independent Living Cooperative (STIL) are also addressed. Plenary presentation at: Personal Assistance in Practice - A Conference Organised by the Swiss Association for Social Policy (Persönliche Assistenz in der Praxis - Eine Informationstagung der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Sozialpolitik), Hotel Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2003-05-20. Internet publication URL:
Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Rehabilitation for Disabled People: a ‘sick’ joke?
Professor Barnes, from the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England argues that the relationship between disability and rehabilitation is best explained in terms of three distinct but related definitions of disability: the orthodox ‘individualistic’ medical definition, the more liberal ‘inter-relational’ account, and the ‘radical‘ socio/political interpretation commonly referred to as the ‘social model of disability’. He concludes with a brief focus on alternative strategies generated by disabled people and their organisations. Internet publication URL:
Bonnie, Selina.  2002.  Facilitated Sexual Expression in the Independent Living Movement in Ireland.
In her paper submitted for the Degree of Masters of Arts in Disability Studies at The University of Leeds, Bonnie Selina explores facilitated sexual expression in the Irish Independent Living Movement including how widespread facilitated sexual expression is in the Irish Independent Living movement and the legal and ethical implications of this form of assistance, particularly in the Irish social context. Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne.  2002.  I think I finally made the grade, I've become world's worst on empathy, by Susnnne Berg, June 2002.
Bush, George.  2001.  Executive Order: Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities.
On June 18, 2001 US President Bush issued an Executive Order to swiftly implement the Supreme Court decision and help individuals with disabilities move into the community. Internet publication URL:
Barnes, Colin.  2001.  Rethinking Care From the Perspective of Disabled People.
Conference Report and Recommendations (Draft). World Health Organization Disability and Rehabilitation Team. In this report to the United Nations World Health Organization, Professor Barnes, from the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England, recommends that member nations adopt a holistic approach that includes the introduction of policies to eliminate poverty and secure equal access to all community based services and facilities. These include medical services, education, employment, housing, transport, public amenities etc. The responsibility of national governments for introducing and financing these developments is also addressed. Internet publication URL: (PDF, 112 KB).
PDF icon barnes200106.pdf (111.34 KB)
Byrnes, Andrew.  2000.  Disability rights and human rights: plunging into the 'mainstream'?
Andrew Byrnes, of the Faculty of Law at The University of Hong Kong, writes that disability issues are for the most part treated as social issues instead of mainstream human rights issues, similar to women’s rights issues fifteen years ago. He outlines ways in which disability rights issues can be moved onto a more prominent place on the international human rights agenda. He also outlines gains which have already been made as a result of these efforts. In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." (PDF, 610 KB, Word 97, 564 KB.) Pre-paper 5. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URL: and
Baker, Jordan.  2000.  Federal Report Recommends Making Technology Access Easier For People With Disabilities (Australia).
This article recommends strategies for helping the elderly and people with disabilities access new information technologies. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  2000.  Zona and Ed Roberts: Twentieth Century Pioneers. Disability Studies Quarterly.
Brown, Steven E. 2000. "Zona and Ed Roberts: Twentieth Century Pioneers." In: Disability Studies Quarterly 20 (1)(Winter 2000), 26-42. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, has written a biographical description of two disability rights pioneers. Many people know the history and legacy of Ed Roberts, but far fewer realize the impact of his mother, Zona, and her own contributions apart from Ed to the disability rights movement. This is their story. Internet publication URLs: and (132 KB.)
PDF icon brown00a.pdf (131.54 KB)
Breisky, Karen.  1999.  The ABCs of hiring PCAs.
Personal care attendant work pays little, and much of the work is menial - so the search for caring, competent, reliable people is arduous. Karen Breisky refers to her own experiences in offering tips for hiring assistants. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1999.  The Curb Ramps of Kalamazoo: Discovering Our Unrecorded History.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, learned by accident of a city program to implement curb cuts in Kalamazoo, Michigan in the U.S. in the mid-1940s. This is the story of how that occurred. In: Disability Studies Quarterly, 19 (3), (Summer 1999), 203-05. Internet publication URL:
Batavia, Drew, Gallagher Hugh Gregory.  1999.  Gallagher and Batavia on Physician-assisted Suicide - An Open Letter to People with Disabilities.
Hugh Gallagher and Drew Batavia clarify their position on physician-assisted suicide and people with disabilities, including a declaration of disability rights. Internet publication URL:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News.  1999.  "Health - Euthanasia controls failing.".
Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1999.  Institutional Madness: Speaking out against institutionalism.
Dr. Steven E. Brown speaks out on institutionalism: "No one I know who has lived in a nursing home wanted to stay there. Institutions by their very nature constrict freedom; suppress life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Internet publication URL:
Bayha, Betsy.  1999.  Media's crippling coverage misses real story of disability experience.
Why do the media continually use the same ill-fitting and inaccurate phrases such as "wheelchair-bound," "afflicted" and "special needs," that the disability community rejected long ago? Internet publication URL:
Barnes, Colin.  1998.  Discrimination and the law - the British Experience.
In his presentation at the seminar organized by Independent Living Sweden, Stockholm, and and the Office of the Disability Ombudsman, Professor Colin Barnes of the Disability Research Unit in Leeds, UK, describes the Disability Discrimination Act enacted in 1995 in the UK, why and how the Act came into being, and why the Act is a mistake. He notes that the result of policies in general has been to create dependence for disabled people instead of independence which is what disabled people want and have a right to. Conference on Legislation for Human Rights Stockholm, Sweden, 1998-08-24. Internet publication URL:
Baha’i International Community.  1998.  Human Rights and Disability. Statement to the fortieth session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities Agenda item 7: human rights and disability. Geneva, Switzerland, August 1988.
Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1998.  In Freedom, Frank.
Dr. Steven E. Brown Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, describes the life and work of Frank Moore, a Berkeley, California, USA performance artist with cerebral palsy. First published in Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled, June/July 1998. Internet publication URL:
Brichtová, Lydia.  1998.  "Independent Living and proposed Slovak social reforms.".
Lydia Brichtová speaks about the changes adopted in social/disability legislation since 1989. Internet publication URL:
Bracking, Stuart, Cowan Ross.  1998.  It's MY life - An introduction to Independent Living.
Stuart Bracking and Ross Cowan (Gateshead Council on Disability) offer definitions and examples of the concepts independent living, personal assistance, and disability, comparing the medical and social models. Internet publication URL:
Belli, Raffaello.  1998.  Personal Assistance Legislation in Italy.
Raffaello Belli reports on various pieces of Italian legislation applying to payment of personal assistance for people with disabilites. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1998.  Poster Kids No More:' Perspectives About the No-Longer Emerging (In Fact, Vibrant) Disability Culture.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, takes an opportunity to review a decade of investigating and promoting disability culture. This piece quotes liberally from previous Brown publications, and attempts to put into perspective both opinions that challenge the concept of a disability culture and those that support it. In: Disability Studies Quarterly, 18(1) (Winter 1998), 5-19. (PDF, 160 KB.) Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URL:
Barnes, Colin.  1998.  Presentation at the Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective Stockholm, Sweden, 1998-08-23.
In his presentation at the seminar organized by Independent Living Sweden, Stockholm, Professor Colin Barnes of the Disability Research Unit in Leeds, UK, discusses rights and conditions for disabled persons in the UK and developed countries as compared to those in developing countries. He raises questions concerning the efficacy of legislation, the concept of rights, disability as one of many forms of social oppression, how developed countries’ economic policies are responsible for disability in developing countries, the role of organizations in improving conditions for disabled people, and the importance of the right to life. Internet publication URL:
Batavia, Andrew I.  1998.  Prospects for a National Personal Assistance Services Program: Enhancing Choice for People With Disabilities.
Mr. Batavia is Associate Professor, School of Policy and Management, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Florida International University, North Miami, Florida. The article was published in American Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Number 4, Winter 1998, Personal Assistance Services Part 2 of 2. American Rehabilitation is the official publication of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 330 C Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL:
Batavia, Andrew I.  1998.  Utsikter för ett Nationellt Personlig program för personlig assistans: att öka valmöjligheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning.
Andrew Batavia är Associate Professor vid School of Policy and Management, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Florida International University, North Miami, Florida. Artikeln, Prospects for a National Personal Assistance Services Program: Enhancing Choice for People with Disabilities, är tidigare publicerad i American Rehabilitation Volym 24, nummer 4 Vintern 1998 Personal Assistance Services del 2 av 2. American Rehabilitation är Rehabilitation Services Adminsitrations (RSA) officiella organ. Adress: 330 C Street S.W Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL:
Beatty, Philip, Adams Martha, O´Day Bonnier.  1998.  Virginia brukarstyrda personliga assistansprogram: En historik och utvärdering.
Beatty, Philip, Adams Martha, O´Day Bonnier.  1998.  Virginia's Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services Program: A History and Evaluation.
Brown, Steven E.  1998.  What Happened To Architectural Accessibility?
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, discusses the issue of architectural accessibility and wonders why this so-called easy aspect of accessibility can still be so difficult to find and why more people aren’t talking about and taking action to increase architectural accessibility. Internet publication URL:
Bartz, Elke.  1998.  Zur Lage der Assistenznehmer in Deutschland.
Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1997.  Dis-ing Definitions.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, attempted to reframe how people think the language and status of disability. First published in Mainstream: Magazine of The Able-Disabled, August 1997. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1997.  Movie Stars and Sensuous Scars.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, discusses love and sexuality in an autobiographical article. First published in Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled, February 1997. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1997.  Oh, Don't You Envy Us Our Privileged Lives?
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, reviewed the history of disability culture and its artifacts. A Review Of The Disability Culture Movement." First published in "Disability & Rehabilitation, August 1997. Internet publication URLs:, and (PDF, 62 KB; Word, RTF, 73 KB.).
Aslaksen, Finn, Bergh Steinar, Bringa Olav Rand, Heggem Edel Kristin.  1997.  Universal Design Planning and Design for All.
This report attempts to develop and illustrate the concept of universal design, which opposes, ideologically and politically, all unnecessary and stigmatizing specialized solutions. The principles and definitions of universal design were developed by The Center for Universal Design, USA. The Norwegian State Council on Disability. Internet publication URLs: and (5.26 MB)
Aslaksen, Finn, Bergh Steinar, Bringa Olav Rand, Heggem Edel Kristin.  1997.  Universal Design Planning and Design for All.
This report attempts to develop and illustrate the concept of universal design, which opposes, ideologically and politically, all unnecessary and stigmatizing specialized solutions. The principles and definitions of universal design were developed by The Center for Universal Design, USA. The Norwegian State Council on Disability. Internet publication URLs: and (5.26 MB)
Brown, Steven E.  1996.  Book Review - Deviants, Invalids, and Anthropologists: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Conditions of Disability in One Academic Discipline: A Review of Disability and Culture.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, critically reviewed the book Disability and Culture, edited by Benedicte Ingstad and Susan Reynolds Whyte. Disability and Rehabilitation: An international, multidisciplinary journal, First published in May 1996. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1996.  Disability Culture: A Fact Sheet.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, briefly describes the history and themes of disability culture. (Las Cruces, NM: Institute on Disability Culture, 1996). Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1996.  Super Duper? The (Unfortunate) Ascendancy of Christopher Reeve
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, compiled a discussion prompted by the invitation of Christopher Reeve, the actor who became quadriplegic, to speak at the 1996 Democratic Presidential Convention in the USA. First published in Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled, October 1996. Internet publication URL:
Bang, Marian.  1996.  Towards a more helpful society.
Research on assistive devices that make daily tasks easier is seen as a tool for empowering both those with disabilities and their care-givers. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1996.  We Are Who We Are: So Who Are We? Musings on the definition of disability culture
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, provides a short definition of disability culture and places the difficulty of definitions in the context of power struggles. First published in Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled, August 1996. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1995.  A Celebration of Diversity: An Introductory, Annotated Bibliography about Disability Culture.
According to Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, the idea of disability culture has gained momentum in the early 1990s leading to many examples of the culture in articles, books, music, and film. This is an annotated description of those Brown believes are most significant. In: Disability Studies Quarterly 15 (4), (Fall 1995), 36-55. (PDF, 125 KB.) Internet publication URL: and
Brown, Steven E, Gonzales Brown Lillian.  1995.  Death & Life.
Dr. Steven E. Brown and Gonzales Brown, Co-Founders of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, has written a biographical description of a friend Danny Blake, who lives with Cerebral Palsy and AIDS and provides a cogent analysis of living and dying with a disability. First published in "Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled," September 1995. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1995.  I Was Born (in a Hospital Bed) -- When I Was Thirty-One Years Old.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, gave a speech, later reworked into an article, in which he describes how he came to accept and even take pride in his status as a person with a disability and a disability activist, as well as other life activities, such as being a parent. First published in "Disability & Society," 1995. Internet publication URL:
Bhandari, Avinash.  1992.  Introducing access legislation for architects and planners in Mauritius.
Avinash Bhandari, of the Ministry of Works in Mauritius, describes features to be included in the construction of buildings in order to ensure accessibility and safety for as broad a segment of the population as possible. He outlines the current state of accessibility in Mauritius and how it could be improved. Internet publication URL:
Bahn, Erik, Bahn Tina.  1991.  Waste disposal in the household - recycling systems for everyone. Arkitekterne Bahn.
This report, by the architects Erik & Tina Bahn, describes a project their architectural firm carried out for the Danish Building Development Board. The project was to develop and test recycling systems for waste disposal in the home which were as user-friendly and usable for as large a group of the population as possible. In: "Report of the Fourth International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Access Legislation and Design Solutions Budapest, Hungary, September 2-4, 1991" (PDF, 480 KB). Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Bahn, Erik, Bahn Tina.  1991.  Waste disposal in the household - recycling systems for everyone. Arkitekterne Bahn.
This report, by the architects Erik & Tina Bahn, describes a project their architectural firm carried out for the Danish Building Development Board. The project was to develop and test recycling systems for waste disposal in the home which were as user-friendly and usable for as large a group of the population as possible. In: "Report of the Fourth International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Access Legislation and Design Solutions Budapest, Hungary, September 2-4, 1991" (PDF, 480 KB). Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Bracking, Stuart, Cowan Ross.  1988.  Using a home care agency - A question and answer guide for Disabled people.
An introduction to personal assistance for people with disabilities, including definitions and dozens of practical questions with straight-forward answers. Internet publication URLs: and
Berrol, Sheldon.  1979.  "The Role of the Able-Bodied Professional.".
Sheldon Berrol notes that the success of the independent living movement, in contrast to a rehabilitation or medical approach to disability, is due to the creation and nurturing of the movement by the disabled community. The role of the able bodied professional working with disabled people is to provide services, be active advocates, share skills, and provide training while allowing the direction of the Independent Living Program to come from within the disabled community. Internet publication URL: