van Hek, Roy.
Presentation of the "European Manual for an Accessible Built Environment. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibbudapest34.html
Hawkins, Candace.
Memo to the World. Are public funds to be used for nursing homes or for paying personal assistants in one's own home? Missouri opened the way to freedom. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs4/hawkins2000.html
Hassan, Javed.
Essentials of a comprehensive accessibility legislation. Javad Hassan, President of the Association of Physically Disabled Persons, Islamabad, Pakistan, emphasizes that social integration of disabled people into society is dependant on their ability to physically participate in it. He describes the components for a strong legal instrument to ensure that all buildings and facilities meant for use by the general public would be usable and safe for all, which includes effective enforcement and implementation clauses and which provides for legal proceedings in case of non-compliance. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibharare8.html
Hasler, Frances.
Philosophy of Independent Living. The author summarises the philosophy of independent living by quoting Philip Mason, John Evans, Adolf Ratzka, Martin McNaughton, and others. Included is a summary of the seven “basic needs†of independent living identified by Derbyshire CIL. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/hasler2003.html
Hasler, Frances.
A summary of the Department of Health (DoH) Figures for Direct Payments Users in the UK in 2002. Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/hasler200303.html
Harrison, James D.
Recent advances in accessibility legislation and incentives in Singapore. This paper, by James D. Harrison from the School of Architecture, National University of Singapore, Singapore, describes the situation for disabled persons in Singapore, and the background leading up to proposals on accessibility which called for the introduction of a mandatory Accessibility Code for all buildings (including existing ones). Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibbudapest12.html
Harrington, Candy.
Problemet med desinformation. The biggest problem for travelers with disabilities is the alarming increase of misinformation about accessible travel, claims Candy Harrington. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/ch1999sv.html (In Swedish.)
Harrington, Candy.
The Problem with Travel Misinformation. The biggest problem for travelers with disabilities is the alarming increase of misinformation about accessible travel, claims Candy Harrington. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/ch1999.html
Hardus, Alwine.
Det är du som bestämmer: Brukarstryd budget för att ordna assistans (Direct Payments). "Client-linked budget" is a system of direct payments for personal assistance services. This outlines the Dutch service, comparing it with "help in kind." Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/hardussv.html (In Swedish.)
Hardus, Alwine.
Boss in your own home: Client Linked Budget. "Client-linked budget" is a system of direct payments for personal assistance services. This outlines the Dutch service, comparing it with "help in kind." Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/hardus.html
Handikappombudsmannen, Independent Living Sverige.
Conference on Human Rights for Disabled People: Discussion from August 24th, 1998. This is the transcript of a panel discussion on the topic of constitutional laws and anti-discrimination legislation for persons with disabilities. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/hr11.html
Handikappombudsmannen, Independent Living Sverige.
Conference on Legislation for Human Rights. This introduction to the conference on Legislation for Human Rights held in Stockholm on August 24, 1998 presents links to reports by experts from several countries with anti-discrimination legislation in connection with disability about how the legislation has functioned in their countries and their reflections on the situation of disabled people in their respective countries. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/hr00.html
Handikappombudsmannen, Independent Living Sverige.
Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter, 24 augusti 1998, Stockholm. This introduction to the conference on Legislation for Human Rights held in Stockholm on August 24, 1998, presents links to reports by experts from several countries with anti-discrimination legislation in connection with disability about how the legislation has functioned in their countries and their reflections on the situation of disabled people in their respective countries. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/hr0.html (In Swedish.)
Handi Cap Evasion.
Peru 1997. See how travelling with a disability just got easier with the Joëlette in action on a trip to Peru, where even the toughest terrain can be conquered with this wonderful invention! Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/Peru1997.html
Handi Cap Evasion.
What is a Joëlette? Read about how one parent's invention made travelling easier and more pleasant for his son, despite the latter's disability. The Handi Cap Evasion Website is at www.hce.asso.fr/eng/ (in English and French). Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/joelette.html
Hahn, Harlan.
Toward a Politics of Disability: Definitions, Disciplines, and Policies. The purpose of this study is to examine the values contained in three major definitions of disability, to examine the policy implications of each of these definitions, and to appraise the extent to which research in various disciplines of the social sciences has facilitated or impeded the development of a new conceptualization of the issue. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs4/hahn2.html
Hahn, Harlan.
Civil Rights FOR Disabled Americans: The Foundation of a Political Agenda. The primary goal of this paper by Harlan Hahn of the University of Southern California is to examine crucial areas of agreement and disagreement about the "minority group model" (views prejudice and discrimination as the major issues confronting citizens with disabilities) both within and between disabled and nondisabled segments of the population, and to develop a case for the benefits that can be derived from policies founded on a socio-political understanding of disability. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs4/hahn.html
Hagan, Ben E, Wellington H N A.
Opportunities and constraints for access legislation in Ghana. This paper by E. Ben Hagan and H. N. A. Wellington of the Building & Road Research Institute, Dept. of Architecture, University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, analyses existing socio-cultural and institutional arrangements in Ghana in order to provide a basis for proposing a strategy to achieve access legislation within the prevailing development context. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibharare7.html
Guttmann, Eva Janzon.
Minister som värnar. Sociala skyddsnät och omsorg om alla grupper i samhället. Så vill vi gärna tro att det är i Sverige. Men för många människor med funktionshinder ser verkligheten annorlunda ut. (In Swedish.) Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/ejg1998.html
Grunewald, Karl.
Experiences with Successful Policy for Community-Based Services. Europe in Action 2005, Prague May 19 - 21.
Intenet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs7/grunewald200505.html
Grunewald, Karl.
Close the Institutions for the Intellectually Disabled - Everyone Can Live in the Open Society. A pamphlet on the European Year of People with Disabilities.
A pamphlet on the European Year of People with Disabilities. Intenet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/docs7/grunewald2003.html and www.independentliving.org/docs7/grunewald2003.pdf
grunewald2003.pdf (108.92 KB) Golden, Marilyn.
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990: An activist's perspective. In her presentation, Marilyn Golden of the Disability Rights and Education Defense Fund, U.S.A., talks about the series of laws against discrimination that the disability movement in the US has achieved, their limitations, and how they are enforced. An account is given of the extensive grass-roots activities and coalition building which took place prior to the enactment of the ADA of 1990. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibbudapest11.html
Godinho, Francisco.
Portuguese Parliament promotes Web Accessibility. Portugal became the fourth country in the world to officially promote web accessibility for people with disabilities, after the United States, Australia and Canada. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/portweb.html
Gill, Carol J.
Research on urban planning and architecture for disabled persons in Iran - Establishing design criteria. Dr. Carol J. Gill, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Human Development and Director of the Chicago Center for Disability Research, Department of Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago, provides an excellent perspective of why the need for a culture, what it is, and what it means for those of us who feel the need to be categorized in it. Internet publication URL: http://www.independentliving.org/docs3/gill1995.html
Gill, Carol J.
Korrekta fakta om funktionshinder och 'livskvalitet'. If only Kevorkian and others would read the research literature before deciding it is reasonable to want to die when you have an extensive disability! Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/gill99sv.html (In Swedish.)
Gill, Carol J.
Facts About Disability and 'Quality of Life'. If only Kevorkian and others would read the research literature before deciding it is reasonable to want to die when you have an extensive disability! Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/gill99sv.html (In Swedish.)
Galvin, Donald E.
Policy Issues in Independent Living Rehabilitation. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/galvin198006.html
Frieden, Lex.
Independent Living Models. In: Rehabilitation Literature, Special Article, July-August, 1980, Vol 41, No. 7-8, pp. 169-173. A-289. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/frieden1980.html
Friborg, Charlotta.
Att bestämma över vardagen - intervju av Adolf Ratzka. I en intervju på DN:s Ledarsida efterlyser Adolf Ratzka en handikappolitik som bygger på egenmaktsperspektivet, en politik som inte tar ifrån människor deras självrespekt. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/friborg.html (In Swedish.)
Freak Radio.
Assistansbrukares situation i Wien. Lyssna-RealAudio (28:40 minuter, download-RealAudio, 9,46 MB). Programmet i text. Innslag av: Katharina Zabransky, Gerhard Wagner, Irmgard Kampas, Bernhard Hruska; redaktion: Gerhard Wagner. Medverkande: Bernadette Feuerstein, Martin Kopper, Gerda Ressl, Manuela Ressl, Peter Singer. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/radio/assistanswien-osterrike.ram, www.independentliving.org/radio/assistanswien-osterrike.rm, och www.independentliving.org/radio/assistanswien-osterrike.html
Fränti, Marttiina, Könkkölä Maija.
National report on Finnish access legislation. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibbudapest9.html
Finkelstein, Vic.
A Personal Journey Into Disability Politics. Finkelstein reviews the development of radical British disability organizations and his own personal history and thought in their evolution. Finkelstein, a psychologist by training, was tutor in Disability Studies at the Open University and is now Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Disability Studies, Leeds University. Finkelstein has a disability. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/docs3/finkelstein01a.html and www.independentliving.org/docs3/finkelstein01a.pdf
Finkelstein, Vic, Morrison Elspeth.
Broken Arts And Cultural Repair: The Role Of Culture In The Empowerment Of Disabled People. A discussion of how human beings come together in groups to confirm their identity and how disability arts and culture enable people with disabilities to find their way into mainstream culture. Morrison, former editor of Disability Arts in London magazine, is freelance writer, theatre director, and author of the Independent Theatre Council's book on Theatre Practice and Disability. Finkelstein, a psychologist by training, was tutor in Disability Studies at the Open University, now Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Disability Studies, Leeds University. Both authors have a disability. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/finkelstein93a.html
Finkelstein, Vic.
Att förneka eller acceptera funktionshinder. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/finkelsteinsv.html (In Swedish.)
Finkelstein, Vic.
To Deny or Not to Deny Disability - What is disability? Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/finkelstein.html
Finkelstein, Vic.
You Don't Have to be a Cripple if You're Disabled, The upside-down world of racist South Africa. Vic Finkelstein reports on his harrowing experience with South African police, not because he is black, but because he is disabled. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/finkelstein2.html
Finkelstein, Vic.
Disabled People and our Culture Development. Why is disability culture a crucial component of the disability rights movement? The question is addressed by Finkelstein, a psychologist by training, tutor in Disability Studies at the Open University and Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Disability Studies, Leeds University. Finkelstein has a disability. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/finkelstein87a.html
Field, Jane.
The Fishing is Free. Jane Field, a Canadian singer and songwriter with a disability, uses humor in her tales of disability. First recorded in 1994 on a music cassette titled, "The Fishing is Free" (available from the Next Renaissance: a catalog of disability art, culture & collectibles, 2260 Sunrise Point Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88011). Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/field1994.html
Fern, Robert.
Access to services and facilities in the Canadian Parks Service. Robert Fern of The Canadian Parks Service (CPS) in his presentation at the CIB Seminar in Budapest, 1991, describes the Canadian Parks Service's implementation of accessibility measures for disabled persons in the Canadian National Parks. The CPS Strategy and Action Plan emphasizes the need for persons who have hearing, visual and mobility impairments to have equal and, where possible, integrated access to park and site themes, recreational opportunities and essential services. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibbudapest8.html
Fahanmahan, Farhad.
"Det är samma här, men det är olika" - ett program om hur det kan vara att komma till Sverige som man med funktionshinder från Mellanöstern. Lyssna-MP3 (29:38 minuter, 27,8 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (9,8 MB). Programmet i text. Att vara invandrare och funktionshindrad beskrivs ibland som att leva med ett dubbelhandikapp. Vi frågade tre män från olika delar av mellanöstern om deras syn på hur det är att leva med funktionshinder i hemlandet och hur de upplever situationen i det svenska samhället. Deltagare:Khoudadad Bahrami, Amir Amirriazi och Attila Koüba. Intervjuer och research: Farhad Jahanmahan. E
Evans, John, Hasler Frances.
Direktutbetalningskampanjen i Storbritannien. The IL movement believes that Direct Payment schemes should be a right, and thus a change in the legislation has high priority in the issues of disabled people after comprehensive civil rights legislation. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs2/directpayuksv.html (In Swedish.)
Evans, John, Hasler Frances.
Direct Payments Campaign in the U.K.. The IL movement believes that Direct Payment schemes should be a right, and thus a change in the legislation has high priority in the issues of disabled people after comprehensive civil rights legislation. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs2/enildirectpayment.html
Evans, John.
Developments in Independent Living and Direct Payments in UK. Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Internet publication URL: http://www.independentliving.org/docs6/evans200311.html
Evans, John.
The Independent Living Movement in the UK. John Evans was one of the founders of Project 81 that marked the beginning of the Independent Living Movement in the UK. Since 1996 he has been the chair of the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL). In this document he gives an overview of the origin of the Independent Living Movement in the UK, it's development and evolution, as well as the current situation.
European Network on Independent Living (ENIL).
Shaping Our Futures, A conference on Independent Living. Facing our futures brought together disabled experts on independent living, to share experience and map out future strategies. The conference set out to consider the social and economic arguments for independent living. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/docs2/enilfuture.html and www.independentliving.org/docs2/enilfuture.pdf
European Disability Forum.
Guide to the Amsterdam Treaty. As a result of extensive campaign work by disability NGOs, disabled people are now visible in the Treaties. The non-discrimination clause, the provisions on social policy, the title on employment, the declaration on internal market legislation will all have practical consequences for disabled people throughout the Union. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/docs3/edf98.html and www.independentliving.org/docs3/edf98.pdf
European Council.
Community legislation in force: Resolution of the Council AND of the representatives of the governments of the member states meeting within the Council of 20 December 1996 on equality of opportunity for people with disabilities. This European Council resolution affirms human rights as a fundamental value of the Member States whereas the principle of equality of opportunity for all, including people with disabilities, represents a core value. All disabled persons, whatever the origin and nature of their disability, must be entitled to concrete measures aimed at improving their social and professional integration. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/ec9612.html
European Commision.
Raising Employment Levels of People with Disabilities - The Common Challenge. In light of the European Employment Strategy, and drawing on the analysis of some key elements of the 1998 Member States' National Action Plans, this paper seeks to establish a set of fundamental policy issues concerning employment and disability. Internet publication URLs: http://www.independentliving.org/docs3/ec1550.html and http://www.independentliving.org/files/ec1550.pdf
ec1550.pdf (38.37 KB) Ervin, Michael.
The 25 Day Siege That Brought Us 504. On April 5, 1977, thousands of disabled people in cities all over America converged on their regional offices of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. They wanted implementation of regulations that would add significant impact to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Michael Ervin presents the reflections of three people who were involved in the actions the author deems to be the most significant event in the history of the disability rights movement. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs4/ervin1986.html
Ericsson, Patricia, Ericsson Kent.
Att äga sin bostad. Fyra män med begåvningshandikapp köpt sin egen bostad och där deras stöd förmedlas av personliga assistenter. (In Swedish.) Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs2/ericsson1995.html (In Swedish.)
Enns, Henry.
Konflikter och personer med funktionsnedsättning. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/dispeopleintldev2sv.html
Enns, Henry.
Journey to the Middle East. This account describes the organizational efforts of disabled people encountered by Henry Enns, Executive Director of Disabled Peoples’ International and Marion Stroud, a member of the International Committee on the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), during their visit to five countries in the Middle East. Their mission was to explore ways that MCC could support the grassroots development of disabled people in these countries. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/enns1998middle_east
Enns, Henry.
Disabled Refugees. Henry Enns, Executive Director of Disabled Peoples’ International discusses the plight of disabled refugees as a human rights issue that needs to be addressed by the UN and member states. Immigration policies in most countries discriminate against disabled refugees considering them as a “burden” and ignoring the significant contributions that disabled persons make to society. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/enns1998disabled_refugees
Enns, Henry.
Flyktingar med funktionsnedsättning. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/enns1998flyktingar
Enns, Henry.
Conflict Situations and Disabled Persons. Henry Enns, Executive Director of Disabled Peoples’ International discusses the plight of disabled refugees as a human rights issue that needs to be addressed by the UN and member states. Immigration policies in most countries discriminate against disabled refugees considering them as a “burden” and ignoring the significant contributions that disabled persons make to society. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/dispeopleintldev2.html
Enns, Henry.
Resa till Mellanöstern. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/enns1998mellanostern
Elmén, Bengt.
15 års erfarenhet med personlig assistans och några erfarenheter med peer counselling. Stiletten, nr. 2, 1987.
Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/elmen87.html (In Swedish.)
Eilenberg, Ian M.
Australia takes tentative steps to take up the challenge of persons with disabilities. This report by Ian M. Eilenberg, Victorian University of Technology, RMIT, Australia describes legislative steps taken in Australia to improve building regulations in order to promote accessibility and a "non-handicapping" environment. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibbudapest7.html
Economic Social Commission for Asia the Pacific, United Nations.
Promotion of Non-Handicapping Physical Environments for Disabled Persons: Guidelines. As part of a series of regional initiatives to translate into action the goals and objectives of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, ESCAP in 1993 embarked on a project to promote non-handicapping environments for persons with disabilities and elderly persons in the Asian and Pacific region. This publication of comprehensive guidelines for the promotion of non-handicapping environments is an activity under the project. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs2/escap1995.html
Economic Social Commission for Asia the Pacific, United Nations.
Self-Help Organizations of Disabled Persons. The preparation of this Internet publication, "Self-Help Organizations of Disabled Persons," is an activity of an Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) project, with the purpose of promoting and supporting the self-help movement of people with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. Guidelines on establishing and strengthening self-help organizations of disabled persons as well as case studies of such organizations are presented. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs2/escap1991.html
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, United Nations.
2000 ESCAP HRD Award, Theme: HRD for the Empowerment of People with Disabilities. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) established the ESCAP HRD Award in 1990 which is presented annually in recognition of exemplary work in the field of human resources development (HRD). The theme of the award for the year 2000 was “Empowerment of People with Disabilities.” This brochure presents a history of the award as well as eligibility requirements and application procedures. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs2/escap2000hrd.html
Duyvendak, J W, Melief W B A M.
Pioneering Personal Assistance in Slovenia: An Evaluation of the YHD Pilot Project on Personal Assistance in Slovenia. YHD-Association for Theory and Culture of Disability, an organization run by and for people with disabilities and subscribing to the Independent Living philosophy, started a pilot project in Ljubljana with personal assistance for deinstitutionalization and equal opportunities of assistance users. Internet publication URLs: http://www.independentliving.org/docs3/duve2001.html and http://www.independentliving.org/files/duve2001.pdf.
duve2001.pdf (150 KB) duToit, Mike.
Self Help Association of Paraplegics, SHAP, Republic of South Africa. This article describes the experience and success of SHAP, which was launched in 1981 by a group of unemployed Soweto paraplegics. They decided to operate a factory employing only disabled people, doing work on a subcontract basis for industry. By 1989 the factory employed 130 disabled people. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/toolsforpower/tools31.html
Dunn, Peter A.
The Economic, Social, and Environmental Obstacles Which Seniors with disabilities confront in Canada. This paper describes and analyzes the economic, environmental and attitudinal factors that create barriers which confront disabled seniors in Canada, especially those individuals with physical disabilities, and which limit their full participation in society. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/dunn1990a.html
Dunn, Peter A.
A Comparative Analysis of Barrier-Free Housing: Policies for Elderly People in the United States and Canada. This paper identifies policy issues in creating barrier free housing for elderly people with disabilities in the United States and Canada. The strengths and weaknesses of a variety of policy approaches are contrasted. The approach in the United States which emphasizes individual housing rights is compared to the more social welfare approach used in Canada. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/dunn1997b.html
Dunn, Peter A.
Government policy innovations and trends in barrier-free housing, accessible transportation and personal supports. In this paper, Peter A. Dunn, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfred Laurier University, Canada, outlines some of the provincial and territorial policies in Canada that began to incorporate independent living (IL) principles during the UN Decade of Disabled Persons (1983-1992). It focuses upon three areas: barrier-free housing, accessible transportation and attendant services/ personal supports. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/dunn1997a.html
Dunn, Peter A.
Accessible housing legislation and policies: A framework for future policy development. This paper focuses on the range of policy and legislative issues which need to be tackled in order for countries to promote a barrier-free housing environment, while looking at housing rights and civil rights of people with disabilities. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/cib/cibbudapest6.htm
Dube, A K.
Vad menar vi med utveckling? Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/dube1990utveckling
Dube, A K.
What Do We Mean by Development? A.K. Dube of the Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD) Regional Development Officer discusses features of the development-underdevelopment process as it relates to disabled people and their organizations. He notes that people can only liberate or develop themselves if they are able to identify the forces that constrain or oppress them. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/dube1990development
Driedger, Diane(ed.).
Disabled People in International Development. This booklet is presented to create an increasing awareness of disabled persons in the development process for both the disabled persons community and non-governmental organizations involved in international development. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/docs1/dispeopleintldev1.html and www.independentliving.org/docs1/dispeopleintldev.pdf
Driedger, Diane(ed.).
Disabled People's Development Projects. This booklet is presented to create an increasing awareness of disabled persons in the development process for both the disabled persons community and non-governmental organizations involved in international development. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/dispeopleintldev3.html