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Wilner, MaryAnn, Wyatt Ann.  1998.  Independence Care System: Managed Care for People with Disabilities.
The goal of Independence Care System is to enable people with disabilities to remain at home or in the least restrictive setting possible by integrating the full range of primary care, acute care, and home and community-based services in a comprehensive, flexible manner. Internet publication URL:
Nadash, Pamela.  1998.  Independent Choices: Enhancing Consumer Direction for People with Disabilities.
Allowing consumers to manage and direct the long-term services they need acknowledges that they are the best judges of their own needs and the best decision-makers on how these needs get met - an acknowledgment seldom made. Internet publication URL:
Brichtová, Lydia.  1998.  "Independent Living and proposed Slovak social reforms.".
Lydia Brichtová speaks about the changes adopted in social/disability legislation since 1989. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Independent Living in der Slowakei.".
1997 wann das Institut für Independent Living Projektverträge in der Slovakischen Republik im Rahmen des EU PHARE Programms für die Einführung eines Models für Persönliche Assistenz mit Bargeldleistungen an die Assistenznehmer sowie eines Models für ein rollstuhlgerechtes, der Öffentlichkeit zugängliches, Taxisystem mit Subventionierung der behinderten Reisenden. Der Artikel diskutiert die besonderen Schwierigkeiten und Möglichkeiten von benutzer-initierten und benutzer-betriebenen Lösungen in post-kommunistischen Gesellschaften. Internet publication URL: (In German.)
Independent Living Institute.  1998.  Independent Living Institute (ILI) Annual Report 1997.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  1998.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 1997.
Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Inledning på Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter, Stockholm, Sweden, 24 augusti 1998.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Ishikawa, Jun, Nagase Osamu(eds.).  1998.  "Invitation to Disability Studies" New book on disability studies in Japanese.
A collection of texts and resources by persons with disabilities for disabled people. (in Japanese.) Internet publication URL:
Clarke, Dr. Angus.  1998.  Issues Arising from Genetics - Genetics and Disability.
In his presentation Dr. Angus Clarke, of the Institute of Medical Genetics at the University of Wales College of Medicine, discusses issues raised by genetics in disability, outlines the uses of genetic testing and his concerns about how it is developing, as well as the different uses for genetics in general and with regard to reproductive screening, and the problems surrounding this issue. Internet publication URL:
Cunningham-Burley, Dr. Sarah.  1998.  Issues Arising from Quality of Life. Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people.
In her presentation, Dr. Sarah Cunningham-Burley, from the Department of Public Health, University of Edinburgh, looked at the way in which quality of life issues are affecting medical decisions, including decisions about genetic testing, and related this to a study of how the general public views these issues. Internet publication URL: In: Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). 1998. "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people." Internet publication URL:
Bracking, Stuart, Cowan Ross.  1998.  It's MY life - An introduction to Independent Living.
Stuart Bracking and Ross Cowan (Gateshead Council on Disability) offer definitions and examples of the concepts independent living, personal assistance, and disability, comparing the medical and social models. Internet publication URL:
Enns, Henry.  1998.  Journey to the Middle East.
This account describes the organizational efforts of disabled people encountered by Henry Enns, Executive Director of Disabled Peoples’ International and Marion Stroud, a member of the International Committee on the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), during their visit to five countries in the Middle East. Their mission was to explore ways that MCC could support the grassroots development of disabled people in these countries. Internet publication URL:
Handikappombudsmannen, Independent Living Sverige.  1998.  Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter, 24 augusti 1998, Stockholm.
This introduction to the conference on Legislation for Human Rights held in Stockholm on August 24, 1998, presents links to reports by experts from several countries with anti-discrimination legislation in connection with disability about how the legislation has functioned in their countries and their reflections on the situation of disabled people in their respective countries. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Enns, Henry.  1998.  Konflikter och personer med funktionsnedsättning.
Internet publication URL:
Hurst, Rachel.  1998.  Leading Disabled Activist, Awarded Highest U.S. Honour.
In February 1998, disability activist Justin Dart was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom - the highest civilian honour in the USA. Internet publication URL:
Rennerstedt, Kristina.  1998.  Legala aspekter av diskrimineringslagstiftning i Sverige.
Kristina Rennerstedt, av Justitiedepartementet tala om möjligheter och svårigheter i Sverige med diskrimineringslagstiftning som metod för att ge människor med funktionshinder samma möjligheter som andra. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Montero, Federico.  1998.  Legislation on Disability: The Costa Rican Experience.
Despite the country's relative good respect for human rights and our democratic system, disabled people still do not enjoy equal rights and participation in all aspects of society. Among the factors that prevent disabled people from full citizenship are negative attitudes against disability. Internet publication URL:
Guttmann, Eva Janzon.  1998.  Minister som värnar.
Sociala skyddsnät och omsorg om alla grupper i samhället. Så vill vi gärna tro att det är i Sverige. Men för många människor med funktionshinder ser verkligheten annorlunda ut. (In Swedish.) Internet publication URL:
Albert, Bill.  1998.  The New Genetics and Disabled People.
The following paper draws heavily on the British Council of Organisations of Disabled People's (BCODP) discussions on the issue of genetics and disabled people. Please note that this paper is NOT BCODP policy but rather a discussion document intended to encourage debate within the movement. For more information on the issue of genetics and disabled people BCODP please refer to the BCODP web site. Internet publication URL:
Disabled Peoples' International - European Region.  1998.  Panel Discussion - Open Debate, Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled People (1998).
Internet publication URL: In: Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). 1998. "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people." Internet publication URL:
Willig Levy, Chava.  1998.  A People's History of the Independent Living Movement.
Chava Willig Levy relates stories from the IL Movement to create a people's history. This mongraph explores human rather than social forces. It looks at who rather than what shaped the IL movement. Internet publication URL:
Belli, Raffaello.  1998.  Personal Assistance Legislation in Italy.
Raffaello Belli reports on various pieces of Italian legislation applying to payment of personal assistance for people with disabilites. Internet publication URL:
Litvak, Simi.  1998.  Personal Assistance Service Policy: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going.
Dr. Simi Litvak examines the current state of Personal Assistance Services (PAS), and how they might be improved in a fiscal, quality, and humanitarian sense. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1998.  Poster Kids No More:' Perspectives About the No-Longer Emerging (In Fact, Vibrant) Disability Culture.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, takes an opportunity to review a decade of investigating and promoting disability culture. This piece quotes liberally from previous Brown publications, and attempts to put into perspective both opinions that challenge the concept of a disability culture and those that support it. In: Disability Studies Quarterly, 18(1) (Winter 1998), 5-19. (PDF, 160 KB.) Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URL:
Könkkölä, Kalle.  1998.  Presentation at the Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective Stockholm, Sweden 23 August, 1998.
Kalle Könkkölä discusses the organization's perspective on human rights. Internet publication URL:
Barnes, Colin.  1998.  Presentation at the Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective Stockholm, Sweden, 1998-08-23.
In his presentation at the seminar organized by Independent Living Sweden, Stockholm, Professor Colin Barnes of the Disability Research Unit in Leeds, UK, discusses rights and conditions for disabled persons in the UK and developed countries as compared to those in developing countries. He raises questions concerning the efficacy of legislation, the concept of rights, disability as one of many forms of social oppression, how developed countries’ economic policies are responsible for disability in developing countries, the role of organizations in improving conditions for disabled people, and the importance of the right to life. Internet publication URL:
Könkkölä, Kalle.  1998.  Presentation vid Seminarium om mänskliga rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning ur ett nord- och sydperspektiv Stockholm, Sverige 23 augusti 1998.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Batavia, Andrew I.  1998.  Prospects for a National Personal Assistance Services Program: Enhancing Choice for People With Disabilities.
Mr. Batavia is Associate Professor, School of Policy and Management, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Florida International University, North Miami, Florida. The article was published in American Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Number 4, Winter 1998, Personal Assistance Services Part 2 of 2. American Rehabilitation is the official publication of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 330 C Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL:
European Commision.  1998.  Raising Employment Levels of People with Disabilities - The Common Challenge.
In light of the European Employment Strategy, and drawing on the analysis of some key elements of the 1998 Member States' National Action Plans, this paper seeks to establish a set of fundamental policy issues concerning employment and disability. Internet publication URLs: and
PDF icon ec1550.pdf (38.37 KB)
United Nations.  1998.  Report of the United Nations Consultative Expert Group Meeting on International Norms and Standards Relating to Disability.
Experts in international law and disability policy issues review and discuss issues and trends relating to the practical application of international norms and standards to promote the human rights of persons with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Enns, Henry.  1998.  Resa till Mellanöstern.
Internet publication URL:
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  1998.  Resolution om Personlig assistans.
Antagen av deltagarna på International Personal Assistance Services Symposium, sponsrat av World Institute on Disability. Symposiet ägde rum i Oakland, Kalifornien, den 29 september till den 1 oktober 1991. Artikeln är tidigare publicerad i American Rehabilitation Volym 24, nummer 4, Vintern 1998 Personal Assistance Services del 2 av 2. American Rehabilitaion är Rehabilitation Services Administrations (RSA) officiella publikation. Adress: 330 C Street S.W Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  1998.  Resolutions on Personal Assistance Services.
Passed by Participants of the International Personal Assistance Services Symposium Sponsored by the World Institute on Disability, Convened September 29 to October 1, 1991, Oakland, California. Published in: American Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Number 4, Winter 1998, Personal Assistance Services, Part 2 of 2. American Rehabilitation is the official publication of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 330 C Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL:
Disabled Peoples' International - European Region.  1998.  Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled People (1998).
Summaries of papers on Genetics & Bioetheics at the DPI Seminar. Presentations given by, Dr. Angus Clarke, Dr. Sarah Cunningham, and Dr. Theresia Degener, followed by an open debate. Internet publication URL:
Heumann, Judith E.  1998.  Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective.
From her perspective as Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (USA), Judy Heumann speaks on disability rights. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Sexualitet och människor med funktionshinder: vad experterna ofta inte känner till.".
For many of us who have extensive disabilities our sexual liberation does not so much depend on sex counselling or mechanical sex aids but on the availability of tax-funded personal assistance services which empower us to take control over our own lives. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Sexuality and people with disabilities: What experts often are not aware of.
For many of us who have extensive disabilities our sexual liberation does not so much depend on sex counselling or mechanical sex aids but on the availability of tax-funded personal assistance services which empower us to take control over our own lives. Internet publication URL:
European Network on Independent Living (ENIL).  1998.  Shaping Our Futures, A conference on Independent Living.
Facing our futures brought together disabled experts on independent living, to share experience and map out future strategies. The conference set out to consider the social and economic arguments for independent living. Internet publication URLs: and
[Anonymous].  1998.  Time Magazine Recognizes Adolf Ratzka as European Visionary. Time Magazine.
Concrete Change.  1998.  United Kingdom Single Family Access Law.
Internet publication URL:
DO-IT.  1998.  The University of Washington, Access To Higher Learning.
This guide outlines universal design principles to develop accessible college and university computer labs. Internet publication URL:
Batavia, Andrew I.  1998.  Utsikter för ett Nationellt Personlig program för personlig assistans: att öka valmöjligheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning.
Andrew Batavia är Associate Professor vid School of Policy and Management, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Florida International University, North Miami, Florida. Artikeln, Prospects for a National Personal Assistance Services Program: Enhancing Choice for People with Disabilities, är tidigare publicerad i American Rehabilitation Volym 24, nummer 4 Vintern 1998 Personal Assistance Services del 2 av 2. American Rehabilitation är Rehabilitation Services Adminsitrations (RSA) officiella organ. Adress: 330 C Street S.W Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL:
Iglesias, M, Gil G, Joneken A, Mickler B, Knudsen J S.  1998.  Violence and Disabled Women.
The report describes the situation of women with disabilities who are abused, analyzes various types of violence, describes general policies combatting violence against women with disabilities in Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Spain, and offers policy recommendations. It was carried out under the METIS project, European Unión DAPHNE initiativ. Internet publication URLs: (In English) and and (In Spanish).
Beatty, Philip, Adams Martha, O´Day Bonnier.  1998.  Virginia brukarstyrda personliga assistansprogram: En historik och utvärdering.
Beatty, Philip, Adams Martha, O´Day Bonnier.  1998.  Virginia's Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services Program: A History and Evaluation.
Brown, Steven E.  1998.  What Happened To Architectural Accessibility?
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, discusses the issue of architectural accessibility and wonders why this so-called easy aspect of accessibility can still be so difficult to find and why more people aren’t talking about and taking action to increase architectural accessibility. Internet publication URL:
Wolbring, Gregor.  1998.  Why Disability Rights Movements Do Not Support Euthanasia: Safeguards Broken Beyond Repair.
We believe that euthanasia is another technique to free society of disabled people and another expression of the ableism in western societies. Internet publication URL:
Bartz, Elke.  1998.  Zur Lage der Assistenznehmer in Deutschland.
Internet publication URL:
Breisky, Karen.  1999.  The ABCs of hiring PCAs.
Personal care attendant work pays little, and much of the work is menial - so the search for caring, competent, reliable people is arduous. Karen Breisky refers to her own experiences in offering tips for hiring assistants. Internet publication URL:
Wehrli, Peter.  1999.  About the Center of Independent Living Zürich.
Switzerland does not yet know the concept of personal assistance and provides almost no financial means to live outside institutions. The Swiss IL movement has an uphill battle. Internet publication URL:
Kafka, Bob.  1999.  Act calls for care choice.
Bob Kafka outlines the Medicaid Community Attendant Services Act, MiCASA. The bill would allow individuals the choice to use their entitlements for community-based services (personal assistance services). Internet publication URL:
Friborg, Charlotta.  1999.  Att bestämma över vardagen - intervju av Adolf Ratzka.
I en intervju på DN:s Ledarsida efterlyser Adolf Ratzka en handikappolitik som bygger på egenmaktsperspektivet, en politik som inte tar ifrån människor deras självrespekt. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Trägårdh, Lars.  1999.  Bemäktiga individerna - Om domstolarna, lagen och de individuella rättigheterna i Sverige.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Smith, Eleanor.  1999.  A Call for "Visitability.
Despite improvements in disability access, homes still routinely exclude people with disabilities. Eleanor Smith suggests a different approach to construction and modification. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1999.  The Curb Ramps of Kalamazoo: Discovering Our Unrecorded History.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, learned by accident of a city program to implement curb cuts in Kalamazoo, Michigan in the U.S. in the mid-1940s. This is the story of how that occurred. In: Disability Studies Quarterly, 19 (3), (Summer 1999), 203-05. Internet publication URL:
Hrdá, Jana.  1999.  Czech Republic warehouses disabled people - Money Earmarked for Creation of Institutions.
Jana Hrdá, Director of the Prague Center for Independent Living, appeals to the international disability community to write letters protesting the planned construction of more institutions for disabled people in her country. A letter by the Director of the Independent Living Institute points out the detrimental psychological, social and economic effects of warehousing disabled people in institutions. Instead, evidence shows that funds spent on personal assistance and housing adaptation yield high returns for individual and society. Internet publication URL:
Golden, Marilyn.  1999.  Department of Transportation (DOT) Finishes Greyhound Regulation -- Proposes Bus Companies Must Document Lack of Service.
Internet publication URL:
Kelles-Viitanen, Anita.  1999.  Disability, Poverty Reduction and Social Development.
Anita Kelles-Viitanen of the Asian Development Bank examines the objectives of the Bank in regard to poverty reduction and improving the quality of life of all people in Asia and the Pacific. Internet publication URL:
Oliver, Mike.  1999.  Disabled people and the inclusive society: or the times they really are changing.
Mike Oliver looks at semantics and use of words in addressing disability issues, and refers to Bob Dylan's "The times they are a-changing" to make his point about exclusion and discrimination. Internet publication URL:
Literacy Volunteers of America.  1999.  Disabled to Raise Funds for Non-Disabled - Labor Day weekend radio event to benefit Literacy Volunteers of America.
To show that people with disabilities – like all other humans – can be both on the receiving and giving end, "On A Roll," the weekly syndicated radio program on disability lifestyle issues, produced by people with disabilities, raised funds for Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc. (LVA) through an on-air event on Sept. 5, 1999. Internet publication URL:
Richter, Linda K, Richter William L.  1999.  Ethics Challenges: Health, Safety and Accessibility in International Travel and Tourism.
William L. Richter and Linda K. Richter explore ethical dimensions of accessible travel for people with disabilities, citing trends, issues, and strategies for public administrators to deal with these concerns. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1999.  European Network on Independent Living: disability rights.
Andrich, Renzo.  1999.  EUSTAT Study (Empowering Users Through Assistive Technology), Training Manuals.
EUSTAT, a European project carried out within the EU/Telematics Programme, has published educational material specifically addressed towards end-users of Assistive Technology - people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Clare, Elizabeth.  1999.  Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation.
This book by Eli Clare, explores the landscape of disability, class, queerness, and child abuse, telling stories that echo with the sounds of an Oregon logging and fishing town, and with the lively political debates of crip crusaders and transgender warriors. Internet publication URL:
Stephen, Drake, Diane Coleman.  1999.  Fact Sheet on Peter Singer.
Gill, Carol J.  1999.  Facts About Disability and 'Quality of Life'.
If only Kevorkian and others would read the research literature before deciding it is reasonable to want to die when you have an extensive disability! Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Krause, Carol.  1999.  Federal Resource Center for Women with Disabilities - Added to the National Women's Health Information Center.
The Office of Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announces the first-ever federal resource center for women with disabilities as part of the expanding National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC). Internet publication URL:
Kulkhanchit, Topong.  1999.  First fully accessible city buses in Thailand.
On August 5, 1999 Thailand's first accessible buses will begin accommodating passengers with disabilities on routes in Bangkok. Internet publication URL:
Batavia, Drew, Gallagher Hugh Gregory.  1999.  Gallagher and Batavia on Physician-assisted Suicide - An Open Letter to People with Disabilities.
Hugh Gallagher and Drew Batavia clarify their position on physician-assisted suicide and people with disabilities, including a declaration of disability rights. Internet publication URL:
Waddell, Cynthia D.  1999.  The Growing Digital Divide in Access for People with Disabilities: Overcoming Barriers To Participation In The Digital Economy.
This paper identifies some of the emerging digital economy barriers, current efforts to address these barriers and expresses the author's vision of the long-term policy research agenda. Internet publication URL:
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News.  1999.  "Health - Euthanasia controls failing.".
Internet publication URL:
Kaplan, Karen.  1999.  High-Tech Dawn for People with Disabilities: Typing by Eye Movement, Non-Visual.
High-tech solutions attract a lot of interest. Whether people with disabilities can actually benefit from them remains to be seen. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1999.  A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa.
Ratzka, Adolf. 1999-11. "A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa." (In Portuguese.) Internet publication URL:
Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1999.  IL-rörelsen breder ut sig i Asien.
Yukiko Nakanishi reports on Independent Living seminars, workshops and exchanges that are helping to spread the philosophy across Asia. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Independent Living Institute.  1999.  Independent Living Institute (ILI) Annual Report 1998.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  1999.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 1998.
Internet publication URL:
Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1999.  Independent Living movement spreads in Asia.
Yukiko Nakanishi reports on Independent Living seminars, workshops and exchanges that are helping to spread the philosophy across Asia. Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  1999.  Independent Living World Summit.
The first global meeting on Independent Living was convened in Washington, D.C., September 21-25, 1999. Over 100 leaders evaluated the movement's 30 year old history and set the agenda for the future. This publication provides links to conference reports and reflections from participants in their respective languages. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1999.  Institutional Madness: Speaking out against institutionalism.
Dr. Steven E. Brown speaks out on institutionalism: "No one I know who has lived in a nursing home wanted to stay there. Institutions by their very nature constrict freedom; suppress life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.  1999.  Integration of People with Disabilities: Discrimination.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States. With the knowledge that governments follow different approaches to achieve equal opportunity policies, the Council of Europe established a Working Group in November 1996 to elaborate a collection and comparative analysis of legislation against discrimination of persons with disabilities in member States. The final report will be published in autumn 1999. Internet publication URL:
Rosen, Fred.  1999.  Is International Travel Accessible for Persons with a Disability?
Fred Rosen outlines travel accessibility policies in 5 countries, including problems and recommendations for improved standards. Includes a list of publications on accessibility in the U.S.A., Canada, Britain, and Australia. Internet publication URL:
The National Federation of the Blind of North Carolina.  1999.  Introducing Newsline: Access Technology to Newspapers for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Internet publication URL:  
Charen, Mona.  1999.  Kevorkian's death crusade finally stopped.
Internet publication URL:
Gill, Carol J.  1999.  Korrekta fakta om funktionshinder och 'livskvalitet'.
If only Kevorkian and others would read the research literature before deciding it is reasonable to want to die when you have an extensive disability! Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Sjögren, Johan.  1999.  Lagstiftning mot Diskriminering - Rapport från seminarium den 29 april 1999 arrangerat av riksdagens nätverk för handikappfrågor.
Mot bakgrund av IL-Sveriges arbete och bemötandeutredningens förslag om grundlagstillägg etc verkar det att vi skall ha lagstiftning mot diskriminering - frågan är bara hur den skall se ut? (In Swedish.) Internet publication URL:
Carleton, Gwen.  1999.  Making Technology Accessible To All.
Universal design in Information Technology is slowly becoming standard in the industry. Internet publication URL:
Bayha, Betsy.  1999.  Media's crippling coverage misses real story of disability experience.
Why do the media continually use the same ill-fitting and inaccurate phrases such as "wheelchair-bound," "afflicted" and "special needs," that the disability community rejected long ago? Internet publication URL:
Digh, Patricia.  1999.  Misplaced Modifiers: Respectful Language Improves Accuracy.
Print and broadcast media often describe people with disabilities with archaic and demeaning phrases. Patricia Digh provides guidelines for writing about people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
National Council on Disability (NCD).  1999.  NCD Releases Report on Improving the Enforcement of Civil Rights of Air Travelers with Disabilities.
The NCD has released a groundbreaking report documenting ineffective enforcement of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) since the law's passage in 1986. Internet publication URL:
National Council on Disability (NCD).  1999.  Ny rapport från NCD om förbättringar i tillämpningen av rättigheter för flygresenärer med funktionsnedsättgning.
The NCD has released a groundbreaking report documenting ineffective enforcement of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) since the law's passage in 1986. Internet publication URL:
Longmore, Paul K.  1999.  Paul Longmore's testimony before Assembly Judiciary Committee Protesting Assembly Bill 1592.
A testimony before the Assembly Judiciary Committee against AB 1592 which would legalize physician assisted suicide in California. The committee voted for the bill 8 to 7 - there is a long fight ahead. Internet publication URL:
Segalman, Bob.  1999.  People with Speech Disabilities Now Have a Telephone Service.
Dial toll free to reach a patient, trained operator who is familiar with many speech patterns and has acute hearing. This operator makes telephone calls for you and repeats your words exactly. Internet publication URL:
Rajkov, Gordana.  1999.  A Personal Letter from Belgrade, Serbia - Written during the current NATO bombings in Yugoslavia.
Internet publication URL:  
Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) Program.  1999.  Perspectivas Globales Sobre Vida Independiente Para El Proximo Milenio. Washington, D.C. 21-25 de setiembre de 1999.
Internet publication URL:
Godinho, Francisco.  1999.  Portuguese Parliament promotes Web Accessibility.
Portugal became the fourth country in the world to officially promote web accessibility for people with disabilities, after the United States, Australia and Canada. Internet publication URL:
Physical Disability Council of NSW, Inc..  1999.  Position Papers '99, Attendant Care.
Internet publication URL:  
Harrington, Candy.  1999.  The Problem with Travel Misinformation.
The biggest problem for travelers with disabilities is the alarming increase of misinformation about accessible travel, claims Candy Harrington. Internet publication URL:
Harrington, Candy.  1999.  Problemet med desinformation.
The biggest problem for travelers with disabilities is the alarming increase of misinformation about accessible travel, claims Candy Harrington. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Konczei, Gyorgy.  1999.  Rethinking Disability and Discrimination - A social and economic approach (Comparative Study).
Internet publication URL: and
Miles, M, Hossain Farhad.  1999.  Rights and Disabilities in Educational Provisions in Pakistan and Bangladesh: Roots, Rhetoric, Reality.
Educational opportunities for children with disabilities in Pakistan and Bangladesh are seen in the context of the countries' religious, cultural and economic development. The relevance of Western concepts such as "human rights", "inclusion" and "empowerment" is critically examined. Internet publication URL:
