Vi måste lära oss att hävda oss

Abidi, Javed.  1999.  Vi måste lära oss att hävda oss. Disability Awareness in Action Newsletter, nummer 74, juli 1999.

av Javed Abidi, Executive Director,
National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled, i Indien

In English 


Artikeln har tidigare publicerats i Disability Awareness in Action Newsletter, nummer 74, juli 1999.

Javed Abidis ursprungliga artikel från vilken dessa utdrag tagits publicerades ursprungligen i DeepShitha, Spastics Society of Eastern Indias nyhetsblad i december 1998.


We (Disabled People) Must Learn to Exert Ourselves

Abidi, Javed.  1999.  We (Disabled People) Must Learn to Exert Ourselves. Disability Awareness in Action Newsletter no. 74, July 1999.

by Javed Abidi
Executive Director, National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled, India

På svenska

This article appeared in Disability Awareness in Action Newsletter no. 74, July 1999.

Javed Abidi's original article, from which these extracts were taken, were originally published in DeepShitha, the journal of the Spastics Society of Eastern India, in December 1998.

Is Personal Assistance Relevant for Developing Countries?

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2006.  Is Personal Assistance Relevant for Developing Countries?

s Personal Assistance Relevant for Developing Countries?

by:Adolf Ratzka, December 2006

Photo of K. Stone.blank spaceSee Curriculum Vitae.

The Independent Living Movement in the UK

Evans, John.  2003.  The Independent Living Movement in the UK.
John Evans was one of the founders of Project 81 that marked the beginning of the Independent Living Movement in the UK. Since 1996 he has been the chair of the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL). In this document he gives an overview of the origin of the Independent Living Movement in the UK, it's development and evolution, as well as the current situation (2003).

Vad är Independent Living - en personlig definition

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2003.  Vad är Independent Living - en personlig definition.
photo of bamboo Bamboo, symbol of
strength through resilience.

Independent Living är en filosofi och en internationell rörelse av människor med funktionshinder som arbetar för självbestämmande, lika villkor och självrespekt.

Independent Living betyder inte att vi vill göra allt själv, att vi inte behöver andra människor eller att vi vill leva isolerat.

What is Independent Living - A Personal Definition

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2003.  What is Independent Living - A Personal Definition.
photo of bamboo Bamboo, symbol of
strength through resilience.

Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect.

Independent Living does not mean that we want to do everything by ourselves and do not need anybody or that we want to live in isolation.

Towards a more helpful society

Bang, Marian.  1996.  Towards a more helpful society.

The world is full of devices that make daily tasks easier. For the disabled, assistive devices make daily tasks possible. Marian Bang spoke to the Disability Action Research Team (DART) who see research into these as far more than just reports on paper. Rather they are a tool for empowering both those with abilities and their care-givers.

Personal assistance in Norway, overview and external links

Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Personal assistance in Norway, overview and external links.

There are 3000 people getting personal assistance in Norway (2012 total population 5 million). Figures from ENIL state an average of 47 hours per week for members of one cooperative assistance provider (2013).
(The legal amendment granting right to personal assistance)
(proposition for changes to the law)


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