Independent Living, Politics and Implications

Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Independent Living, Politics and Implications.



Conventional Thinking on Disability and the Challenge from Disabled People and their Organisations

Independent Living in the 21st Century




Rehabilitation for Disabled People: a ‘sick’ joke?

Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Rehabilitation for Disabled People: a ‘sick’ joke?

Colin Barnes (Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England).

(Penultimate draft of an article submitted for publication in a special issue of the ‘Scandinavian Journal of Research’, Volume 5. 2003).

Korea: Disabled Hope for Infrastructure for Support

Ji-young, Kwon.  2005.  Korea: Disabled Hope for Infrastructure for Support.


Source: The Korea Herald, 2005-05-19

Although the government estimates there are 1.6 million disabled people inKorea and civil activist groups say there are 4.5 million, "Where arethey?" is a question which many ask.

It reflects the isolation in which the disabled live. Despite the apparentinvisibility of the disabled population, however, what is currently going onbehind the scenes is a volatile and compelling movement for a new law to protectdisabled rights.

15 års erfarenhet med personlig assistans och några erfarenheter med peer counselling

Elmén, Bengt.  1987.  15 års erfarenhet med personlig assistans och några erfarenheter med peer counselling. Stiletten, nr. 2, 1987.

Anförande vid stiftelsen solstickans pilotseminar om "meningsfull fritid för gravt handikappade ungdomar," ABF-huset, Stockholm den 26 januari 1987. Från "Stiletten" nr. 2, 1987.

Min första personliga assistant fick jag i samband med att jag skolintegrerades i mellanstadiet. Det innebar för mig att jag först då kunde börja bestämma över mitt eget liv, i varje fall under skoldagen. Dittills hade jag varit beroende av olika institutionella lösningar i form av specialklasser m m vilka för mig inneburit att andra hela tiden hade bestämt vad jag skulle få hjälp med och därmed också hur mitt liv skulle inrättas. Med en personlig assistant kunde jag däremot själv bestämma hur mitt liv skulle gestaltas.

Experiences with Successful Policy for Community-Based Services

Grunewald, Karl.  2005.  Experiences with Successful Policy for Community-Based Services. Europe in Action 2005, Prague May 19 - 21.


A Society Without Institutions

With independent living means that one lives either with one's own family, by oneself or with a small group of people in an ordinary flat or house.

The term institution refers to one or more houses that are separated from their surroundings. In an institution many people live together. They are divided into different units. All special services, such as for example training facilities, and daily activities are a part of the institution.

Close the Institutions for the Intellectually Disabled - Everyone Can Live in the Open Society

Grunewald, Karl.  2003.  Close the Institutions for the Intellectually Disabled - Everyone Can Live in the Open Society. A pamphlet on the European Year of People with Disabilities.

By Karl Grunewald, M.D., Professor,
Vesslev. 12, S-13150 Saltsjo-Duvnas, Sweden.

Former Head of Division for Care of People with Disability,
National Board of Health and Welfare, Stockholm



"All men are born free and equal in dignity and
rights." UN 1948

A society that discriminates its disabled citizens
is a disabled society.

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