The Pursuit of Radical Change: Perceptions and Realities of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Brown, Steven E.  2007.  The Pursuit of Radical Change: Perceptions and Realities of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

By Steven E. Brown, 2007-05-31
Institute on Disability Culture
Center on Disability Studies
University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
Honolulu, HI USA


Thank you for inviting me to share perceptions and realities concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I have been pondering for some months now how I would address these topics. The dilemma I have faced is not only how to describe general facts and personal beliefs about the ADA, but how to discuss them in ways that will make sense in a Swedish context.

'Direct Payments' for Personal Assistants for Disabled People: a key to independent living?

Barnes, Colin.  2007.  'Direct Payments' for Personal Assistants for Disabled People: a key to independent living?

Colin Barnes
Centre for Disability Studies
School of Sociology and Social Policy
University of Leeds



This presentation will discuss the thinking behind the development of 'direct payment' type schemes for personal assistants (PAs) for disabled people in the UK, and their relationship to the concept of independent living from the perspective of the disabled people's movement.

Attention will then centre on the British Government's policy on direct payments since the 1980s, followed by an examination of the current situation in terms of the distribution, accessibility and support for such schemes at the local level.

Överklagande av Stockholms läns landstings beslut 2003-10-07 ang avgiftshöjningar för rullstolstaxi

Rydberg(fp), Birgitta, Bexelius(fp) Birgitta, Wallhager(fp) Maria.  2003.  Överklagande av Stockholms läns landstings beslut 2003-10-07 ang avgiftshöjningar för rullstolstaxi.

Taxi för alla | Framtidsvision | Faktaruta | Pressarkiv | Taxi site översikt

Härmed yrkar vi att länsrätten upphäver beslut i Stockholms läns landsting 7/10 2003 ang åtgärder för att få färdtjänstbudgeten i balans.

Grunden för att beslutet bör upphävas är följande:

1. Då färdtjänstnämnden behandlade det återremitterade ärendet hade man inte kommunicerat ett korrekt referat om innehållet i fullmäktiges återremiss. I detta yrkande låg krav på en opartisk ekonomisk utvärdering.

Spänningen stiger - vem har rätt angående priset för en rättvis taxiordning

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Spänningen stiger - vem har rätt angående priset för en rättvis taxiordning.

Taxi för alla | Faktaruta | Pressarkiv | Taxi site översikt

Inför upphandlingen av resetjänster inom färdtjänstbussområdet står nu återigen ord mot ord. Blir det dyrare eller billigare att låta användarna själva bestämma vem de vill åka med? Att livskvaliteten höjs och att rättviseaspekten talar för ett flexiblare system verkar alla överens om. Men när det gäller att bevisa vilken tes som håller ekonomiskt blir förvirringen total.

Om man jämför det ekonomiska utfallet som Färdtjänsten hänvisar till finner man några intressanta motsägelser. Adolf Ratzka ifrågasätter Färdtjänstens beslutsunderlag:

Delseger för dem som nyttjar rullstolstaxi

Opitz, Caspar.  2003.  Delseger för dem som nyttjar rullstolstaxi.

Taxi för alla | Framtidsvision | Faktaruta | Pressarkiv | Taxi site översikt

Dagens Nyheter 2003-09-23

Avgifterna för rullstolstaxi återremitterades. Protesterna hjälpte. Förslaget om att kraftigt höja avgifterna för att åka rullstolstaxi återremitterades av landstingsfullmäktige på tisdagen.

En delseger för de funktionshindrade som flera gånger den senaste tiden hållit sina protestmöten utanför Landstingshuset på Kungsholmen.

Get A Life! - Euthanasia and human value

Campbell, Jane.  2003.  Get A Life! - Euthanasia and human value.

by Dr Jane Campbell MBE
STIL Seminar, 26th May 2003

Independent living asserts that every life is worth living; science seeking to eliminate disability is against this principle; science should make disabled life worth living, not prevent or end it.

Executive Order: Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities

Bush, George.  2001.  Executive Order: Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to place qualified individuals with disabilities in community settings whenever appropriate, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. This order is issued consistent with the following findings and principles:

(a) The United States is committed to community-based alternatives for individuals with disabilities and recognizes that such services advance the best interests of Americans.

(b) The United States seeks to ensure that America's community-based programs effectively foster independence and participation in the community for Americans with disabilities.

Guidelines to promote Personal Assistance at the workplace

Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Guidelines to promote Personal Assistance at the workplace.

In German


Legislative and financial basis

The legislative basis for Personal Assistance at the Workplace (PAW) are the special guidelines to promote Personal Assistance at the Workplace that have been in force since 1st of January 2004. They aim at securing a qualitative as well as a quantitative increase of participation at the general labour market or for completing a vocational training (includes higher education and studying at a University in this context) of those people with disabilities that need personal support to structure their working life resp. their vocational training in an independent and autonomous way.


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