Remissvar över betänkandet SOU 2021:37 Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans

Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2021.  Remissvar över betänkandet SOU 2021:37 Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans.

1 oktober 2021

Till: Socialdepartementet

Diarienummer: S2021/04587

Vår kontaktperson: Jamie Bolling,

Remissinstans: Independent Living Institute

Independent Living Institute (ILI) är en ideell tankesmedja och projektplattform inom medborgarrättsrörelsen Independent Living av personer med funktionsnedsättning. Våra grundläggande principer är självbestämmande, självrespekt och empowerment (bemäktigande och bemyndigande). Vi lämnar här vårt remissvar på betänkandet SOU 2021:37 Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans.

Narrative Report ‘Disability Rights Defenders’/ ‘IL Nordic Network’ September 2020 – June 2021

Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Narrative Report ‘Disability Rights Defenders’/ ‘IL Nordic Network’ September 2020 – June 2021.


Disability Rights Defenders (DRD) / ‘IL Nordic Network’ is a project of Independent Living Institute (ILI)[1]. This report summarizes the activities, results and outcome of DRD from September 2020 to June 2021.

The Self-determination Circle - a study circle guide for article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Erdtman, Emil.  2021.  The Self-determination Circle - a study circle guide for article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Material for a study circle concerning human rights in accordance with Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities By Emil Erdtman, 10/09/2019 Revised by Artikel 19 som verktyg, autumn 2020

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities became legally binding for Sweden in 2009. Article 19 of the Convention concerns the right to a life with self-determination within the community.

Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2020

Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2020.


Independent Living Institute (ILI) works to promote opportunities for individuals with disabilities for more personal and political power, self-determination, full participation and equality through information, education, lobby and project activities. During 2020, ILI carried out several projects to reach its goals and visions which are described in this document. All the projects have their own webpage, Facebook-page and publish newsletters.

The structure of this annual report is as follows:

Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2020

Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2020.


Independent Living Institute (ILI) arbetar för att främja möjligheterna för människor med funktions-nedsättning till mer personlig och politisk makt, självbestämmande, full delaktighet och jämlikhet genom information, utbildning, opinionsbildning och projektverksamhet. Under 2020 verkade ILI via flera projekt för att uppnå sina mål och visioner som beskrivs i detta dokument. Alla större projekt har egna webbsidor, facebooksidor och ger ut nyhetsbrev.

Stiletten Samlingen 1986 – 2010

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2021.  Stiletten Samlingen 1986 – 2010.

Stiletten 3 1986Stiletten var STIL-kooperativets organ som gavs ut i pappersform fram till 2011. 1986 kom dåvarande verksamhetsledaren Bengt Elmén på idéen att samla våra frekventa utskick till medkämparna och medlemmarna och allmänheten i ett nyhetsbrev med detta vassa namn. Stilettens uppgift var att hålla dem informerade om

Personal Assistance for Disabled People in Germany and Sweden in the Context of the Independent Living Philosophy and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities

Griesser, Selina.  2018.  Personal Assistance for Disabled People in Germany and Sweden in the Context of the Independent Living Philosophy and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.

Interviews with Personal Assistance Users and Independent Living Activists

Master’s Thesis


Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) states the right for disabled people to live independently and to be included in the community. The article includes the right to personal assistance as a tool for independent living. General Comment Number 5 on Article 19 of the CRPD criticizes the inadequacy of the implementation of this right and gives clear criteria, which define the term personal as-sistance. These criteria have to be fulfilled in order to call a service personal assistance.


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