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Wolinsky, Sid.  1991.  From an American legal practitioner's viewpoint.
Internet publication URL:
Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Finland: “The new personal assistance law doesn’t quite make it”.
Taylor, Zara Buggs.  1998.  Framställningar av handikapp i populära TV-program.
People with disabilities are often invisible in movies and television shows, however, Zara Buggs Taylor writes about one television show which is changing audience perceptions about people with disabilities. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  From patient to customer: Direct payments for assistive technology for disabled people’s self-determination.
The author, AT user and activist in the Independent Living movement, claiming that direct payments for AT result in better quality and cost-efficiency than services in kind, suggests a pilot project to test the hypothesis. Plenary paper presented at the 7th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, "Shaping the Future", Dublin, Ireland, August 31st – 3rd September 2003. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2008.  Från patient till kund - anförande vid konferensen Fritt val av hjälpmedel Stockholm 30 maj 2008.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Funktionshindrade protesterar, Dagens Nyheter 2003-06-15 (PDF, 357 KB).
Internet publikation URL: (PDF, 357 KB). (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka, Elmén Bengt.  1986.  Från redaktionen -"Stiletten" nr. 5/86, november 1986.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Försök med kontantstöd för Personlig Assistans i Slovakien.
I 1997 vann Institutet för Independent Living ett kontrakt för projekt i Slovakiska Republiken inom EU:s PHARE- program för personlig assistans i brukarregi med kontantstöd och för uppbyggnaden av ett integrerat allmänt taxisystem, som tar alla kunder oavsett om de har rörelsehinder och använder rullstol eller ej, med subventioner för kunder med funktionshinder. Artikeln diskuterar de möjligheter och hinder som brukarinitierade och brukarstyrda lösningar möter i post-kommunistiska samhällen. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Persson, Ann, Palmgren Nils.  2003.  Fel siffra orsakade rabalder i färdtjänstdebatt.
Dagens Nyheter. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)  
Kulkhanchit, Topong.  1999.  First fully accessible city buses in Thailand.
On August 5, 1999 Thailand's first accessible buses will begin accommodating passengers with disabilities on routes in Bangkok. Internet publication URL:
Krause, Carol.  1999.  Federal Resource Center for Women with Disabilities - Added to the National Women's Health Information Center.
The Office of Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announces the first-ever federal resource center for women with disabilities as part of the expanding National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC). Internet publication URL:
Karlsson, Riitta-Leena, Bolling Jamie.  2022.  Friheten att bestämma med vem, var och hur en vill bo – Avinstitutionalisering/Deinstitutionalization (DI) i Sverige. :88.PDF icon AvinstitutionaliseringSverige.pdf (1.28 MB)
Karlsson, Riitta-Leena, Bolling Jamie.  2022.  Freedom to choose with whom, where and how you want to live – Deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Sweden. PDF icon English-Freedom-to-choose-Deinstitutionalisation-Sweden.pdf (2.15 MB)
Jaillet, C.  2009.  From institutions to Independent Living: the need of peer-support and education programs.
Internet publication URL:
Heumann, Judith E.  2003.  Foreword to The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.
Judith E. Heumann, MPH (Masters in Public Health), Advisor on Disability and Development, The World Bank tells about her own life and how as she was continually aware of the invisibility of disabled people in society. In her work with the World Bank, she has travelled widely and points out, "Poverty and social discrimination have gone hand in hand." In the forthcoming English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences." In Spanish, PDF, 1.46 MB).
Hershey, Laura.  1993.  From Poster Child to Protester.
Former "Poster Child", Laura Hershey, criticizes and protests fundraising telethons such as Jerry Lewis' Muscular Dystrophy event, claiming they use pity and bigotry and insult people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Hellman, Finn.  2005.   "Finns det gudinnor som är funktionshindrade"? är ett program om teater och 'empowerment'
Lyssna-RealAudio (34:53 minuter, download-RealAudio, 16,7 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Lotti Filipsson, Annette Lundborg, Gella Åström, Barbara Slånhammar, Eva Stubbendorff, Karin Holmgren, Anette Jönsson och Clas Malmberg. Internet publication URLs:,, och Radio Independent Living tittar in bakom kulisserna hos Fridakursen i Stockholm och Moomsteatern i Malmö. Fridakursen är en folkhögskolekurs för kvinnor med funktionshinder på Långholmens folkhögskola. Moomsteatern är än så länge daglig sysselsättning, en åtgärd inom Malmös omsorgsverksamhet. Detta är en del av sanningen. En annan del är att det handlar om teater. Teater som skapar gruppidentitet och stolta individer. Teater som ett demokratiskt läromedel både för samhället i stort och för var och en av oss.
Gill, Carol J.  1999.  Facts About Disability and 'Quality of Life'.
If only Kevorkian and others would read the research literature before deciding it is reasonable to want to die when you have an extensive disability! Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Field, Jane.  1994.  The Fishing is Free.
Jane Field, a Canadian singer and songwriter with a disability, uses humor in her tales of disability. First recorded in 1994 on a music cassette titled, "The Fishing is Free" (available from the Next Renaissance: a catalog of disability art, culture & collectibles, 2260 Sunrise Point Rd., Las Cruces, NM 88011). Internet publication URL:
Enns, Henry.  1998.  Flyktingar med funktionsnedsättning.
Internet publication URL:
Bonnie, Selina.  2002.  Facilitated Sexual Expression in the Independent Living Movement in Ireland.
In her paper submitted for the Degree of Masters of Arts in Disability Studies at The University of Leeds, Bonnie Selina explores facilitated sexual expression in the Irish Independent Living Movement including how widespread facilitated sexual expression is in the Irish Independent Living movement and the legal and ethical implications of this form of assistance, particularly in the Irish social context. Internet publication URL:
Bernt, Malin.  2008.  Flanders, Belgium - long queue for personal assistance.
Baker, Jordan.  2000.  Federal Report Recommends Making Technology Access Easier For People With Disabilities (Australia).
This article recommends strategies for helping the elderly and people with disabilities access new information technologies. Internet publication URL:
Badach, Frédérique.  2010.  Foire aux questions L'assistance personnelle en Suède.