Human Rights

Ayuda para vivir antes que para morir

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Ayuda para vivir antes que para morir.


Sólo en Suecia, más de 16.000 personas perdieron la vida en la pandemia. Sin embargo, el suicidio asistido para personas con extensas discapacidades y enfermedades terminales es el debate actual. Llevo más de 60 años viviendo con un respirador. Amo mi vida. ¡No dejes que otras personas determinen si tu vida merece la pena ser vivida!

Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!.


In Schweden haben bisher über 16000 Menschen ihr Leben durch die Pandemie verloren. Dennoch wird hier zur Zeit die Beihilfe zum Suizid für Menschen mit umfassenden Behinderungen und unheilbaren Krankheiten debattiert.
Ich lebe seit über 60 Jahren mit einem Beatmungsgerät. Ich liebe mein Leben.
Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!

Help to live before help to die!

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Help to live before help to die!.


In Sweden alone, over 16,000 people lost their lives in the pandemic. Yet assisted suicide for people with extensive disabilities and terminal diseases is the current debate. I've been living with a respirator for over 60 years. I love my life. Let not other people determine whether your life is worth living!

Help to live before help to die!

Björn Natthiko Lindeblad, the former business leader, Buddhist monk, author and lecturer who was diagnosed with ALS, was in the media spotlight when he chose to end his life on January 17. The debate has been about the right of persons with terminal illnesses and severe limitations to end their lives. But what right do we have to help and life-sustaining treatment to live with terminal illnesses and severe limitations?

Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp.


Denna skrivelse publicerades först i  en debattartikel i Sydsvenskan.

Björn Natthiko Lindeblad, den tidigare företagsledaren, buddistmunken och föreläsaren som diagnostiserades med ALS, har fått stor uppmärksamhet efter att han valde att avsluta sitt liv.

Debatten handlar om att människor med obotliga sjukdomar och stora begränsningar ska ha rätten till att avsluta sina liv. Men en annan viktig fråga är vilken rätt man har till hjälp och livsuppehållande behandling för att kunna leva med obotliga sjukdomar och stora begränsningar.

Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm

Komanická, Daniela.  2021.  Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm.

(Daniela Komanická)
Stockholm 21st September 2021
Daniela Komanická

Survey Report on Remedies

Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Survey Report on Remedies.

DRD conducted a survey on remedies in cooperation with the project Article 19 as a tool. The survey was carried out with the aim to gain an overview of the topic of remedies, to see where and what law systems in general are lacking or which remedies can be transferred from one country to another for better effectiveness in using the law as a tool for social change and individual justice. The following report sumarizes the results of the survey and provides an overview of some legal remedies to enable interested readers to learn from other countries' experiences as well as to gain knowledge about other types of remedies which might be more effective for ensuring protection and enforcement of rights.

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Webinar 'Legal Clinics - a tool to promote disability rights' May 2020

Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Webinar 'Legal Clinics - a tool to promote disability rights' May 2020.

In cooperation with the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), DRD held a webinar on ‘Legal Clinics - a tool to promote disability rights’ on the 26th of May 2020. This report summarizes the webinar. A recording of the webinar can be watched with subtitles on youtube.

Webinar 'Aging with Disabilities in the Community' Febraury 2020

Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Webinar 'Aging with Disabilities in the Community' Febraury 2020.

In cooperation with the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), DRD held a webinar on ‘Aging with Disabilities in the Community’ on the 6th of February 2020. This report summarizes the webinar. A recording of the webinar can be watched on youtube.

Webinar 'Law for Accessibility' November 2019

Independent Living Institute.  2019.  Webinar 'Law for Accessibility' November 2019.

In cooperation with the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), DRD held a webinar focused on ‘Law for Accessibility’ on the 25th of November 2019. This report summarizes briefly the webinar. A recording of the webinar can also be watched on youtube.


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