McLaren, Pam, Philpott Sue, Hlophe Richard.
Do 'assistive devices' really assist disabled people? Assistive devices ensure that people with disabilities are active in society. But what prevents them from assisting disabled people to be independent? Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.
Disability and Deafness, in the context of Religion, Spirituality, Belief and Morality, in Middle Eastern, South Asian and East Asian Histories and Cultures: annotated bibliography. The bibliography introduces and annotates materials pertinent to disability, mental disorders and deafness, in the context of religious belief and practice in the Middle East, South Asia and East Asia. Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M.
Disability and Deafness in East Asia: Social and Educational Responses, from Antiquity to Recent Times. A bibliography of European-language materials with introduction and some annotation. Revised Version 4.0, August 2007. The bibliography introduces and lists 900 articles, chapters and books connected with social and educational responses to disability, deafness and mental disorders in China, Korea and Japan, from antiquity to 2007, some with annotation. (This work revises and greatly extends an earlier bibliography on the former History of Education website at the Catholic University of Nijmegen). Internet publication URLs: and
Mahoney, K J, Simon-Rusinowitz L, Desmond S M, Shoop D M, Squillace M R, Fay R A.
Determining Consumers' Preferences for a Cash Option: New York Survey Findings. The purpose of this article is to present findings from a telephone survey conducted in New York to assess consumers' preliminary interest in the cash option when compared to traditional services. Internet publication URLs:
ar498.pdf (59.02 KB) Miles, M.
Deaf People Living and Communicating in African Histories, c. 960s - 1960s. New, much extended Version 5.01, incorporating an article first published in Disability & Society vol. 19, pp. 531-45; August 2004, titled then "Locating deaf people, gesture and sign in African histories, 1450s-1950s". The latter material is republished with permission of Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis. Visits 100 deaf people in 42 nations, across 1000 years of African history. From servants and schoolchildren to scientists, soldiers and statesmen, using every possible means of communication. Internet publication URL: