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Independent Living Institute.  2012.  Working hours for personal assistants in Sweden.
Stars of Hope Society, Ramallah, Palestine.  2008.  Workshop on Article 19 in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities "living independently and being included in the community".
Report on the workshop on Article 19 “Living independently and being included in the community“ of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held in Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine on October 30, 2008. The organizers were Stars of Hope Society, Ramallah, which is an organization of women with disabilities, and Handicap International.
PDF icon StarsofHopeSociety20081115.pdf (115.64 KB)
Finkelstein, Vic.  1989.  You Don't Have to be a Cripple if You're Disabled, The upside-down world of racist South Africa.
Vic Finkelstein reports on his harrowing experience with South African police, not because he is black, but because he is disabled. Internet publication URL:
Johansson, Emma, Dr. Adolf Ratzka, Filipsson Hans.  2010.  Yttrande över ”Bortom fagert tal – Om bristande tillgänglighet som diskriminering” (Ds 2010:20). Stil, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige, Independent Living Institute, Marschen för tillgänglighet. PDF icon 20101123STIL_ILI_Marschen_yttrande_bortom_fagert_tal.pdf (144.71 KB)
Brown, Steven E.  2000.  Zona and Ed Roberts: Twentieth Century Pioneers. Disability Studies Quarterly.
Brown, Steven E. 2000. "Zona and Ed Roberts: Twentieth Century Pioneers." In: Disability Studies Quarterly 20 (1)(Winter 2000), 26-42. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, has written a biographical description of two disability rights pioneers. Many people know the history and legacy of Ed Roberts, but far fewer realize the impact of his mother, Zona, and her own contributions apart from Ed to the disability rights movement. This is their story. Internet publication URLs: and (132 KB.)
PDF icon brown00a.pdf (131.54 KB)
Bartz, Elke.  1998.  Zur Lage der Assistenznehmer in Deutschland.
Internet publication URL:
Jagau, K.  1996.  Zur Pflegeversicherung.
Lange Jahre war eine Pflegeversicherung ein umkämpftes, ein strittiges Thema. Unbenommen war von allen Seiten immer zu hören, daß es nötig sei, das Pflegefallrisiko abzusichern. (In German.) Internet publication URL:
