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1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Tenerife Declaration - Promote Independent Living - End Discrimination against Disabled People.
The Tenerife Declaration, signed in Tenerife in April 2003, is a policy document agreed upon by four hundred participants from many European countries and calls for the European Union to implement the policies outlined in the Declaration. The Declaration calls for full and equal participation of disabled people in society through recognizing Independent Living as a fundamental right of all disabled people and implementing policies to facilitate Independent Living. From the1st European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL:
Armeni, Alain.  1991.  Towards general accessibility of the built environment for persons with limited mobility.
In: "Report of the Fourth International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Access Legislation and Design Solutions Budapest, Hungary, September 2-4, 1991" (PDF, 480 KB). Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Bang, Marian.  1996.  Towards a more helpful society.
Research on assistive devices that make daily tasks easier is seen as a tool for empowering both those with disabilities and their care-givers. Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne.  2012.  Transkription och översättning av seminarium med Bizchut. Seminarim i Lagen som Verktyg 2012-01-25.
Berg, Susanne, Jahanmahan Farhad.  2004.  "Tillgänglighet! Nu!" - ett radioprogram om Marschen för tillgänglighet och personer med funktionshinders kamp mot diskriminering.
Den tjugoförsta augusti 2004 marscherar personer med funktionshinder för andra året i rad genom centrala Stockholm. Från Wennergren Center marscherar de genom Stockholm, fram till Mynttorget och Riksdagen. Kravet är lagstiftning som förbjuder diskriminering genom otillgänglighet. "Tillgänglighet! Nu!" - ett program om Marschen för tillgänglighet och personer med funktionshinders kamp mot diskriminering. 2004. Lyssna-MP3 (26:35 minuter, 24,9 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (8,75 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Marschdeltagare och arrangörer. Musik: Joel Granström och Synliga. Intervjuer och resesearch: Farhad Jahanmahan och Susanne Berg. Internet publication URLs:,, och
Campbell, Jane.  2002.  Think Piece - 'Sticks and Stones' But words are hurting!.
Dr. Jane Campbell, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence in England, discusses the importance of language and particular words. Internet publication URL:
Finkelstein, Vic.  1975.  To Deny or Not to Deny Disability - What is disability?
Internet publication URL:
Hahn, Harlan.  1985.  Toward a Politics of Disability: Definitions, Disciplines, and Policies.
The purpose of this study is to examine the values contained in three major definitions of disability, to examine the policy implications of each of these definitions, and to appraise the extent to which research in various disciplines of the social sciences has facilitated or impeded the development of a new conceptualization of the issue. Internet publication URL:
Hurst, Rachel.  1999.  Training Manual for Media and Disability Rights.
Rachel Hurst is the Director of Disability Awareness in Action, London, England. The document is a training manual for organisations of disabled people, as guidance for seminars with the media on disability as a rights issue. It is based on a three-day seminar where media delegates from all over English speaking Africa met in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1998 to share experiences and to work out a way for using the media to get the human rights message across. As well as a suggested programme for a seminar on media and disability rights, organisational guidance and tips for trainers and workshop leaders are provided which should prove useful for any training seminar or workshop that organisations may wish to run on any other subject. ISBN: 1 89037 31 0. Internet publication URL:
Imparato, Andrew J.  1999.  Toward an Inclusive Definition of Disability.
In reaction to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on their interpretation of the definition of "disability," the National Council on Disability (NCD) is submitting this inclusive definition of disability by Andy Imparato. Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2003.  Taxiprojekt gav livskvalitet.
Svensk Handikapptidskrift 3/03, s. 13. Internet publikation URL:
Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2022.  TRIPS - Working Group Stockholm.
Ingelstam, Anders.  2003.  Taxi för alla-projektets utvärdering - kvalitativ sammanfattning.
Internet publikation URL:
Oldenkamp, I.  1995.  Tricycle Production Manual - Vehicle design for people with disabilites in developing countries.
The tricycle is designed primarily for disabled people in Asia, since the result is a joint effort between four Asian organizations. The Tricycle Production Manual has been developed for basically skilled and equipped workshops in developing countries. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1992.  Tools for Power: A Resource Kit for Independent Living.
The aim of the "Resource Kit" is threefold: (1) to empower disabled individuals and organizations of disabled persons, (2) to serve as a handbook for professionals, and (3) to aid NGO's in their disability work. It was a project of the Independent Living Committee of Disabled Peoples' International.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1999.  Taxi för alla: Förslag till pilotprojekt.
För allmänheten utgör taxin ett viktigt komplement till de kollektiva färdmedlen buss, pendeltåg, spårvagn eller tunnelbana. För människor med funktionshinder gäller det i ännu högre grad. Vi vill visa att enkla och eleganta lösningar kan förbättra även vår rörlighet i stadstrafiken. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1992.  Towards an operational definition of Personal Assistance.
"Personal" assistance means that users exercise the maximum control over how services are organised and custom-design their services according to their individual needs, capabilities, life circumstances and aspirations.
RTP LIV.  2003.  Taxi för kunder - inte för kollin.
RTP LIV. April 2003, s. 14-16. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).
Rudlof, Peter.  2005.  To live a self-determined life - The story of a young man with disabilities from Austria.
Preconditions for de-institutionialization in Austria. Jochen Baumschlager’s move from a 500 bed institution to a life in freedom. Lyssna-MP3-svensk (30:56 minuter, 29 MB), Lyssna-MP3-deutsch (28:49 minuter, 27 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,
Samtrans.  2001.  Taxi för alla.
i SamtransNytt juni 2001. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).
Uritsky, Felix M.  1991.  Technical aids and accessibility problems.
Presentation of a project emphasising assistive devices and legislation to create a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities and elderly people. Internet publication URL:
de Vylder, Stefan.  2003.  Taxi för alla-projektets utvärdering - ekonomisk sammanfattning.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish).
PDF icon vylder200212.pdf (258.41 KB)Microsoft Office document icon vylder200212.doc (126 KB)
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Trials and tribulation of persons with disabilities in 2007 general election.
Internet Publication URL:
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Tough struggle for personal assistance in Iceland.