Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter, 24 augusti 1998, Stockholm

Handikappombudsmannen, Independent Living Sverige.  1998.  Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter, 24 augusti 1998, Stockholm.

Arrangerad av Handikappombudsmannen i samarbete med
Independent Living Sverige
24 augusti 1998, Stockholm

In English

Allt fler länder stiftar lagar mot diskriminering av funktionshindrade. På konferensen presenteras erfarenheter från flera länder. Den traditionella svenska handikappolitiken har varit inriktad mot individuellt stöd och att kompensera brister genom särlösningar.

Peru 1997

Handi Cap Evasion.  1997.  Peru 1997.



Mountains of PeruMountains of PeruMountains of Peru


What is a Joëlette?

Handi Cap Evasion.  1997.  What is a Joëlette?

La joëlette

A few years ago, it became practically impossible for Nicole and Bernard, Stéphane's parents, to keep on hiking with their son.

His illness had progressed, and Stéphane had grown up: he was heavier and more fragile.

This situation led me to devise a wheelchair which could be used on any path or terrain, but which would be comfortable for the passenger, without too much pain for the two assistants handling the wheelchair.

A definition of the Joëlette by its inventor, Joël Claudel:

Opportunities and constraints for access legislation in Ghana

Hagan, Ben E, Wellington H N A.  1992.  Opportunities and constraints for access legislation in Ghana.

Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on
Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Harare 1992


Minister som värnar

Guttmann, Eva Janzon.  1998.  Minister som värnar.

Artikel från AVISEN lördag 5 september 1998
av Eva Janzon Guttmann

Diskriminering försvinner inte av sig själv. Sveriges handikappade måste kämpa för skärpta lagar, anser biträdande minister

Sociala skyddsnät och omsorg om alla grupper i samhället. Så vill vi gärna tro att det är i Sverige. Men för många människor med funktionshinder ser verkligheten annorlunda ut.

- Insikten om att vi diskrirmineras är liten i Sverige. Men se på våra otillgänliga bussar och tåg det skulle inte vara lagligt i USA!

Department of Transportation (DOT) Finishes Greyhound Regulation -- Proposes Bus Companies Must Document Lack of Service

Golden, Marilyn.  1999.  Department of Transportation (DOT) Finishes Greyhound Regulation -- Proposes Bus Companies Must Document Lack of Service.

Accessible Greyhound Buses!


Your letters are needed by JUNE 1, 1999 expressing your support for DOT's final proposal for Greyhound and other companies using over-the-road buses.

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990: An activist's perspective

Golden, Marilyn.  1991.  The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990: An activist's perspective.


Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on
Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991


The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990:
An activist's perspective

Marilyn Golden, Disability Rights and Education Defense Fund, U.S.A.
(The text was transcribed from her talk.)

Portuguese Parliament promotes Web Accessibility

Godinho, Francisco.  1999.  Portuguese Parliament promotes Web Accessibility.

Portugal became the fourth country in the world to officially promote web accessibility for people with disabilities, after the United States, Australia and Canada.

On July 29, 1999 the Portuguese Government, through its Council of Ministers, approved a resolution making mandatory the adoption of accessibility features for people with disabilities in the Web design of the information made available by the General Directorates and similar agencies, departments or services, as well as that rendered available by any public corporation (State Corporations, State Universities, etc.). Concretely, the design must ensure that:

Korrekta fakta om funktionshinder och 'livskvalitet'

Gill, Carol J.  1999.  Korrekta fakta om funktionshinder och 'livskvalitet'.

Sammanställda av organisationen Not Dead Yet efter konsultation av Fil. dr. Carol J. Gill, april 1999

In English

Om bara Kevorkian och andra läste forskningslitteratur, innan de bestämde sig för att tycka att det är förnuftigt att vilja dö när man har ett omfattande funktionshinder!

Facts About Disability and 'Quality of Life'

Gill, Carol J.  1999.  Facts About Disability and 'Quality of Life'.

Compiled by Not Dead Yet in consultation with Carol J. Gill, Ph.D., April 1999

På svenska

If only Kevorkian and others would read the research literature before deciding it is reasonable to want to die when you have an extensive disability!


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