Lagadien, Fadila.
Presentation för nationella kvinnodagen 1997 Telekom - firande inför kvinnodagen. Fadila Lagadien considers how media communicates images of the estimated 13 per cent of disabled South Africans, especially women with disabilities. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Lagadien, Fadila.
The Power of Potential of People with Disabilities. Fadila Lagadien looks at the social, attitudinal and physical barriers that handicap a person with a disability, resulting in their unacknowledged and unused potential. Internet publication URL:
Lagadien, Fadila.
Personal Assistance for Independent Living Programme (PAIL), Republic of South Africa. The immediate objective of the PAIL Programme is that by the end of the project period a minimum of five hundred severely disabled people per year per operational region will have achieved greater independence than in 1995 in South Africa. Internet publication URL: