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Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2004.  Model National Personal Assistance Policy.
Most people who depend on the help of other persons in the activities of daily living such as getting up in the morning, toileting or bathing face very limited lives in residential institutions or parental homes. How must the ideal national policy for personal assistance look that empowers them to live in the community, as equal and fully participating citizens, taking their rightful place in family, neighborhood and society, with work and families of their own? The European Center for Excellence in Personal Assistance (ECEPA) is a project run by people who themselves depend on personal assistance. This model legislation was formulated using their combined personal experience with personal assistance services in eight European countries. A project of the European Center for Excellence in Personal Assistance (ECEPA).
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  Schweden: Betreuung oder Selbstbestimmung - zur Lage von Menschen mit Behinderungen.
Schweden mit seinen 8,5 Millionen Einwohnern erfreut sich des Rufs eines fortschrittlichen Sozialstaats, in dem Menschen mit Behinderungen unter besseren Lebensbedingungen als in den meisten anderen Ländern leben. Internet publication URL: (in German)
