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Bilder från internationell konferensen i november 2008 för att fira 25 år av Independent Living i Sverige


In English

Bilder av Finn Ståle Felberg, ULOBA, Norge (high resolution versions available on request): och

Bildspel gallerier

De första bilderna med text från 28 november och 29 november 2008
(av Miles Goldstick)

Photos from the 25 years of Independent Living in Sweden International conference 28-29 November 2008


På svenska

Photos by Finn Ståle Felberg, ULOBA, Norway (high resolution versions available on request): and

Photo Slide-Show Galleries

Inintial photos with text in Swedish from 28 November and 29 November 2008
(by Miles Goldstick)

The role of relative helpers in the Swedish personal assistance system

Jaillet, C.  2009.  The role of relative helpers in the Swedish personal assistance system.
In most European countries the most common assistance for people with disabilities is provided by relatives, we can easily understand that this system has weaknesses. The trustful relationship makes it work but : -family members, especially parents, are getting old and can't help eternally their child or relative with disabilities -children that help a parent with disability have to handle with too much important responsibilities and too young -relationship partners can't sacrifice their career for the other and can't fear to sign for a life-long 24hour job -assistance with filial feelings most of the time leads to unequal relation -hiring external assistants is considered as an abandonment if relatives worked before as assistants

Les politiques d'insertion pour les personnes en situation de handicap : des coûts compensés par une dynamique économique - modèle suédois et système français

Jaillet, C.  2009.  Les politiques d'insertion pour les personnes en situation de handicap : des coûts compensés par une dynamique économique - modèle suédois et système français.

Les politiques sociales sont des politiques coûteuses que les autorités et la population tendent à voir comme des frais conséquents pour la société, même si nécessaires. La politique du handicap peut engendrer des coûts considérables dans les pays où elle est la plus aboutie comme les pays nordiques. En effet, si ces pays consacrent une part plus importante de leur budget en politiques sociales de manière générale qu'en France, leur politique de l'insertion et de pleine participation des personnes en situation de handicap est efficace et plus aboutie depuis plusieurs années.

DEAF PEOPLE, SIGN LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION, IN OTTOMAN & MODERN TURKEY: Observations and Excerpts from 1300 to 2009. From sources in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish, with introduction and some annotation

Miles, M.  2009.  DEAF PEOPLE, SIGN LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION, IN OTTOMAN & MODERN TURKEY: Observations and Excerpts from 1300 to 2009. From sources in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish, with introduction and some annotation.


Miles, M. 2009-06. "Deaf People, Sign Language and Communication, in Ottoman and Modern Turkey: Observations and Excerpts from 1300 to 2009. From sources in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish, with introduction and some annotation." Internet publication URL:

Sources and texts are introduced and quoted, identifying deaf men and women through more than 700 years of Turkish history, and sign language through 500 years, continuing to the present.

File attachments: 

Rätten till föräldraskap

Agerblad, Annika, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Rätten till föräldraskap.
Rätten till föräldraskap

konferens arrangerad av Handikappombudsmannen och STIL,
med stöd från Allmänna Arvsfonden, Stockholm 28-29 augusti 1995

Dokumentation och bearbetning:
Annika Agerblad och Adolf Ratzka Stockholm, september 1995

Regel 9. Familjeliv och personlig integritet

"Staterna bör främja möjligheten för människor med funktionshinder att leva familjeliv. De bör främja deras rätt till personlig integritet och se till att lagar inte diskriminerar människor med funktionsnedsättning när det gäller sexuella relationer, äktenskap och föräldraskap."

Ur FNs Standardregler, 1993


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