Rickert, Tom.
Making Access Happen – A guide for advocates and planners – HOW TO PROMOTE AND PLAN ACCESS for DISABLED PERSONS and ELDERS to BUSES, TRAINS, TAXIS and OTHER MODES OF TRANSPORT. The purpose of this guide is to assist people and agencies around the world to work together to design public transport which is usable by passengers with disabilities. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/mobility/rickert200302.html and www.independentliving.org/mobility/rickert200302.pdf
Carleton, Gwen.
Making Technology Accessible To All. Universal design in Information Technology is slowly becoming standard in the industry. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/gwencarleton.html.
Shields, Craig V.
Mäkleri - en kort historik. Service brokerage has a commitment to a set of values emphasizing the worth and dignity of individuals with disabilites and their right to live in the community. Internet publikation URL: www.independentliving.org/toolsforpower/tools27sv.html (In Swedish.)
1st European Congress on Independent Living.
Manifiesto de Tenerife - Promovamos la Vida Independiente - Acabemos con la discriminación hacia las personas con discapacidad. From the1st European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/tenrife20020426sp.html (In Spanish.)
Driedger, Diane(ed.).
Människor med funktionsnedsättning och internationell utveckling. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/dispeopleintldev1sv.html (In Swedish.)
Hotchkiss, Ralf.
Manufacturing assistive devices in developing countries. Independence through Mobility by Ralf Hotchkiss is a book about the nuts and bolts of starting a shop and producing the Hotchkiss manual wheelchair with a minimum of equipment, materials, skills and capital in Third World countries. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/toolsforpower/tools32.html
Miles, M.
Martin Luther and Childhood Disability in 16th Century Germany: What did he write? What did he say? Revised and extended version of a paper that was first published with copyright by The Haworth Press, Inc., Binghampton, NY 13904-1580, in the Journal of Religion, Disability & Health (2001), vol. 5 (4) pp. 5-36, and is here reproduced with permission.
Martin Luther’s ideas and theological writings on deaf or disabled children and adults, and his personal and practical experiences in this field are shown. Textual evidence gives a different picture from what is commonly believed, and is interesting both for Luther’s own times and the modern world. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs7/miles2005b.html
Bayha, Betsy.
Media's crippling coverage misses real story of disability experience. Why do the media continually use the same ill-fitting and inaccurate phrases such as "wheelchair-bound," "afflicted" and "special needs," that the disability community rejected long ago? Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs1/bayha1999.html.
Hellman, Finn.
"Mediebilden av funktionshinder" – ett program om fördomar, förebilder och allt vad det nu är. Lyssna-RealAudio (32:37 minuter, 30,6 MB). Vissa får inte namnskyltar som andra, vissa får inte några direkta frågor. Hör Cecilia Blanck och Kerstin Selin berätta om hur Sveriges Television särbehandlar intellektuellt funktionshindrade. Och lyssna till Anna Bergholtz, blind journalist som öppnar ögon - i det här programmet i form av en lista på tips till icke-funktionshindrade kollegor. Missa inte heller när Elisabet Höglund bemöter kritik som riktats mot ett av hennes reportage.Reporter och producent: Finn Hellman. Medverkande: Kerstin Sellin, Cecilia Blanck. Elisabeth Höglund, Anna Bergholtz. Teknik: Wei Wei Jin. (In Swedish.) Hawkins, Candace.
Memo to the World. Are public funds to be used for nursing homes or for paying personal assistants in one's own home? Missouri opened the way to freedom. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs4/hawkins2000.html
Bergström, Hans.
"Mentalsjukhusen ska förpassas till historiens skräpkammare" - ett radioprogram om Riksförbundet för Social och Mental Hälsa och avvecklingen av de psykiatriska institutionerna. Under sextiotalet organiserar sig psykiatrins patienter i det som ska bli RSMH. Samtidigt pågick processen med att stänga de stora psykiska institutionerna i Sverige. I det här programmet möter vi tre överlevare med erfarenhet av psykiatrin och kamratstödet i föreningen. Lyssna-MP3 (29:38 minuter, 27,8 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (13,9 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Hans Bergström, Jan-Olof Forsén och Ola Persson. Intervjuer och research gjordes av Hans Bergström. Samtalspartner var Wenche Willumsen.
Guttmann, Eva Janzon.
Minister som värnar. Sociala skyddsnät och omsorg om alla grupper i samhället. Så vill vi gärna tro att det är i Sverige. Men för många människor med funktionshinder ser verkligheten annorlunda ut. (In Swedish.) Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/ejg1998.html
Digh, Patricia.
Misplaced Modifiers: Respectful Language Improves Accuracy. Print and broadcast media often describe people with disabilities with archaic and demeaning phrases. Patricia Digh provides guidelines for writing about people with disabilities. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs4/digh.html
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Model National Personal Assistance Policy. Most people who depend on the help of other persons in the activities of daily living such as getting up in the morning, toileting or bathing face very limited lives in residential institutions or parental homes. How must the ideal national policy for personal assistance look that empowers them to live in the community, as equal and fully participating citizens, taking their rightful place in family, neighborhood and society, with work and families of their own? The European Center for Excellence in Personal Assistance (ECEPA) is a project run by people who themselves depend on personal assistance. This model legislation was formulated using their combined personal experience with personal assistance services in eight European countries. A project of the European Center for Excellence in Personal Assistance (ECEPA). Miles, M.
Models of Rehabilitation and Evidence of Their Effectiveness: Production & Movements of Disability Knowledge, Skill & Design Within the Cultures and Concepts of Southern Africa. Starting with a disabled person in Mozambique in the 1590s, and a projection of future disability services when knowledge and skills are widely disseminated and rehabilitation professionals are no longer needed, this paper looks more closely at the knowledge and skills available among disabled people and their families and communities in Southern Africa. These factors need to be pooled, refined and tested so that services become rooted in African cultures and respond more appropriately to people's self-perceived needs. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/docs2/milesm200104.html and www.independentliving.org/docs2/milesm200104.pdf
Berg, Susanne.
"Motstånd – en plikt"! Ett radioprogram om politiskt motstånd och civil olydnad. Unga med funktionshinder söker sig i dag mot radikalare rörelser. Direktaktioner är det politiska verktyg de väljer och man kan konstatera att de radikala grupperingarna utanför handikappfrågornas område och de inom rörelsen följs åt till form och innehåll. Kanske kan det ses som en reaktion mot den organiserade politiken; mot dennas oförmåga att möta problemställningar och krav från olika grupper. Utomparlamentarism och civil olydnad är det som gäller. Lyssna-MP3 (26 minuter, 24,4 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Sari Nykvist, Finn Hellman, Jonas Franksson, Fredrik Larsson.
Brown, Steven E.
Movie Stars and Sensuous Scars. Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, discusses love and sexuality in an autobiographical article. First published in Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled, February 1997. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs3/brown97a.html.