Driedger, Diane, D'Aubin April.
Literacy for Whom: Women with Disabilities Marginalized. Disabled people, particularly disabled women, must be given specific consideration within the learner population. Literacy is both a gender issue and a disability issue. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/driedger_daubin1991literacy_for_whom
Driedger, Diane, D'Aubin April.
So you want to start an Independent Living centre? A Winnipeg case study Diane Driedger and April D'Aubin, residents of Winnipeg, and involved with the Winnipeg Independent Living Resource Centre, present a history of Independent Living, Canadian initiatives, and step by step instructions on how to form an Independent Living Centre using the Winnipeg Independent Living Resource Centre as a case study. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/driedger-wpg1.html