Euthanasia and Eugenics

Ayuda para vivir antes que para morir

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Ayuda para vivir antes que para morir.


Sólo en Suecia, más de 16.000 personas perdieron la vida en la pandemia. Sin embargo, el suicidio asistido para personas con extensas discapacidades y enfermedades terminales es el debate actual. Llevo más de 60 años viviendo con un respirador. Amo mi vida. ¡No dejes que otras personas determinen si tu vida merece la pena ser vivida!

Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!.


In Schweden haben bisher über 16000 Menschen ihr Leben durch die Pandemie verloren. Dennoch wird hier zur Zeit die Beihilfe zum Suizid für Menschen mit umfassenden Behinderungen und unheilbaren Krankheiten debattiert.
Ich lebe seit über 60 Jahren mit einem Beatmungsgerät. Ich liebe mein Leben.
Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!

Help to live before help to die!

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Help to live before help to die!.


In Sweden alone, over 16,000 people lost their lives in the pandemic. Yet assisted suicide for people with extensive disabilities and terminal diseases is the current debate. I've been living with a respirator for over 60 years. I love my life. Let not other people determine whether your life is worth living!

Help to live before help to die!

Björn Natthiko Lindeblad, the former business leader, Buddhist monk, author and lecturer who was diagnosed with ALS, was in the media spotlight when he chose to end his life on January 17. The debate has been about the right of persons with terminal illnesses and severe limitations to end their lives. But what right do we have to help and life-sustaining treatment to live with terminal illnesses and severe limitations?

Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp.


Denna skrivelse publicerades först i  en debattartikel i Sydsvenskan.

Björn Natthiko Lindeblad, den tidigare företagsledaren, buddistmunken och föreläsaren som diagnostiserades med ALS, har fått stor uppmärksamhet efter att han valde att avsluta sitt liv.

Debatten handlar om att människor med obotliga sjukdomar och stora begränsningar ska ha rätten till att avsluta sina liv. Men en annan viktig fråga är vilken rätt man har till hjälp och livsuppehållande behandling för att kunna leva med obotliga sjukdomar och stora begränsningar.

Fact Sheet on Peter Singer

Stephen, Drake, Diane Coleman.  1999.  Fact Sheet on Peter Singer.


Peter Singer, recently appointed to a tenured chair at the Center for Human Values, begins his first semester of teaching at Princeton University in October, 1999. Princeton University is a prominent leader is shaping national policy on bio-ethics.

Singer is arguing for major policy changes: people with significant cognitive disabilities and infants with any known disability should be killed when there is a benefit to the non-disabled people around them to having them removed.

The first targets of Singer's proposed policy changes are people with cognitive disabilities, perhaps the most devalued members of our community. It is time for all of us to come together in strength to oppose any threat to any one of our brothers and sisters.

"Health - Euthanasia controls failing."

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News.  1999.  "Health - Euthanasia controls failing.".


© BBC News - Tuesday, February 16, 1999

The study found life was ended to "preserve dignity".

Euthanasia controls are failing in the Netherlands, where the practice is regulated and tolerated, according to a report.

The finding has led campaigners to warn against decriminalising the practice in the UK.

Voluntary euthanasia has not been a criminal offence in Holland since 1984, when courts and the Royal Dutch Medical Association drew up strict guidelines for doctors.

However, a survey into medical practice regarding end of life decisions carried out in 1996 suggests some doctors are ignoring these safeguards.

Its findings are presented in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

Why Disability Rights Movements Do Not Support Euthanasia: Safeguards Broken Beyond Repair

Wolbring, Gregor.  1998.  Why Disability Rights Movements Do Not Support Euthanasia: Safeguards Broken Beyond Repair.


by Dr. Gregor Wolbring
Advisor on bioethic issues to the council of Canadians with disabilities



  • Assisted suicide I kill myself but someone else gives me the tool.
  • Voluntary euthanasia: Someone else kills me with my consent.
  • Non-voluntary euthanasia: Someone kills me when I am unable to give my consent. (i.e. a person in a persistent vegetative state)
  • Involuntary euthanasia: Someone kills me without asking me; therefore without my consent.

There is no country where the disability rights movement is supporting euthanasia. Why is that?

Get A Life! - Euthanasia and human value

Campbell, Jane.  2003.  Get A Life! - Euthanasia and human value.

by Dr Jane Campbell MBE
STIL Seminar, 26th May 2003

Independent living asserts that every life is worth living; science seeking to eliminate disability is against this principle; science should make disabled life worth living, not prevent or end it.

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