Council of Europe.
Integration of People with Disabilities: Discrimination. The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States. With the knowledge that governments follow different approaches to achieve equal opportunity policies, the Council of Europe established a Working Group in November 1996 to elaborate a collection and comparative analysis of legislation against discrimination of persons with disabilities in member States. The final report will be published in autumn 1999. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.
Recommendation No. R(96)5 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Reconciling Work and Family Life. The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States in such areas as: education, vocational training, employment, social integration, etc. This recommendation was adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 19 June 1996 at the 569th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.
Integration of People with Disabilities: Employment of persons with disabilities. The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States and this report outlines past and current work and relevant publications in the area of employment of persons with disabilities. Their activities in the field of employment aim at completing or enlarging the provisions of Recommendation No. R (92) 6 on a coherent policy for people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.
Integration of People with Disabilities: Accessibility - Universal Design. The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States and is currently preparing revolutionary accessibility guidelines: a specific recommendation to incorporate the principles of Universal Design (design that responds equally to the needs of everyone), including accessibility, into the curricula of all vocations that work on the built environment. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.
Recommendation No. R(92)6 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on a Coherent policy for people with disabilities. The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States in such areas as: education, vocational training, employment, social integration, etc. This recommendation was adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 9 April 1992 at the 474th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies. Internet publication URLs: and