Dunn, Peter A.
A Comparative Analysis of Barrier-Free Housing: Policies for Elderly People in the United States and Canada. This paper identifies policy issues in creating barrier free housing for elderly people with disabilities in the United States and Canada. The strengths and weaknesses of a variety of policy approaches are contrasted. The approach in the United States which emphasizes individual housing rights is compared to the more social welfare approach used in Canada. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/dunn1997b.html
Dunn, Peter A.
Government policy innovations and trends in barrier-free housing, accessible transportation and personal supports. In this paper, Peter A. Dunn, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfred Laurier University, Canada, outlines some of the provincial and territorial policies in Canada that began to incorporate independent living (IL) principles during the UN Decade of Disabled Persons (1983-1992). It focuses upon three areas: barrier-free housing, accessible transportation and attendant services/ personal supports. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs5/dunn1997a.html