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Ansorge, Josef T.  2014.  Global Disability: Reality, Theory, Practice.
The author, a Juris Doctorate student at Yale Law School seeks to show that Global disability needs to be considered in a global justice framework. Medicalizing the issue of disability may occlude the social and political aspects of disability. While the history of political thought and social contract theories are embarrassing in their neglect and treatment of disability, the history of the U.S. Civil Rights struggle offers some interesting parallels.
PDF icon Ansorge_Global_Disability.pdf (575.98 KB)
Batavia, Drew, Gallagher Hugh Gregory.  1999.  Gallagher and Batavia on Physician-assisted Suicide - An Open Letter to People with Disabilities.
Hugh Gallagher and Drew Batavia clarify their position on physician-assisted suicide and people with disabilities, including a declaration of disability rights. Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne.  2004.  "Ge oss makt inte medlidande" är ett radioprogram om STIL och kampen för personlig assistans.
Stockholmskooperativet för Independent Living är resultatet av ett litet antal individers kamp för personlig assistans i mitten på nittonhundraåttiotalet. Personlig assistans är, i motsats till hemtjänst eller boendeservice, en service knuten till den enskilde själv. Den som behöver assistans bestämmer själv vem som ska assisterar med vad; när det ska göras och hur. Lyssna-MP3 (28:21 minuter, 26,6 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Adolf Ratzka, Helena Karnström, Bengt Elmén.
Bernt, Malin.  2008.  Germany – means-tested personal assistance.
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Guidelines to promote Personal Assistance at the workplace.
Internet publication URL:
Campbell, Jane.  2003.  Get A Life! - Euthanasia and human value.
Dr. Jane Campbell, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence in England, points out in this presentation at STIL in Stockholm that, "The normal response to suicidal depression is to treat the depression, not to push the person off the bridge!"
Campbell, Jane.  1996.  ‘Growing Pains,’ Disability Politics - The journey explained and described.
The author attempts to shed some light on the complex and often quite hidden political process of the Disabled Persons Movement over the past 30 years. She concludes, "The development of the social model and its journey into the very fabric of our communities through social, political and economic infrastructures, gives the disability movement the authority to say we have emerged." Internet publication URL:
Cummings, Betsy.  2000.  Gaining Entry.
Betsy Cummings examines the problems facing people with disabilities in hotels, conference centers, and public buildings worldwide, by analyzing the policies of a sample of countries on different continents. Internet publication URL:
Degener, Dr. Theresia.  1998.  The Global Picture and the European Situation Regarding Bioethics and Genetic Engineering.
This article is an account of a presentation at the 1998 "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people" by Dr. Theresia Degener, legal adviser to the German Council of Centres for Self-Determined Living and lecturer at the Universities of Frankfurt, Mainz and Leipzig. In her presentation, Dr. Degener advanced a theory that bioethics is incompatible with human rights philosophy. She also discusses how existing international standards with regard to human rights including The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Nuremberg Code (1947) are undermined by the draft UNESCO Declaration on Bio-ethics and Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights and Bio-Medicine, both of which were designed to protect freedom of research. Internet publication URL: In: Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). 1998. "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people." Internet publication URL:
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, UK.  1998.  Government Consults on Rail Accessibility - Press Notice: 372/ Transport.
Press release (London, England) - Trains and trams entering service after 31 December 1998 will be fully accessible. Internet publication URL:
Dunn, Peter A.  1997.  Government policy innovations and trends in barrier-free housing, accessible transportation and personal supports.
In this paper, Peter A. Dunn, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfred Laurier University, Canada, outlines some of the provincial and territorial policies in Canada that began to incorporate independent living (IL) principles during the UN Decade of Disabled Persons (1983-1992). It focuses upon three areas: barrier-free housing, accessible transportation and attendant services/ personal supports. Internet publication URL:
Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Greece – Stelios lives “independently” with help from his family.
European Disability Forum.  1998.  Guide to the Amsterdam Treaty.
As a result of extensive campaign work by disability NGOs, disabled people are now visible in the Treaties. The non-discrimination clause, the provisions on social policy, the title on employment, the declaration on internal market legislation will all have practical consequences for disabled people throughout the Union. Internet publication URLs: and
Konczei, Gyorgy.  1998.  Genesis of the Hungarian Anti-Discrimination Legislation.
Hungary is leaving the old fashioned approach to disability, characterised by pity, paternalism, charity and a medical approach, and is taking on a legal approach which acknowledges the rights of disabled citizens. Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Action on Disability Policy, A Global Survey.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of World Blind Union - WBU.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Rehabilitation International - RI.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Inclusion International (ILSMH).
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Disabled Peoples' International - DPI.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of World Federation of the Deaf - WFD.
Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2008.  Glimpses of Disability in the Literature and Cultures of East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East & Africa. A modern and historical bibliography, with some annotation.
This annotated bibliography lists a selection of 130 novels, short stories, biographies, autobiographies, materials from philosophy, anthropology and folklore, and literary criticism, in which disability, deafness or mental disorders play some significant part, from East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Africa, available mostly in English or French. Internet publication URLs: and
Ministry of Social Affairs, Sweden.  1993.  Gesetz zum Assistenzbudget.
("Assistansersättning" - "Compensation for Assistance.") Ursprünglicher Gesetzestext von 1993, der einen bestimmten Personenkreis zu Geldleistungen für persönliche Assistenz von der schwedischen Sozialversicherung berechtigt.Das Gesetz wurde seit seinem Inkrafttreten am 1.1. 1994 mehrmals abeändert, was Einschränkungen aber auch vereinzelte Verbesserungen für Assistenznehmer mit sich führte. (Für die Qualität der Ü bersetzung ist das schwedische Sozialministerium und nicht das Independent Living Institute verantwortlich.) Internet publication URL: (In German.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1990.  Gustav Möller (s) och STIL.
STIL-modellen - maximalt självbestämmande men offentlig finansiering - knyter an till gammal socialdemokratisk tradition. Gustav Möller var svensk socialminister på 40-talet och förordnade den s k kontantlinjen. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Waddell, Cynthia D.  1999.  The Growing Digital Divide in Access for People with Disabilities: Overcoming Barriers To Participation In The Digital Economy.
This paper identifies some of the emerging digital economy barriers, current efforts to address these barriers and expresses the author's vision of the long-term policy research agenda. Internet publication URL:
Walker, Pamela.  2001.  A Generic Orientation to Doing Attendant Work.
This manual provides a general introduction to the work of personal assistants, and is especially helpful to new assistants. It covers a wide range of topics, and explains the purpose of personal assistance and the nature of the work, to the extent that generalisations are possible. Revised online publication. First published by Center for Independent Living Berkeley, California 1986. Internet publication URL:
PDF icon walker2001.pdf (40.92 KB)
Westberg, Kenneth.  2016.  Germany, Corina Zolle - "A lot of people are afraid to leave their protected environments in institutions".