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Thorén, Clas.  1991.  The Nordic Committee on Disability: Existing legislation in the Nordic countries.
Internet publication URL:  
Rentzsch, Anne.  2005.  När man behöver hjälp så ringer man, är ett program om boendeservice och dess historia i Sverige.
Lyssna-MP3 (22:44 minuter, 21,3 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (14.7 MB). Internet publication URLs:,  (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2008.  No shortcuts on the road to employment for persons with disabilities.
Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2014.  Nej till åldersbegränsningen av mänskliga rättigheter! Ja till personlig assistans efter behov inte ålder!. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. 21(3-4):7.
Människor som förvärvar sitt funktionshinder efter 65 år missgynnas i jämförelse med de som får en funktionsnedsättning i yngre år: enligt den nuvarande lagen om assistansersättning (LSS) kan de inte få assistansersättning som skulle förbättra deras livskvaliet enligt Adolf Ratzka, verksamhetsledare för Independent Living Institute. Personlig assistans är så mycket billigare per timme än kommunal hemtjänst och andra kommunala insatser och samtidigt så mycket effektivare, hävdar debattartikelns författare, att man borde räkna på de samhällsekonomiska effekterna av att utöka rätten till assistansersättning till alla människor med assistansbehov oavsett ålder eller personkrets.Artikeln publicerades först i Social Vetenskaplig Tidskrift Årgång 21, Nummer 3-4, 2014
PDF icon Nej till åldersbegränsningen av mänskliga rättigheter (124.24 KB)
National Council on Disability (NCD).  1999.  Ny rapport från NCD om förbättringar i tillämpningen av rättigheter för flygresenärer med funktionsnedsättgning.
The NCD has released a groundbreaking report documenting ineffective enforcement of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) since the law's passage in 1986. Internet publication URL:
National Council on Disability (NCD).  1999.  NCD Releases Report on Improving the Enforcement of Civil Rights of Air Travelers with Disabilities.
The NCD has released a groundbreaking report documenting ineffective enforcement of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) since the law's passage in 1986. Internet publication URL:
Kawauchi, Yoshi.  2000.  New Japanese Legislation on Accessible Public Transportation.
This brief comment by Yoshi Kawauchi, architect, access specialist and advocate, Tokyo, Japan, is critical of the new Japanese legislation on access in public transportation. While appreciating the law as a first step towards improvement, he is critical because the law is not a civil rights law and has no procedure for consumers to file complaints, does not include taxicabs because of political pressure, and does not cover people with developmental disabilities or psychiatric disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Fränti, Marttiina, Könkkölä Maija.  1991.  National report on Finnish access legislation.
Internet publication URL:
Curtis, Bruce.  1980.  The need for Independent Living programs: an historical context and summary of progressive independent living services.
In this early article, Bruce Curtis, of the Technical Assistance Project, Center for Independent Living in Berkeley, California, traces the history of forced dependency and institutionalization which has and often continues to be the lot of disabled persons. Basic denial of disabled people’s human and civil rights led to the 1972 establishment of the Center for Independent Living in 1972 in Berkeley – a rights advocacy and service organization developed by and for disabled people. Curtis outlines the various components of the center’s activities. Internet publication URL:
Albert, Bill.  1998.  The New Genetics and Disabled People.
The following paper draws heavily on the British Council of Organisations of Disabled People's (BCODP) discussions on the issue of genetics and disabled people. Please note that this paper is NOT BCODP policy but rather a discussion document intended to encourage debate within the movement. For more information on the issue of genetics and disabled people BCODP please refer to the BCODP web site. Internet publication URL: