Fel siffra orsakade rabalder i färdtjänstdebatt

Persson, Ann, Palmgren Nils.  2003.  Fel siffra orsakade rabalder i färdtjänstdebatt.

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Dagens Nyheter 2003-10-03

En felaktig siffra har vänt upp och ner på den inflammerade debatten om rullstolstaxi för handikappade. På tisdag ska landstingsfullmäktige för andra gången besluta om höjda avgifter.

Protester mot höjd avgift för rullstolstaxi

Persson, Ann.  2003.  Protester mot höjd avgift för rullstolstaxi.

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Dagens Nyheter
Tisdag 7 oktober 2003

Handikapporganisationerna protesterar mot höjningen av taxan för rullstolstaxi. Men den rödgröna majoriteten håller fast vid besparingsförslaget som med största sannolik het klubbas i landstinget i dag.

Creating and maintaining access to housing: Implementing access at the local level

Park, Walter.  1991.  Creating and maintaining access to housing: Implementing access at the local level.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991


Creating accessibility in developing countries

Parakattel, Paul.  1991.  Creating accessibility in developing countries.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991


The Concept of Independent Living - a New Perspective in Rehabilitation

Osterwitz, Ingolf.  1994.  The Concept of Independent Living - a New Perspective in Rehabilitation.


Paper presented at HELIOS European workshop
Education to independent living
Venice, Italy, 28 - 29 October 1994
The Concept of Independent Living - a New Perspective in Rehabilitation


Publications by John O'brien and Connie Lyle O'brien

O'brien, John, O'brien Connie Lyle.  2003.  Publications by John O'brien and Connie Lyle O'brien.

(Reprinted from http://soeweb.syr.edu/thechp/rsapub.htm, 2003-10-11)


John O'Brien and Connie Lyle O'Brien (Responsive Systems Associates), through a subcontract with the Center on Human Policy, produce a wide range of informational material on person-centered planning, community building, and innovative services. We would like to make these publications available to you here on our web site. The majority of these files are in Abode "PDF" format and can be downloaded with the Acrobat Reader Plug-In program which is available free from Adobe Systems.

A review of current accessibility legislation in Kenya

Nzioki, Nicky, Maganjo Agnes, Kariuki Catherine.  1992.  A review of current accessibility legislation in Kenya.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Harare 1992

A review of current accessibility
legislation in Kenya

Nicky Nzioki, Agnes Maganjo, Catherine Kariuki, University of Nairobi, Kenya




Populärt byta färdtjänstbuss mot taxi

Nyhetsbyrån ikapp.  2003.  Populärt byta färdtjänstbuss mot taxi.

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Populärt byta färdtjänstbuss mot taxi

Nyhetsbyrån ikapp

fax 08/ 311 611
tel 08/ 546 40 461, -462, -463, -465
e-post ikapp@hso.se
hemsida www.ikapp.nu

2003 03 27

Accessibility legislation in Byelorussia and the Byelorussian Society of the Disabled

Novikov, Yuri.  1991.  Accessibility legislation in Byelorussia and the Byelorussian Society of the Disabled.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991


Promotion of access legislation in Ghana

Newman, Gertrude.  1992.  Promotion of access legislation in Ghana.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Harare 1992


Promotion of access legislation in Ghana - prospects and challenges posed to the Ghana Federation of the Disabled

Gertrude Newman, Ghana Federation of the Disabled, Ghana


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