Independent Living Centres are information resource centres which are located in every state and in ACT. Each centre displays a comprehensive range of products and equipment to assist with daily living activities. Everybody is welcome to use the ILC services, including people with disabilities, older people, their carers, parents, advocates and other service providers, health professionals, architects, builders, suppliers, manufacturers and students. You can try out products and equipment and select those most suitable prior to purchase. Please note that we do not sell items, we only display them.
Each centre has a localised products and equipment database to complement the display. The occupational therapists on our info-lines use this database to provide information that are relevant to the individual caller’s needs.
Most of ILC services are free to public.
Each ILC are funded differently, some are funded directly by the state government, others apply for funding from public as well as private purse.
We may be able to refer disabled persons to wheelchair accessible housing or transportation or other services in our city.
We have traineeships or volunteer positions that people with disabilities are welcome to apply for.
Our non governmental, non-profit, organization works at the international level.
We consider ourselves as part of the international Independent Living and Disability Rights Movement.
Our organization is to some degree run, controlled and represented by disabled people.
Contact person: | Goretti Kee |
Phone: | 61-2-9890 0962 |
Home page is not working: | - |
Address: | No. 1 Fennell St Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia |
This entry added: Sunday 26th September 2004. (record #621) Changed: Monday 14th May 2018.