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Zukas, H.  1975.  The History of the Berkeley Center for Independent Living (CIL).
CIL's roots can be traced to 1962 and the Cowell Residence Program at University of California, Berkeley where Ed Roberts struggled with bureaucrats. Internet publication URL:
Zola, I K.  1979.  Helping One Another: A Speculative History of the Self-Help Movement.
Internet publication URL:
Taylor, Zara Buggs.  1998.  Honest portrayals of disabilities drive popular television show.
People with disabilities are often invisible in movies and television shows, however, Zara Buggs Taylor writes about one television show which is changing audience perceptions about people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Sundström, Anders.  2003.  Hårda sparkrav vänter färdtjänsten.
Dagens Nyheter. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).
Stone, Karen.  2000.  A Healthy Dissension.
Internet publication URL:
Sjölander, Johan, Börjesson Pelle, Dahl Ulla.  2003.  Hellre ofta än bekvämt.
Insändare till City, 2003-10-07, s. 21 [Sjölander (s), Börjesson (v), och Dahl (mp)]. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1986.  Har samhället råd med oss?
Från "Stiletten" nr. 6/86, december 1986. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1999.  A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa.
Ratzka, Adolf. 1999-11. "A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa." (In Portuguese.) Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1982.  Hemservice - i vems regi?
Artikeln som lanserade begreppen "personlig assistent", "personlig assistans i brukarregi" och föreslog finansiering av personlig assistans genom riksförsäkringsverket. Artikeln publicerades redan redan år 1982 i Svensk Handikapptidskrift. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Peterson, Dick.  1998.  Hanging In There.
Dick Peterson creates a new hoisting device with an above-the-waist lifting harness, making transfers smoother for people with various physical disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Nkeli, Jerry.  1998.  Human Rights Commissioner reflects on achievements obtained by people with disabilities.
In South Africa we have disabled people in leadership-roles and have achieved a lot but we have many problems to face in the field of human rights such as issues dealing with racial intolerance and a diversity of various issues that deal with colonialism. Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective, Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective, Stockholm, Sweden 23 August, 1998. Internet publication URL:
Nkeli, Jerry.  1998.  How to overcome double discrimination of disabled people in South Africa.
South African Human Rights Commissioner, Jerry Nkeli, outlines the country's history from the point of view of the Disability Rights Movement. Conference on Legislation for Human Rights Arranged by Handikappombudsmannen in cooperation with Independent Living Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden 24 August 1998. Internet publication URL:
Nikolov, Mitko.  2023.  The history of the adoption of the Personal Assistance Law in Bulgaria and its subsequent controversial effect - 2009-2023.
Montero, Federico.  1998.  Human Rights and Organisations of Disabled Persons in Costa Rica.
Despite positive changes in Costa Rica's social policies, disabled people still are denied certain rights to participate in all aspects of society. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1997.  Home Visiting with Mama Kitenge, Community Based Rehabilitation Fieldworker, Tanzania.
A morning in the poorer parts of Dar es Salaam is described, during which Mama Kitenge visits families with children having mental and other disabilities and works with these childen and their caregivers. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2008.  HITTITE DEAF MEN IN THE 13th CENTURY BC: introductory notes with annotated bibliography.
The article introduces bibliographical evidence on deaf men working in palaces and temples of the Hittite Kingdom in Anatolia (now Turkey) during the 13th century BC, with further notes on signing and deaf people's activities in the ancient and medieval Middle East. With some additions and revision September 2009. Internet publication URLs: and
PDF icon miles200809.pdf (107.78 KB)PDF icon HITTITE_DEAF_MEN_IN_THE_13th_CENTURY_BC_traduction_francaise_4.pdf (637.26 KB)
Majiet, Shanaaz.  1998.  Human Rights from Disabled Peoples' Perspective in Africa.
Shanaaz Majiet speaks on human rights and disability from the perspective of the African continent. Internet publication URL:
Katz, Ruth.  1998.  The Home and Community-Based Services Work Group, partners with state, consumers, and others to advance the PAS agenda.
This article discusses how the Administration (US Government) balances the goal of providing more flexibility and choice for people with disabilities with the need to ensure that the services are cost effective. Internet publication URL:
Kaplan, Karen.  1999.  High-Tech Dawn for People with Disabilities: Typing by Eye Movement, Non-Visual.
High-tech solutions attract a lot of interest. Whether people with disabilities can actually benefit from them remains to be seen. Internet publication URL:
HELIOS.  1996.  HELIOS II: Sammanfattning av undersökningen om service med personlig assistans i Europa. Beskrivning och utvärdering av den bästa servicen med personlig assistans i ditt land.
This report is intended to help set a new agenda for improving the quality of life for people with disabilities so that their needs can be met throughout the European Union. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
HELIOS.  1996.  HELIOS II: Social Integration and Independent Living. The Elimination of Socio-psychological Barriers: Assistance in Daily Living.
This report is intended to help set a new agenda for improving the quality of life for people with disabilities so that their needs can be met throughout the European Union. Internet publication URL:
Claesson Wästberg, Inger.  1998.  Handikappombudsman Inledning på Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter.
Internet publication URL:
Abadia, Regine, Sallem Ryadh.  2005.  Hunger Strike for Personal Assistance in France.
Lyssna-MP3-svensk (28:21 minuter, 26,6 MB). Lyssna-MP3-français (29:30 minuter, 27,7 MB). Programmet i text (In English, En français).
Abadia, Regine, Sallem Ryadh.  2005.  Hungerstrejk för personlig assistans i Frankrike.
Lyssna-MP3-svensk (28:21 minuter, 26,6 MB). Marcel Nuss i Strasbourg i Frankrike behöver assistans dygnet runt. Gaby, hans fru, arbetade i 20 år som hans assistent utan ledighet. Det behövdes ett sprucket äktenskap, hot om hungerstrejk och tillkomsten av en militant organisation av assistansbrukare tills regeringen i Paris kände sig tvungen att komma med en lösning. Lyssna-MP3-français (29:30 minuter, 27,7 MB). Programmet i text (In English, En français).