Study and Work Abroad

Germany. Information for international students

General Information About Living and Studying in Germany

The Goethe-Institut has information about studying and doing research in Germany. (in English)

Deutsches Studentenwerk has services for students with disabilities (German)

Surf tips and Links for Students with Disabilities (German)

Information about personal assistance services (German)

Information about barrier-free housing (German)

Information for disabled students at specific universities (German)

Germany at Wikipedia.

Costs and Funding of Study in Germany

Since January 2020 you are expected to demonstrate funds of 853 EUR per month / 10,236 EUR per year. From January 2021 this amount will be increased to 861 EUR per month / 10,332 EUR per year.

Tuition fees at German universities vary by state and unversity - some have no fees. There is a per semester contribution to student services between 100 and 350 EUR that must be paid.  The German academic exchange service has more info.  There is public financial aid for extra costs caused by disabilities.

European Commission

Erasmus programme for university and college students

Information for students with severe disabilities in SOCRATES/Erasmus 

Resources for Students in Germany

Federal Association of Hearing-Impaired Students and Graduates

Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. (DVBS) (German) Association of sight impaired students.

Beauftragte für behinderte und chronisch kranke Studierende (German, University of Heidelberg)

Accommodation and Travel in Germany

Germany in the Lonely Planet World Guide

This entry changed: Thursday 5th October 2023.