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Waddell, Cynthia D.  1999.  The Growing Digital Divide in Access for People with Disabilities: Overcoming Barriers To Participation In The Digital Economy.
This paper identifies some of the emerging digital economy barriers, current efforts to address these barriers and expresses the author's vision of the long-term policy research agenda. Internet publication URL:
Walker, Pamela.  2001.  A Generic Orientation to Doing Attendant Work.
This manual provides a general introduction to the work of personal assistants, and is especially helpful to new assistants. It covers a wide range of topics, and explains the purpose of personal assistance and the nature of the work, to the extent that generalisations are possible. Revised online publication. First published by Center for Independent Living Berkeley, California 1986. Internet publication URL:
PDF icon walker2001.pdf (40.92 KB)
Wallace, Mary.  1997.  Symposium on Disability and Human Rights.
Closing address by Ms. Mary Wallace, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. Internet publication URL:
Wehrli, Peter.  1999.  About the Center of Independent Living Zürich.
Switzerland does not yet know the concept of personal assistance and provides almost no financial means to live outside institutions. The Swiss IL movement has an uphill battle. Internet publication URL:
Weiss-Lindencrona, Hanne.  1984.  Steering Systems and Their Application.
Internet publication URL:
Wellington, H N A.  1992.  Opportunities and challenges of barrier-free design consciousness - an evaluation of the application of barrier-free design principles in the socio-cultural circumstances in Ghana.
Internet publication URL:
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Trials and tribulation of persons with disabilities in 2007 general election.
Internet Publication URL:
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Post-election violence and disabled people in Kenya; issues for reflection and action.
Internet publication URL:
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Development System Locks Out the Disabled.
Internet Publication URL:
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2007.  The UN Day for Persons with Disabilities: How the world is unfair to people with disabilities.
Internet Publication URL:
Werner, David.  1990.  Visit to Angola: Where Civilians are Disabled as a Strategy of LIC.
Internet publication URL:
Werner, David.  1990.  Resa till Angola - ett land där människor lemlästas som en strategi i lågintensiv krigföring.
Internet publication URL:
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Bente Skansgård, ULOBA, Norway: “Municipal procurement threatens assistance users’ self-determination”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2016.  Germany, Corina Zolle - "A lot of people are afraid to leave their protected environments in institutions".
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: “Government breaks its promise of legislation for personal assistance”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Interview with Arthur Klimchenko, 22 years, Kaliningrad - "Personal assistance would certainly be good, but I would be afraid of being dominated".
Westberg, Kenneth.  2012.  Eunice Ya-Yu Kao, Taiwan - "Those who can pay have migrant care workers as assistants".
This is a translation of the original article in swedish.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Tough struggle for personal assistance in Iceland.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: Personal Assistance heading for legislation?
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Attitudes to people with disabilities are negative in Russia - Interview with Sergey Kiselev, Chairman of Apparel.
Westberg, Kenneth, Berg Susanne, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance in Sweden. PDF icon Personal_Assistance_in_Sweden_KW_2010.pdf (913.82 KB)
Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Latvia: “We want help to start a personal assistance project”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: “The upcoming legislation will be a disappointment”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  In Flanders all personal care assistants are employed by the people they assist..
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Latvia: “The view of people with disabilities has improved”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Finland: “The new personal assistance law doesn’t quite make it”.
Westerberg, Bengt.  2017.  Personlig Assistans – en kritisk granskning av regeringens direktiv till LSS-utredningen 2016. PDF icon Personlig-assistans-rapport-2017.pdf (911.06 KB)
Westerberg, Bengt.  1993.  Den nya handikappreformen för ett jämlikt och värdigt liv.
I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokumentation av STIL-hearing Stockholm 1993." Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Westerberg, Bengt.  2013.  Personal Assistance - a revolution for people with disabilities - Keynote.
In this presentation Mr Bengt Westerberg, former Swedish Minister of Social Affairs 1991-1994 and leader of the Liberal Party (Folkpartiet), describes the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS), puts it in context with other Swedish legislation, and reflects on its societal costs and benefits. The reform utilizes direct payments for freedom of choice, self-determination and personal responsibility and, in this way, differs from traditional Swedish welfare politics where state agencies typically combine the functions of needs assessment, financing, quality control and service provision. Mr Westerberg, who credits the Swedish Independent Living movement for introducing the concept of direct payments for personal assistance to Sweden, succeeded in getting the legislation approved by Parliament during the country's deep economic crisis at the beginning of the 1990's. In Sweden, his personal pride in the legislation he authored is well-known. 
Westerberg, Bengt.  2008.  IL 25 years Documentation - Bengt Westerberg.
Westerberg, Bengt.  2016.  Personlig Assistans - hotad frihetsreform? PDF icon Personlig-assistans-hotad-frihetsreform.pdf (1.08 MB)
Willig Levy, Chava.  1998.  A People's History of the Independent Living Movement.
Chava Willig Levy relates stories from the IL Movement to create a people's history. This mongraph explores human rather than social forces. It looks at who rather than what shaped the IL movement. Internet publication URL:
Wilner, MaryAnn, Wyatt Ann.  1998.  Independence Care System: Managed Care for People with Disabilities.
The goal of Independence Care System is to enable people with disabilities to remain at home or in the least restrictive setting possible by integrating the full range of primary care, acute care, and home and community-based services in a comprehensive, flexible manner. Internet publication URL:
Wilner, MaryAnn, Wyatt Ann.  1998.  Independence Care System: Managed Care for People with Disabilities.
Målet för Independence Care System är att underlätta för folk med funktionsnedsättning att bo kvar i sina hem, eller åtminstone i en så fri miljö som möjligt, genom att integrera primära, akuta, hem- och samhällsbaserade vårdtjänster på ett utförligt och flexibelt sätt. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Wolbring, Gregor.  1999.  Science and Society - Critical Comments on the 1999 World Conference on Science, Budapest, Hungary.
Gregor Wolbring, biochemist and scientific advisor to the Thalidomide Society of Canada, reports on the 1999 World Conference on Science, Budapest, Hungary from the perspective of a person with a disability. Internet publication URL:
Wolbring, Gregor.  1998.  Why Disability Rights Movements Do Not Support Euthanasia: Safeguards Broken Beyond Repair.
We believe that euthanasia is another technique to free society of disabled people and another expression of the ableism in western societies. Internet publication URL:
Wolinsky, Sid.  1991.  From an American legal practitioner's viewpoint.
Internet publication URL: