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Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1990.  STIL mot hemtjänststalinisterna.
Hur skulle det se ut om kommunen hade monopol på finansieringen, produktionen och fördelningen av bröd? Artikeln illustrerar det tredubbla kommunala monopolet på hemtjänstområde. Artikeln publicerades i DN. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2007.  Independent Living for people with disabilities: from patient to citizen and customer.
Keynote at the conference in Barcelona 22 October 2007 organized by the Catalan Party Convergéncia i Unió in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of The Spanish Law for Persons with Disabilities of 1982. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Angående Färdtjänstförvaltningens svar på min anmälan om diskriminering - Anmälan hos Handikappombudsmannen.".
Ärende Dnr 2003/990. Internet publication URLs: och (6 KB). (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2015.  Self-determination through Direct Payments and Personal Assistance cooperatives.
In his keynote address Adolf Ratzka delineates the origins of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living owned and mainly run by Personal Assistance user themselves providing services to its members. Personal Assistance is here depicted as an example of demand-driven as opposed to supply-driven services which, according to the text's analysis, would explain the differences between these services in terms of quality and cost efficiency.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Sexualitet och människor med funktionshinder: vad experterna ofta inte känner till.".
For many of us who have extensive disabilities our sexual liberation does not so much depend on sex counselling or mechanical sex aids but on the availability of tax-funded personal assistance services which empower us to take control over our own lives. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Sexuality and people with disabilities: What experts often are not aware of.
For many of us who have extensive disabilities our sexual liberation does not so much depend on sex counselling or mechanical sex aids but on the availability of tax-funded personal assistance services which empower us to take control over our own lives. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2021.  Stiletten Samlingen 1986 – 2010.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1994.  Independent Living and the family: The context of Costa Rica and Sweden.".
In the context of the family, Independent Living implies participation in all areas of human life, especially loving relationships, sexuality and parenthood. Internet publication URL:
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  1998.  Resolution om Personlig assistans.
Antagen av deltagarna på International Personal Assistance Services Symposium, sponsrat av World Institute on Disability. Symposiet ägde rum i Oakland, Kalifornien, den 29 september till den 1 oktober 1991. Artikeln är tidigare publicerad i American Rehabilitation Volym 24, nummer 4, Vintern 1998 Personal Assistance Services del 2 av 2. American Rehabilitaion är Rehabilitation Services Administrations (RSA) officiella publikation. Adress: 330 C Street S.W Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  1998.  Resolutions on Personal Assistance Services.
Passed by Participants of the International Personal Assistance Services Symposium Sponsored by the World Institute on Disability, Convened September 29 to October 1, 1991, Oakland, California. Published in: American Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Number 4, Winter 1998, Personal Assistance Services, Part 2 of 2. American Rehabilitation is the official publication of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 330 C Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL:
Rennerstedt, Kristina.  1998.  Legala aspekter av diskrimineringslagstiftning i Sverige.
Kristina Rennerstedt, av Justitiedepartementet tala om möjligheter och svårigheter i Sverige med diskrimineringslagstiftning som metod för att ge människor med funktionshinder samma möjligheter som andra. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Rentzsch, Anne.  2005.  När man behöver hjälp så ringer man, är ett program om boendeservice och dess historia i Sverige.
Lyssna-MP3 (22:44 minuter, 21,3 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (14.7 MB). Internet publication URLs:,  (In Swedish.)
Richter, Linda K, Richter William L.  1999.  Ethics Challenges: Health, Safety and Accessibility in International Travel and Tourism.
William L. Richter and Linda K. Richter explore ethical dimensions of accessible travel for people with disabilities, citing trends, issues, and strategies for public administrators to deal with these concerns. Internet publication URL:
Rickert, Tom.  2003.  Making Access Happen – A guide for advocates and planners – HOW TO PROMOTE AND PLAN ACCESS for DISABLED PERSONS and ELDERS to BUSES, TRAINS, TAXIS and OTHER MODES OF TRANSPORT.
The purpose of this guide is to assist people and agencies around the world to work together to design public transport which is usable by passengers with disabilities. Internet publication URLs: and
Rioux, Marcia.  2001.  Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000.
Internet publication URLs:,,
Microsoft Office document icon rioux00.doc (572 KB)PDF icon rioux00.pdf (341.38 KB)
Rosen, Fred.  1999.  Is International Travel Accessible for Persons with a Disability?
Fred Rosen outlines travel accessibility policies in 5 countries, including problems and recommendations for improved standards. Includes a list of publications on accessibility in the U.S.A., Canada, Britain, and Australia. Internet publication URL:
Rosenthal, Eric.  2000.  International human rights protections for institutionalised persons with disabilities: an agenda for international action.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 4. Internet publication URLs:,,
Roth, Helga.  1996.  Overview of the Conference "Self-determined Living for Disabled Women in Europe".
A brief review of papers and discussions about Women with Disabilities held during the conference in Munich, 1996. Internet publication URL:
Rothstein, Bo.  1993.  Den offentliga sektorn och individens självbestämmande.
I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokumentation av STIL-hearing Stockholm 1993." Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.) 
RTP LIV.  2003.  Taxi för kunder - inte för kollin.
RTP LIV. April 2003, s. 14-16. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).
Rudlof, Peter.  2005.  Selbstbestimmt leben - die Geschichte eines jungen behinderten Mannes aus Österreich.
De-institutionalisierung in Österrreich. Jochen Baumschlager tauschte einen Platz in der 500 Betten Einrichtung gegen eine eigene Wohnung. Lyssna-MP3-svensk (30:56 minuter, 29 MB), Lyssna-MP3-deutsch (28:49 minuter, 27 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,
Rudlof, Peter.  2005.  To live a self-determined life - The story of a young man with disabilities from Austria.
Preconditions for de-institutionialization in Austria. Jochen Baumschlager’s move from a 500 bed institution to a life in freedom. Lyssna-MP3-svensk (30:56 minuter, 29 MB), Lyssna-MP3-deutsch (28:49 minuter, 27 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,
Rudlof, Peter.  2005.  Att leva ett självbestämt liv – berättelsen om en ung funktionshindrad man i Österrike.
Att leva ett självbestämt liv - berättelsen om en ung funktionshindrad man i Österrike. Lyssna-MP3-svensk (30:56 minuter, 29 MB), Lyssna-MP3-deutsch (28:49 minuter, 27 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,
Russell, Marta.  1998.  Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract.
Book review courtesy Common Courage Press. Internet publication URL:
Ruzicic, Mima.  2005.  Report from Mima Ruzicic, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, About the Situation of Personal Assistance Users and Students with Disabilities.
Internet publication URL:
Rydberg(fp), Birgitta, Bexelius(fp) Birgitta, Wallhager(fp) Maria.  2003.  Överklagande av Stockholms läns landstings beslut 2003-10-07 ang avgiftshöjningar för rullstolstaxi.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).
