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International training, internships, recruitment and volunteer opportunities

Links in this category: 8. Newest link in this category: 2023-04-03

Idealist.org - Action Without Borders
Idealist.org is the online meeting place for nonprofit organizations, resources, consultants, job seekers and volunteers.
International interest,
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
Mobility International USA
Empowering people with disabilities around the world by ensuring their inclusion in international exchange and international development programs.
International interest,
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
InterExchange, Inc. USA
InterExchange offers work abroad, camp counselor, au pair, internship and training exchange programs for US and foreign individuals.
International interest,
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
Transitions Abroad - Portal for Work Abroad, Overseas Travel, Study Abroad and International Living.
Transitions Abroad has provided work abroad, overseas travel, study abroad and international living information for 27 years as a travel magazine.
International interest,
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
American Jewish World Service USA
The American Jewish World Service provides international service opportunities throughout the world through their Jewish Volunteer Corps program.
International interest,
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
Association for International Practical Training
The AIPT administers a wide range of student, business and professional training/cultural exchanges between the U.S. and other countries. AIPT encourages persons with disabilities interested in international practical experience to apply.
International interest,
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
Global Service Corps
Global Service Corps is a non-profit volunteer organization providing cross-cultural learning and community service adventures for adults in Costa Rica, Tanzania and Thailand. GSC encourages anyone who is deaf or hearing impaired to participate on the Thailand programs.
International interest,
Link checked 2025-02
RecruitABILITY: Bridging the Disability Divide
disABLEDperson Inc. is a 501(c)(3) 509(a)(1) non profit public charity whose mission is to help reduce the near 70% unemployment rate amongst disabled Americans. We accomplish this through our online recruitment application, recruitABILITY.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01

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