International training, internships, recruitment and volunteer opportunities
Links in this category: 8. Newest link in this category: 2023-04-03
Link | Details Revised/Checked | - Action Without Borders is the online meeting place for nonprofit organizations, resources, consultants, job seekers and volunteers. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-02 |
Mobility International USA Empowering people with disabilities around the world by ensuring their inclusion in international exchange and international development programs. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-02 |
InterExchange, Inc. USA InterExchange offers work abroad, camp counselor, au pair, internship and training exchange programs for US and foreign individuals. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-02 |
Transitions Abroad - Portal for Work Abroad, Overseas Travel, Study Abroad and International Living. Transitions Abroad has provided work abroad, overseas travel, study abroad and international living information for 27 years as a travel magazine. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-02 |
American Jewish World Service USA The American Jewish World Service provides international service opportunities throughout the world through their Jewish Volunteer Corps program. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-02 |
Association for International Practical Training The AIPT administers a wide range of student, business and professional training/cultural exchanges between the U.S. and other countries. AIPT encourages persons with disabilities interested in international practical experience to apply. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-02 |
Global Service Corps Global Service Corps is a non-profit volunteer organization providing cross-cultural learning and community service adventures for adults in Costa Rica, Tanzania and Thailand. GSC encourages anyone who is deaf or hearing impaired to participate on the Thailand programs. | International interest, Link checked 2025-02 |
RecruitABILITY: Bridging the Disability Divide disABLEDperson Inc. is a 501(c)(3) 509(a)(1) non profit public charity whose mission is to help reduce the near 70% unemployment rate amongst disabled Americans. We accomplish this through our online recruitment application, recruitABILITY. | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
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