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International student organisations

Links in this category: 5. Newest link in this category: 2023-10-11

Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a European wide student organization. Its goal is to help exchange students find there way in there new city. Our network is in contact with more than 60,000 international minded students.
International interest,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
AEGEE - European Students' Association
Founded in Paris in 1985, with local branches in approximately 170 European cities and about 22,500 members. Includes news, events, projects, networking, and meeting information.
International interest,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
Handicappede Studerende og Kandidater
En gruppe bevægelses- handicappede studerende ved Københavns Universitet, Indre By, startede i 1985 foreningen med det formål at forbedre lokale- og adgangsforholdene på Universitetet.
Danish language,
Link checked 2025-02
Organization of disabled students in Austria
"UNIABILITY is a community of interests consisting of disabled representatives, affected students, and others. Their aim is to improve the standards and capabilities of all Austrian universities and colleges, and to represent the interests of disabled students to the public."
German language,
Link checked 2025-02

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