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Disability Resources - Personal Assistance

Links in this category: 8. Newest link in this category: 2024-10-21

STIL, founders of Independent Living in Sweden (former name was Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living). The first European personal assistance user cooperative, became the model for numerous cooperatives in Sweden and abroad.
Swedish language,
Link checked 2025-02
Hounslow Association of Disabled People
In 1987 a group of disabled people came together in Hounslow and started the Hounslow Association of Disabled People and as an independent agency we rely on fundraising and donations to support our work.
United Kingdom,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today (ADAPT)
We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02
AssistantPages Home Page
AssistantPages.comis a free attendant referral service that maintains privacy while offering detailed information about care givers and jobs. The Web application is designed for U.S. residents.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
DisabilitySoft.com announces the release of Attendant Manager, a Win32 application for users of personal assistants. This software may be very helpful to many persons who use attendant care and to those who provide it.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
Dog AID (Assistance in Disability)
Dog AID (Assistance in Disability) is a nationwide U.K. charity helping people with physical disabilities to train their OWN pet dogs to be generally obedient, and in many cases, to train their pets to work as Assistance (Service) Dogs. The dogs are taught many specialised tasks to assist the disabled owner gain greater independence in their everyday life, and their trained pet can also become an advantage in breaking down social barriers; our clients have found that being accompanied by their dog encourages strangers to approach and talk to them on an equal footing, whereas previously they would have been ignored purely on the basis of being disabled.
United Kingdom,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
Family Caregiver Alliance
A nationally recognized information center on long-term caregiving and the lead agency in California's statewide system of Caregiver Resource Centers.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-02

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