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Disability Resources - Employment & Self-Employment

Links in this category: 18. Newest link in this category: 2024-10-21

Business Disability Forum
Business Disability Forum is a not-for-profit member organisation that makes it easier and more rewarding to do business with and employ disabled people.
International interest,
United Kingdom,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
The Status of Training and Employment in Asia
AbilityAsia Web site, represents the International Labour Organization (ILO)'s Disability Programme in Asia and the Pacific Region.
International interest,
English language,
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Gladnet - Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network on Employment and Training
TThe GLADNET Association was established in 1997. It is affiliated with the ILO Disability and Work Programme. The objective of the Association is to promote disability policy and programme reform with emphasis on integrated training and employment options for working age disabled persons.
International interest,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
Information on disability, rehabilitation and employment.
International interest,
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
National Institute of Disability Management and Research (Canada)
NIDMAR is committed to reducing the human, social and economic cost of disability to workers, employers and society through education, training and research.
International interest,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
Manitoba Supported Employment Network (MSEN)
A non-profit organization committed to promoting and strengthening supported employment activities in the province of Manitoba, Canada.
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
Stiftelsen Aktiva
Activa is a foundation working for increased integration of disabled people into the labour market. The foundation is non-profit making and was established in 1989. It is based in the County Council of Örebro Municipality, Sweden and is represented in each one of the twelve municipalities of the county. Stiftelsen Activa i Örebro län bildades 1989 och har som mål att stödja arbetslösa som pga funktionsnedsättning har svårt att få fäste på arbetsmarknaden.
Swedish language,
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Canadian Council on Rehabilitation
Through partnerships, innovation, advocacy and education, CCRW strives to open up the workforce and to promote and support meaningful and equitable employment of people with disabilities.
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
Remploy Ltd. is Britain's largest employer of people with disabilities.
United Kingdom,
English language,
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employment site for Job Seekers with Disabilities lives by providing a dedicated system for finding employment.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
Disabled Businesspersons Association
Assist enterprising individuals with disabilities maximize their potential in the business world, and work with vocational rehabilitation, government and business to encourage the participation and enhance the performance of the disabled in the work force, worldwide
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
Disabled Workers Co-operative
Disabled Workers Co-operative Promotes the skills and services offered by disabled workers on a searchable database. Any disabled individual, sheltered workshop, company or organisation employing a significant number of disabled people are able to register FREE on this database. The database is FREE for anyone to use.In addition we have an eJobs portal where employers can advertise their vacancies FREE.
United Kingdom,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
disABLEDperson Inc. is a 501(c)(3) 509(a)(1) non profit public charity whose mission is to help reduce the near 70% unemployment rate amongst disabled Americans.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
GLADNET - Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network on Employment and Training
To promote the mainstream employment of persons with disabilities through knowledge generation, collection and dissemination on an international level.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
RecruitABILITY: Bridging the Disability Divide
disABLEDperson Inc. is a 501(c)(3) 509(a)(1) non profit public charity whose mission is to help reduce the near 70% unemployment rate amongst disabled Americans. We accomplish this through our online recruitment application, recruitABILITY.
United States,
English language,
Link checked 2025-01
The Foundation „Normal Prospects”
The Foundation „Normal Prospects” is run by disabled students. The aim of the Foundation is to make young disabled people actively participate in the society. Our activity focuses on supporting disabled people in starting their professional career, i. e. in finding a flat and job. Disabled graduates usually do not have enough financial means to provide their personal contribution required while applying for housing credits. Therefore, the Foundation raises funds to subsidize housing loans for disabled students, provides disabled people with housing space and cooperates with the institutions granting such loans. Another aim of the Foundation is to enable disabled people to take up an occupation. This activity is aimed at, among other things, arranging for meetings of potential employers with disabled people and cooperating with other organizations, as far as occupational training of disabled people is concerned. The Foundation also provides psychological assistance for people with disabilities.
Polish language,
Link checked 2025-01

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