Logo: Independent Living Institute (To www.independentliving.org)

Independent Living Institute
The Institute serves self-help organizations of disabled people who work for equal opportunities, self-determination and self-respect. We provide information, training materials and technical assistance on personal assistance, advocacy, accessibility, legislation and peer support. We publish your articles, reports, manuals or comments and other materials related to Independent Living.
Marschen för tillgänglighet (in English: The March for Accessibility)
Lördagen den 26 maj 2012 genomfördes den tionde och sista Marschen för tillgänglighet Marschen för tillgänglighet var en organisation som syftade till att införa en svensk lagstiftning som klassar otillgänglighet som diskriminering av personer med funktionsnedsättning.
STIL, Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living
The cooperative works in the following way: Each member has his or her personal assistance needs assessed by the local government or, since 1994, by the national social insurance scheme. The need is expressed in a certain number of hours of services a week. The cooperative charges a certain price per hour of services. Each member receives an amount that covers the cost of the numbers of hours that he needs. The funds are transferred by the national insurance fund or local government to the individual?s subaccount in STIL. Thus, each member has a budget that he/she has to administer. The funds can be used for personal assistance only and have to be accounted for. The budget covers assistants'wages, their social insurance as well as STIL's administrative costs.
Study in Sweden
The Swedish Institute's resource for those who are thinking about coming to Sweden as foreign students. Contains general information on practical matters as well as application procedures, links to universities and news about research in Sweden.
The Swedish Agency for Participation
The work of the Swedish Agency for Participation is to ensure that disability policy will have an impact in all corners of society.
Certec is a division of the Department of Design Sciences at the Lund Institute of Technology, the engineering faculty of Lund University. The aim of our research and courses is to contribute to improved opportunities for people with disabilities by developing more usable technical devices, new design concepts, and new individual methods of learning and searching.
GIL Göteborgskooperativet för Independent Living
GIL är ett icke vinstdrivande kooperativ som ägs och drivs av medlemmar med funktionshinder och behov av personlig assistans.
Kooperativet HIL
Helsingborgs Independent Living är ett kooperativ för funktionshindrade som använder sig av personlig assistans. Kooperativet startade 1993. Att vara medlem i HIL betyder att få stöd och hjälp av andra i samma situation.
Stiftelsen Aktiva
Activa is a foundation working for increased integration of disabled people into the labour market. The foundation is non-profit making and was established in 1989. It is based in the County Council of Örebro Municipality, Sweden and is represented in each one of the twelve municipalities of the county. Stiftelsen Activa i Örebro län bildades 1989 och har som mål att stödja arbetslösa som pga funktionsnedsättning har svårt att få fäste på arbetsmarknaden.
STIL, founders of Independent Living in Sweden (former name was Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living). The first European personal assistance user cooperative, became the model for numerous cooperatives in Sweden and abroad.

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